The Trump Card has been Played

Amerika, You have been Trumped

Definition of Trump Card

1:  a card from the suit that has been chosen as the most valuable for a particular card game
2:  something that gives someone an advantage <The prosecution’s trump card is the evidence linking the defendant to the murder weapon.> <He played/used his trump card during the negotiations>   

Years ago the American Indian, when pushed to the brink of war, were appeased with a colorful blanket, a string of beads and a cheap bottle of whiskey.

Today the American patriot is being satisfied with the gift of having to ask permission to own a fire arm for protection,  permission to build a home to keep his family warm, permission to grow food to feed his children,  permission to travel down the road and  permission to stay healthy and fit so you can take care of your loved ones.

Just last year the American men and women were on the brink of battle to restore our republic and Bill of Rights before a Trump card was thrown down on them. Just like the American Indians, the patriots and freedom loving Americans will be appeased for a while longer while the enemy builds up its forces for the final push to finish off the unexpecting sheepish Americans.

The sheep went into the voting booth a few weeks ago, to give their enemy permission to abuse their God given rights for 4 more years. I, personally, have lost most of my faith in the young American men and women to make a good choice any more, older patriots that have been in the movement for way too many years screamed not to vote in the enemy’s fake elections and you did not listen.

I am tired and getting old and in 4 years I know most dumb asses in the patriot community will fall for the enemy’s next Trump card and step right back into their voting booth once more.

Forest Gump, said ” Stupid is as stupid does ” and I know now he had more wisdom than most the sheep today.

After 30 years of prepping, teaching and training for the restoration of our freedoms I feel it’s getting too frustrating to teach the unteachable sheep that call their selves patriots.  They have made their bed so I say lay in it.

I will watch and see what y’all do with your choice of your new leader Trumpster.   Show me is my new response to all your solutions.   “”” Don’t tell me, Show Me “””


22 thoughts on “The Trump Card has been Played

  1. Trump recieved 25.5% and HC 25.6%, these #’s prove most Americans are not on board which is a great thing. More on our side!


  3. Well said and spot on, Kantucky. I couldn’t agree more.

    The occupying govt has their new recruits and their forces have grown even larger due to the laziness and stupidity of those who claim claim citizenship to the trump-nation.

    We American Nationals claim NO loyalty to a puppet installed by a zio-joo commie controlled govt masquerading as the United States of America and refuse to accept their safety, security, baubles, bread and circuses in exchange for our birthright. It is already OURS!!!!

    1. DOES IT REMIND YOU OF THE STORY OF JACOB AND ESAU???????? SINCE THE BIRTHRIGHT OF JACOB AND ESAU WAS TO BE THE MESSIAH, ESAU SOLD HIS FOR…… AHEM(THINKS OF HENRY) YOU GUESSED IT,,,,,, MAMMON……..A BITE OF “PORRIDGE”….YUCK…………..ROMANS 9’13, AND..Heb 12:16 Lest there be any fornicator, or profane person, as Esau, who for one morsel of meat sold his birthright.
      THE BIRTHRIGHT OF THE AMERICAN NATIONAL IS HIS LAND AND HIS LAW, FOR HIS GENERATIONS TILL THE LORD OF CREATION RETURN WITH A NEW ONE……..2Pe 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. ………………….
      2Pe 3:13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.

  4. This a comment thread of mine on a black listed news article linked below. This is why Trump was inserted into the presidency.

    Me: Nobody should have voted and as far as the leftists go they do not worry me much (they are absolute cannon fodder), its the “turn em in to a glass parking lot”, “I stand with Israel” crowd that we need to be concerned with. Thanks to the minority of people that voted the NWO is ready to fight another round.

    Reply by Jay: So sad to see that you haven’t recovered. It is time to recognize that NWO is done for and those promoting it should just shut down and go do something productive. Dead horse.

    Reply by Me to Jay: Are you saying Trump is not part of the NWO? I don’t need pity from a cowardly, incompetent fool incapable of recognizing whats right in front of their face and hanging on to the delusion because you worship the dollar and have no balls. Your no better then the people who supported Obama. Time will put egg all over your face, the question is if your strong enough to admit your folly.

    Reply by Jay to Me: Man you are really into the brainwashed stuff. For starters you should look at what you are saying. Educated people recognize that the failure of an argument is displayed when the person is attacked, rather than the actual argument – in your case BINGO! Your demand that I accept your assessment further degrades your post. Get a grip little fella none of this hinges on either you or me. If that the way you wanna play your piano go get ’em. Seems pretty sorrowful to me – I know you could care less. Actually the more you say the more obvious the pity is really applicable. Sheeesh!

    Reply by Me to Jay: You obviously pay attention to the alternate press, I’m not going to spoon food you articles like a baby. You have not added a single data point either, hello pot, I’m kettle. I’m more concerned with apologist low life scum like you then any other non governmental demographic, you are my ideological enemy and I offer you no quarter.

    1. I’d have said, rather than “nobody should have voted,” but the reason why.

      Your Bill of Rights has been eliminated, and the work contract known as the constitution has been violated, therefor is no longer in effect. They CAN’T be recognized or acknowledged by way of a “vote,” because they literally do not exist. Then I’d have left a link to TWFTT broadcast with time and days.

      The link you left about the Portland protesters of whom many were not from there or on the voting rolls is one I sent in, but couldn’t be posted because of copyright rules. So glad it got up at least the link.

      1. I see your point, I assumed because I was on BLNews I didn’t need to elaborate on why voting for a puppet was utter foolishness at best. Then the fact a man child started insulting me by sarcastically offering pity got me riled up. As far as the Bill of Rights goes I agree that its a banner worth uniting under from a tactical standpoint, but beyond that my heart and soul will never trust any form of government.

        1. Once people comprehend the foundational laws of our country and even if they don’t, the law is all that is required to substantiate our position, as that law governs what should be any man’s stance or argument. No politics needed. The law says what it means and means what it says, period.

          That Bill of Rights does NOT grant us the rights, which are inalienable (can NEVER BE TAKEN OR FORFEITED) they simply put those God given, born with, inherent rights on the record.

          Do you tune into the broadcasts? Henry and JD do alot of educating about the law during the broadcasts. This whole “political” confusion becomes CRYSTAL clear, when anyone says anything within this realm, if we KNOW the law, ALL can be checked from this compass to know whether it’s LAWFUL or not. Remember, LAWFUL, not LEGAL.

          1. “That Bill of Rights does NOT grant us the rights, which are inalienable (can NEVER BE TAKEN OR FORFEITED)”

            I think the word you want is UNalienable, Katie. God-given rights.

          2. Thank you #1 for correcting this shameful error. I say shameful because these words hold very different meanings.

            Great proof reading skills!

          3. Most welcome, Katie. 🙂
            Believe it or not, many (if not most) Trenchers didn’t even realize there was a difference when I first started posting here. 😉

          4. Several yrs. back I posted an article that was very definitive. This was at a time when the two words were being used on the broadcast and none of us were absolutely certain of the difference. Henry read the article and from then on the word is Unalienable. I’ll try to locate it and re-post.

        1. How can he be reached?

          Also, it’s disappointing when people REFUSE to receive and accept the truth of the law, BUT it’s still the truth. They would rather continue to stay in the herd mentality with their man on top. Doesn’t matter though, once they have had the truth about the law presented to them, THEY now become responsible to the law. I just plant seeds now, speak the truth and be done.

          I had one Trump supporter that I was conversing with on FBook, quoting the constitution and BofR’s and this goof ball came back with, “your a typical liberal making sh*t up in your mind.” This is how far removed many people are from the foundations of our nation. Borders and Law define a country.

          1. Just follow the link I provided in my initial point, I’ve already insulted this person to much to make headway.
            I’ve been accused of being liberal as well, I’m agnostic (I do believe in a creator but do not claim to understand it) and I’ve been accused of being a “Jesus Freak” because I doubt many aspects of the Theory of Evolution, so I know how you feel.

            Also I do tune in, I just tend to agree with JD when he states its “man that must uphold a document”, I have very little faith in man.

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