My husband, as I have mentioned many times in posts, is in a federal prison for the crime of not filing federal tax returns. A non crime for us plebs and a requirement for those on the federal dole.
This fight went back as far as 1999, where my husband and brother in-law went to the tax authorities and begged them to show them where in the tax law were they liable to pay a tax on their labor. The bastard authorities could not come up with an answer, and 10 years later came after them with a vengeance. That included bringing me into the vengeance against the uppity “citizen” and trying to convict us all into a “conspiracy against the US government”.
To this day my brother in law is in a prison in Berlin NH, my husband, not so lucky went from Ottisville, NY satellite camp, to Brooklyn MDC shit hole, Canaan PA, shit hole to soon to be herded Ray Brook, NY shit hole.
As a “white collar criminal”, he was to be a camper, however he is in facilities as if he were a rapist or murderer. He has had ZERO communication with his family. This is the norm of the prison system. When I have the ability to visit, the visitors room is littered with the faces of Holder, Bam Bam, and all the infamous criminals. My husband DOES NOT belong there, the faces of JUSTICE need to be smeared, shamed, and brought to the gallows for the injustices they have reigned upon us!
I’m mad as hell, locked and loaded and one pissed off bitch.
You poke the bear too many times and you are going to get hurt. I know a lot of people like this, they openly poke that bear and then they wonder why they get hurt. Food for thought.
I get it Darkwing. They also understood this going in. They thought they could stand on the side of truth, and win against a corporation that has no morals. My husband is a firecracker, and they knew they couldn’t break him, so they brought me into the trial. I may be “free”, but not unscathed. I still feel proud that they stood up, because most people talk about it, but very few do anything about it.
Yes Deb, I know how your husband and brother -in-law feels. Say hi to them and to never give up. You have good reason to be a pissed off bitch, I do not blame ya one bit.
Beware a woman scorned , go get um honey
“This fight went back as far as 1999, where my husband and brother in-law went to the tax authorities and begged them to show them where in the tax law were they liable to pay a tax on their labor. The bastard authorities could not come up with an answer, and 10 years later came after them with a vengeance.”
Henry and many others here at the trenches have been saying it for over twenty years: “There is no law.” America has become of nation of sheep content to allow themselves to be enslaved while their natural resources are stolen hand over fist on a daily basis. When will it end? When American Nationals make it end!
My heart goes out to her, too. This government has gone way beyond its criminality. Meanwhile, Mr. Contempt of Congress and Fast and Furious Holder, gets a “get out of jail free card” and still gets to keep his job as Attorney General for a justice system that he knowingly and pre-meditatedly went against. An act of treason punishable by death. It’s high time we the people stand up and take out the trash in our government. This shit must end now and if it means by enforcing it with the barrel of a gun, then so be it.
Thanks NC. Imagine how infuriating it is, walking into the visiting room and seeing the faces of Mr Fast and Furious and our dear leader hanging on the wall amongst others. I makes ones stomach turn.
My heart goes out to this woman and her family and all the others that have been illegally incarcerated in the name of the Federal Reserve’s “collection agency”.
(I know this ain’t getting your loved one out of the shit hole)
A tax audit/fight can be more than 10 years, meanwhile banksters/and officials that enable them have just about run out the statue of limitation on their 2008/9 mortgage/”linda green” ~trillions~ fraud/heist. I wonder if anyone was actually killed by this fraud/heist, then perhaps it could go PAST the statue.te of limitation.s (yeah, can’t spell that word this morning)
Perhaps diggin into dirty secrets of private prisons like wackenhut and smearing them as well, but I have to say other than that I don’t know much, and I only know that cause I know what a shit hole they turned Adelanto, CA into. What could ya call it? City planning on Meth? City planning by evil spider monkies? Not that the heat/heart of that place and that beautiful/ugly yellow sand wasn’t enough, the most corrupt local government in the United States it has been said. Interesting that extremely violent indians had a fight nearby (near turner rd) (waaaay back in history)
While I have accidentally turned the second idea into a small history/ aviation logistics / lesson for you, I urge anyone reading to spread to any friends to try and keep such pressure up.
For the Rich people listening. Go drive down there. Do a Film.. It’s a BEAUTIFUL/UGLY and many films have been done down there. (I know I even have dream of a film down there — “The Hills Have Eyes ][ – The Quartsite Mt Turtle People) ; (also a couple metal video ideas) While I might not be helping the original VICTIM in the thread, they might help those in similar situation — where ever they exist.
I would like to say thank you to all that responded to my rant. I received a letter yesterday from my husband that prompted it. He told me of his conditions and what he is going through. I think I would have broken something or someone in two if I didn’t vent.
You’re a great bunch here, and I am thankful to have this place to come to. Thank you Henry and Laura and everyone here that makes this place feel like home. You are all wonderful and very much appreciated.
Happy New Year
Hey Deb, we all know who the criminals are, and it is not your hubby or brother in law. You hang in there. Stand by you man and brother in law – I think you said he is. You are cool. always good to have good, honest, and loyal people. You seem like you are good loyal, honest people Deb. I hope you had a safe and good New Years also. I realy hope you have a better 2014…………..Hey all, I am starting to fall asleep so I better call it a night. Good night all and I hope to see you all tomorrow. 😉