The Perennial Pennsylvania Smart Meter Opt-Out Bills Pilgrimage: Will The 2019-20 Batch Be Wasted Away Like Previous Ones Were For 6-8 Years Now That Chairman Godshall Is No Longer At The Consumer Affairs Committee Helm?

Activist Post – by Catherine Frompovich

Pennsylvanians have been discriminated against BIG time insofar as they have been denied and deprived of their Constitutional rights regarding self-determination; protection of life and property; and oppressive invasion of privacy since the PA Public Utility Commission rewrote, via over-reach, HB2200, which became Act 129 (2008), making toxic RF emissions AMI Smart Meters mandatory on electric, natural gas and municipal water utilities.  

Why the discrimination?

Because Pennsylvania is one of the Neanderthal-thinking states, which has no Opt-out provision in its AMI Smart Meter law that originally was written as an OPT-IN bill, but the PA PUC screwed around with changing it into mandatory with no provisions for any exemptions, including health issues.

A short history

Realizing what had happened at the PA PUC, numerous members of the PA state legislature introduced and co-sponsored up to 6 to 8 bills correcting the PA PUC’s grave over-reach malfeasance in every legislative session since the bill’s overbearing hardships were made known by suffering consumers.

What do they suffer with?  Most experience electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) or the medical diagnosis known as IEI (Idiopathic Environmental Illness), which is increasing exponentially due to all the microwave emissions from Smart Meters and other RF-emitting high tech devices, i.e., cell phones and towers, GWEN towers, Wi-Fi and most ‘smart’ home appliances.

The OPT-OUT correction bills were sent to the House Consumer Affairs Committee, which was chaired by Robert Godshall, whose son, Grey, worked as an Exelon-PECO manager, according to his online LinkedIn profile, but removed since that fact was being made public and questioning a conflict of interest that should have made Godshall recuse himself instead of constantly legislation-session-after-legislative-session refusing to bring up the bills for a vote, since he knew they would pass in a heartbeat!

Godshall should be prosecuted for malfeasance in public office, in my and many Pennsylvanians’ opinions.

What’s happening in 2019?

Representative Mike Reese (R) from western Pennsylvania has introduced the same bills he has every other legislative session trying to get much-needed hardship and physical health trauma relief for Pennsylvanians.

Rep. Reese has introduced four bills AGAIN, sent to the PA House Consumer Affairs Committee, which has a new chairperson Brad Roae (R) [Harrisburg Phone (717) 787-2353] with Robert F. Matzie, the (D) Chair [Harrisburg Phone (717) 787-4444].

Rep. Roae is also a member of the House Health Committee, which should be investigating the adverse health effects of AMI Smart Meters and all RF-emitting high tech appliances, especially Wi-Fi in schools and the forthcoming 5G rollout.

Here are the 2019-20 Smart Meter Bills


Short Title:
An Act amending Title 66 (Public Utilities) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in restructuring of electric utility industry, further providing for duties of electric distribution companies.

Consumer Consent to Share Smart Meter Information

“Part of this mandate is the requirement that, with customer consent, power companies provide direct meter access or meter data to third parties including electric generation suppliers and providers of conservation and load management services. While it makes sense for certain third parties to have access to data necessary to ensure that consumers are billed properly for the services they receive, I am concerned about this information being shared with government agencies without prior consent.”

Current Sponsors


Short Title:
An Act amending Title 66 (Public Utilities) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in restructuring of electric utility industry, further providing for duties of electric distribution companies.

Consumer “Opt Out” of Smart Meter Usage  Historical memo on previous same bill

“Act 129 of 2008 requires electric distribution companies to develop energy efficiency and conservation plans. The Act also requires electric distribution companies to deploy smart meter technology throughout their service territories according to a 15-year depreciation schedule. Smart meter technology transmits usage data to an electric distribution company and to the consumer on an hourly basis.

“I and other legislators have been contacted by constituents that have expressed their desire to not have smart meter technology at their homes or businesses. Their concerns range from securing sensitive and personal information to the health impacts of radio frequency (RF) waves. My perspective is one that questions if a government mandate was appropriate at all.”

Current Sponsors 


Short Title:
An Act amending Title 66 (Public Utilities) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in restructuring of electric utility industry, further providing for duties of electric distribution companies.

Repeal of Smart Meter Mandate  [History of same bill before & sponsors]

“Act 129 of 2008 requires electric distribution companies to develop energy efficiency and conservation plans. The Act also requires electric distribution companies to deploy smart meter technology throughout their service territories according to a 15-year depreciation schedule. Smart meter technology transmits usage data to an electric distribution company and to the consumer on an hourly basis.

“I am of the opinion that although smart meters may be a technology that has advantages, no government body should mandate their usage. Such a mandate jeopardizes common principles of supply and demand.”

Current Sponsors:


Short Title:
An Act amending Title 66 (Public Utilities) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in restructuring of electric utility industry, further providing for duties of electric distribution companies.

Smart Meter Legislation

“Act 129 of 2008 requires electric distribution companies to develop energy efficiency and conservation plans. The Act also requires electric distribution companies to deploy smart meter technology throughout their service territories according to a 15-year depreciation schedule. Smart meter technology transmits usage data to an electric distribution company and to the consumer on an hourly basis.

“Many electricity customers throughout Pennsylvania have expressed their desire to not have smart meter technology at their homes or businesses. Their concerns range from securing sensitive and personal information to the health impacts of radio frequency (RF) waves. My perspective is one that questions if a government mandate was appropriate at all.

“This legislation addresses this matter in three ways. It would:

– remove language that requires energy companies to provide smart meters.

– provide consumers the ability to “opt-out” of having a smart meter and require the Pennsylvania Utility Commission to create a fair surcharge system that would be paid by these consumers.

– ensure that customer consent is required before an electric distribution company share customer meter data or provide meter access to a government agency.”

Current Sponsors

The above bills need to be co-sponsored by many more House members so they can get floor vote actions.

Concerned Pennsylvanians should contact their members of the PA House in Harrisburg or their home district offices to ask for co-sponsorship of the bills YOU specifically want to see made into law.

Here is the link to find your specific PA House representative in Harrisburg

Just fill in your complete address and voila the proper representative’s contact appears.

This story represents another example of how conflicted interests, i.e., lobbyists representing vested interests, can get their way with elected legislators regarding how to maneuver bills through the process or keep them from getting a floor vote.

However, this is not the first or second time the PA PUC has ruled in error.

Currently, the PA PUC is under criminal investigation by the District Attorney of Chester County regarding the Sunoco pipeline fiasco it helped create, especially when PA PUC erroneously declared Sunoco a public utility!  What?  It’s no more a public utility than you or I are!  See my article about what’s going on there with the PA PUC’s inappropriate over-reach, while the PA Attorney General seems not to want to investigate.

Pennsylvanians now have another chance with new people on deck—Godshall is gone, thank God!—and their desperations have to be made known to state legislators like never before.

Hopefully, this frustrating report will give others elsewhere, who are battling AMI Smart Meter problems, an idea of what happens when controlling interests have “lock, stock and barrel” influences that are not in the real safety issues of Pennsylvanians.

Catherine J Frompovich (website) is a retired natural nutritionist who earned advanced degrees in Nutrition and Holistic Health Sciences, Certification in Orthomolecular Theory and Practice plus Paralegal Studies. Her work has been published in national and airline magazines since the early 1980s. Catherine authored numerous books on health issues along with co-authoring papers and monographs with physicians, nurses, and holistic healthcare professionals. She has been a consumer healthcare researcher 35 years and counting.

Catherine’s latest book, published October 4, 2013, is Vaccination Voodoo, What YOU Don’t Know About Vaccines, available on

Her 2012 book A Cancer Answer, Holistic BREAST Cancer Management, A Guide to Effective & Non-Toxic Treatments, is available on and as a Kindle eBook.

Two of Catherine’s more recent books on are Our Chemical Lives And The Hijacking Of Our DNA, A Probe Into What’s Probably Making Us Sick (2009) and Lord, How Can I Make It Through Grieving My Loss, An Inspirational Guide Through the Grieving Process (2008)

Catherine’s NEW book: Eat To Beat Disease, Foods Medicinal Qualities ©2016 Catherine J Frompovich is now available.

Activist Post

One thought on “The Perennial Pennsylvania Smart Meter Opt-Out Bills Pilgrimage: Will The 2019-20 Batch Be Wasted Away Like Previous Ones Were For 6-8 Years Now That Chairman Godshall Is No Longer At The Consumer Affairs Committee Helm?

  1. We can opt out here. Just fess up forty bucks a month for a meter clown to come out and look at meter. Easy to do when you have the only gig in town (state).

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