The Road to Hell Is Paved…With Fear

fearFree-Man’s Perspective – by Paul Rosenberg

One of the cool things about the Bible is that it contains some very interesting passages that no one seems to read.

Understand, please, that I’m neither promoting a literal interpretation of the Bible nor giving you a sermon. I’m just pointing out a fascinating fact that most everyone seems to have missed, religious folks included.  

In this case, I’m referring to a passage that comes at the very end of the book, where a list is given, itemizing the kinds of people who will be condemned to “the second death.”

Who would you expect to stand at the top of the list? Murders? Idolators? Maybe adulterers?

Nope, none of those. The first people heading off to destruction are “the fearful.”

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

Not what you expected?

You can look it up if you like. That’s from Revelation 21:8 (King James Version). And I even checked the original Greek: fearful is the right translation.

Fear as a Tool of Damnation

I’m not going to get into theological engineering here, but yes, this would mean that the promoters of fear are sending people to hell.

And, considering that we live in a fear-based culture, that’s an interesting thought indeed.

Now, if you want to be truly bold, think about this: Who is it that currently promotes fear?

We know the answer, of course. The people who live on fear are the majesties of the age:politicians being chief among them but followed by the entire ‘law enforcement‘ complex,military and intelligence organizations, television news-readers, religious bosses, newspaper operators, and, increasingly, anyone who wants something and has access to the public stage.

If the Bible is correct, people who profit from fear are profiting from the destruction (nay, the damnation!) of their fellow men and women.

Religion Isn’t Necessary, of Course

The conclusion that fear is the enemy of mankind doesn’t require religion, of course. We can reach the same conclusion just by recognizing that fear (and especially the chemicals associated with fear) damage our health.

Literally, people who make you fear are making you sick. (We covered this in issue #38 of Free-Man’s Perspective)

Beyond that, it is clear that fear is the number one tool of manipulators. If you want to get large numbers of men and women to do your will, scare them. Every tyrant in history has known this and used this technique.

What To Do About It

First of all, start paying attention to your feelings and notice when things make you afraid. Stop your thinking and pay attention to the whole fear process. If you do, you can deal with most of these attacks quickly, rather than leaving an indistinct fear to roll around the back of your mind all day.

Second, start analyzing the words that convey fear to you. Are they really true? Is the response the fear merchants deliver to you really the only course of action? The hard part of doing this is that the words come too fast; by the time you’re ready to analyze one statement, another one is halfway complete. Analyzing them in writing is far easier, or getting a live speaker to slow down and go one phrase at a time.

Third, start discounting the people who consistently throw fear at you. If that’s all they have, they’re not worth paying attention to. Turn off the TV; excuse yourself from the conversation; walk away. You don’t have to take it.

Finally, start pointing out these things to other people. They may be defensive at first, but isn’t that worth facing, to clear the minds of your friends and family? Why should they suffer under the lash of fear all their lives?

Paul Rosenberg

8 thoughts on “The Road to Hell Is Paved…With Fear

  1. I don’t live in fear,i live in reality.preparing for comming events is not fear it is being realistic. If you know a storm is comming and you don’t prepare for it then that is fearful stupidity. If you do prepare for it then you are being realistically responsible. We all know there is a storm comming so the best course of action is to be realistically responsible and not live in fear over it. Those here all live in reality and not fear. A fearful enemy has lost his battle before he begins his fight. Beware uncle sam WE live not in fear of you but in disgust. You’ve lost already.

    1. Yea, I was also thinking that same thing, Redhorse. This guy makes me feel like he is trying to say, “I don’t want to hear any fear-mongering or anything about a NWO fear, so just walk away and laugh it off.”

      Redhorse is right. Those people who know what is coming live in reality, NOT fear.

      “Third, start discounting the people who consistently throw fear at you. If that’s all they have, they’re not worth paying attention to. Turn off the TV; excuse yourself from the conversation; walk away. You don’t have to take it.”

      This guy is trying to make us put our head in the sand like an ostrich and pretend it will all go away if we ignore the fear propaganda. The only way to get rid of your fear is to face your fear, not walk away. Walking away will only make the fear come back in greater numbers and intensity. Not a very good idea in my opinion.

      Let’s put it this way, I’m sure that if I just ignore a Round Rock police officer on the street after passing by him and walking away, he will just let me go without tasering me or arresting me or worse, shooting me. Think about it. Been there, done that. Doesn’t work.

      I don’t know about you, but I live in the real world.

  2. True. However, what the apostle John (and Christ of course) may have really been aiming that line about “the fearful” toward Christians who are too fearful of their supposedly fellow Christians to chastise them for their false beliefs (for instance, the rapture) and trying to get them to see why that belief is not supported by the Bible. I myself have a hard time trying to explain to Christian Zionists why their love is Israel (and Khazarian “Jews”) based on Genesis 12:3 and their hate of Palestinian Christians based on their belief that Palestinians are Edomites or whatever is borderline blasphemous. No matter. I must press on, for I was once a Christian Zionist myself.

  3. The writer of this article is way off course.
    The fear that Scripture is talking about here is not
    what the writer assumes.
    First off one needs to read Rev. 21.6-8 to bring this
    into perspective.
    The fear that Scripture is speaking of is the fear to
    reject the worlds vices and allures. One must be an
    over comer of the world. Over coming the trials and
    challenges that life throws at us. And to do this, one
    must remain faithful to Christ.
    Secondly, Scripture is speaking of those who are
    fearful and cowardly to confess Christ….for the fear
    of what their peers will say or think about them.
    Fearful and cowardly to abandon the allures and vices
    of the world…..Fearful and cowardly to take a stand for
    CHRIST. Those who are fearful and cowardly will not
    be citizens of the new heaven and earth.
    Those who reject Christ and remain in a sinful life style.
    The life styles mentioned in verse eight, they too will
    not be citizens of the new heaven and earth.
    Quite frankly, because God is a righteous and Holy God.
    And He will not nor can He allow sin to be in His presence.
    That includes unrepentant sinners.
    Now, we’re ALL sinners, that’s you and me….but what sets
    folks apart is the repentance of sin and the desire to live a
    Holy and Righteous life, as God desires us to. And with the
    presence and power of the Holy Spirit in ones life….one can
    be successful.
    As verse six mentions, thirst after the fountain of life.
    The only one who can provide this water, or
    quench that thirst is Jesus Christ.

    1. I doubt the author of this piece is saying much about the bible…
      seems he is saying.
      Using the bible as a guide, then one, and among other guides as well, upon the same level as the bible, can say, my explanation of self, can not be founded upon explanatory semblance upon which there are none….
      and being mindful that there was no christian religion when Christ lived and That Christ himself resented state authority…the so called christian church which has grown from that is now nor has ever been much of a testament to the life of Christ and His Teachings.!…Which to me represent the finest of morals I have ever come across bar none within the written line of human language.
      So the author is saying…Do Not Fear….Cause one is walking into a trap……..
      To me that’s all that is being said,

      1. I am not out to attack anyone …
        I am just pointing out the writers error.

        He starts off stating that he believes
        Scripture is not to be interpreted literally.
        If he’s not talking about Scripture, why does
        he even add it to his discussion ?
        Second, he’s stating that “Fear” is ….
        referencing Rev. 21.8 Which that verse is
        not referring to the “Fear” which he’s mentioning.
        The “Fear” which he’s mentioning is a completely
        different topic.
        He speaks of “Fear” of the government
        Rev. 21.8 speaks of fear to follow Christ.
        That’s the point that I am making, his reference
        to “Fear” is out of context.

        “Using the bible as a guide, then one, and among other guides as well, upon the same level as the bible, can say, my explanation of self, can not be founded upon explanatory semblance upon which there are none…”
        …….”What” ???????………….

        Then he says …..
        “I’m not going to get into theological engineering here, but yes, this would mean that the promoters of fear are sending people to hell.”
        The “Fear” referenced in Rev 21.8 is causing people to send themselves to Hell….
        Not the promoters of fear…….
        Just like people send themselves to Hell…not God.
        By rejecting Jesus Christ, folks cast themselves
        into Hell.
        The “Fear” mentioned in Rev. 21.8 is the fear that people encounter when they’re afraid to live
        for, or witness, or stand for Christ …
        out of peer pressure.
        To put it plainly, the writer used the wrong Scripture
        reference to make his point.

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