The Militarized U.S. Police, by the Numbers

Activist Post – by Joe Wright

Many of us know retired police officers who remember a world where it was considered a failure to draw a weapon unless under direct attack. Even if such an action was required, the result was nightmare inducing. Today’s police seem to have lost such empathy. As a consequence, police are rarely a welcome sight these days; they are being equipped and trained as if they are an occupying force (even in small towns), replete with body armor, tactical gear, and vehicles coming straight from the US military at bargain prices.  

Local police are being also being issued directives encouraging them to see members of their communities as potential domestic terrorists. The threat assessment language being used is the exact spur needed to create a feeling of impending attack and erase the lines between domestic peacekeeping and theater of war operations. Police, military, and the American people are being desensitized to this absolute perversion of American values and laws.

The U.S Congress has been instrumental in allowing this change of mindset to happen. They have long allowed the Drug War to be the excuse for minimal oversight of the actions of SWAT and the DEA, permitting daily paramilitary-style assault raids that terrorize citizens. Even standard calls soliciting help from police prompt a guns-drawn response where family and pets are routinely threatened and assaulted. Some of those stories are linked below.

The concepts of military service and public police service are worlds apart, for good reason. Today in America, we are witnessing the culmination of a decades-long trend that has introduced the language, weapons, and tactics of the overseas battlefield onto the streets of America. The Infographic below chronicles the slow but steady slide into a U.S. Police State that is now full throttle and a greater threat to U.S. citizens than the terrorists we supposedly need protection from.


An infographic by the team at

5 thoughts on “The Militarized U.S. Police, by the Numbers

  1. Ladies and gentlemen,what we have here is “a Failure to Communicate.” That’s it,the so called police we have today is nothing more than what Obama campaigned on in 2008,a civilian military just as strong,trained,and equipped as our regular armed forces.It appears he has made good on his campaign promise.It won’t be long before Law enforcement has M1 Abrams tanks,stinger missiles,Apache helicopters,hell,they may already have them,who knows.Obama needs to be arrested and led directly to a prison cell.

  2. Everyday we here of the militarized police doing illegal acts. It is time to stand up to the thugs, they are nothing more than thugs for the NWO. People need to get active in their communities and get involved with your local sheriff. Wake people up, It is getting out of control. Everywhere I go I am armed, you cannot take any chances these days.

  3. Yesterday, on the local news, the Chief of Police in the most major town
    closest to me, who is a crook and should have been fired, was making
    excuses for all the LEO’S resigning from the police force. During his
    lame speech he called the LEO’S “troops”. They are not troops; they
    are police officers. One nite on my way to work, I was pulled over for
    speeding;; I got out of my car and the “troop” pulled a gun on me. WTF

    1. they are blowing OPSEC when they called themselves “Troops” we will soon find out , that what he called them, is exactly what they are
      Militarized Police Force
      AKA we are living in a Police State

      1. That’s right. This is the “coming”. Most folks would not have noticed
        this distinction between the two. Zoom

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