The Drawing for the Shirt is Today!

SignedTshritThe drawing for the patriot shirt will be this Friday evening, January 2, 2014.

The shirt is signed by Liberty Tree Radio hosts Don Boettcher, Butterknife, Pastor Brooks Conner, JD – US Marine Fighting Tyranny, Joe From The Carolinas, Edward Koernke, Mark Koernke, Larry Lawson, Henry Shivley, and Spike Timmons.

The proceeds will go for equipment in the main Liberty Tree Radio studio, which should improve the broadcast.  So support the station and take a chance on getting a really cool t-shirt.  

It is a $10 minimum to enter, each $2 puts your name in the hat one time, and each additional $2 puts your name in the hat again.  Go to and hit the donate button.  Be sure to mention you want to be entered in the drawing.

Good luck to everyone and we appreciate the participation of our people.

One thought on “The Drawing for the Shirt is Today!

  1. I donated a big whopping $20 for the drawing. As much as I would like to have a ftt shirt, if by some strange chance I should happen to win, let’s just start the raffle over and keep the money coming in to the trenches. Thanks Henry, Swifty 🙂

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