The oil that makes you fat and forgetful

Personal Liberty Digest – by Bob Livingston

Diets rich in canola oil, one of the most widely consumed vegetable oils in the world due to its low cost and supposed heart health reputation, have been linked to memory problems.

Is it a coincidence that canola — real name rapeseed — is genetically modified to withstand weed killers sprayed on them as they grow, and that these weed killers are accumulating in humans and other animals and creating neurotoxicity and memory problems?   

Maybe that’s why researchers at Temple University specifically focused on the role canola oil might play in memory loss and the formation of amyloid plaques and tangles in your brain.

For the study, the team used mice who model the progression of Alzheimer’s disease in humans.

They divided the mice into two groups — feeding one group a normal diet and the other a diet supplemented with canola oil.

The mice fed canola oil drew the short straw. Not only did the canola oil group end up weighing significantly more than the control group, they also showed a worsened working memory, short-term memory and learning ability.

To top it off, the canola oil also caused the mice to develop amyloid plaques — one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease — in the brain.

You definitely should throw canola oil away, but is there an oil that is safe?


Those same Temple University researchers also decided to investigate the effects of olive oil using the same mouse model.

They found that those same mice fed a diet enriched with extra-virgin olive oil had reduced levels of those amyloid plaques that come with Alzheimer’s and even experienced memory improvement.

So, when you’re making dinner tonight, be sure to reach for the olive oil and ditch the canola if you want to stave off Alzheimer’s and keep your memory sharp.

On top of avoiding such an unhealthy oil, there are a few other things you should be doing to preserve and protect your memory.

The first is to exercise. You should be getting 30 minutes of moderately vigorous aerobic exercise three to four days per week.

Second, you need to get enough rest. It may sound too simple to work, but studies are showing that getting better sleep can help prevent Alzheimer’s and is even linked to greater amyloid clearance from the brain. In other words, enough sleep can help prevent those plaques from forming in your brain.

And third, you should feed your brain nutrients that support it. Two of the most important for that are Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ) and Phosphatidylserine (PS).

PQQ is vital because it boosts the health of the mitochondria in your cells (the ones responsible for energy) — and supports a healthy brain.

And I always recommend PS because it is one of the single best nutrients for rejuvenating your mind and memory. In fact, it’s the key building block for billions of cells in your brain. It acts like brain food.

Your best source of PQQ is found in the Peak Longevity Platinum™ supplement and I highly recommend Peak PS™ to get that important brain food you need.

Yours for the truth,
Bob Livingston
Bob Livingston
Editor, The Bob Livingston Letter™


4 thoughts on “The oil that makes you fat and forgetful

  1. But, remember that a large amount of olive oil is really canola or corn oil. There is a huge conspiracy to cover it.
    Only olive oil stiffens at refrigerator temperatures. The only way to know if you have real, un-adulterated olive oil is put the bottle in the freezer section when you first go into the store. Or, shop in the winter when the oil gets cold enough at floor level to stiffen.
    My wife purchased a bottle of store brand extra virgin olive oil. I suspected it was not so, put in the refrigerator for 2 days and all it did was have a string of hardened oil in the liquid. It is a blend, not what we paid for.

  2. “Diets rich in canola oil, one of the most widely consumed vegetable oils in the world due to its low cost and supposed heart health reputation,…”

    There you have it, right in the first sentence… SUPPOSED heart health reputation.

    And who gave it that ‘SUPPOSED heart health reputation’ to begin with? Why, the EXPERTS, of course. And THEY’RE never wrong, RIGHT? THAT’S WHY THEY’RE EXPERTS, RIGHT???

    These are the same ‘experts’ who told us eggs & butter were bad for us.

    They told us to substitute MARGARINE for that unhealthy ol’ butter.

    I’m sorry, but something that is only one molecule away from being PLASTIC… IS NOT FOOD!!!

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