The Truth About the Terror Watchlist

Published on Jun 16, 2016 by NRA

Irresponsible politicians and their media friends have suggested that the NRA wants to make it easier for terrorists to obtain firearms. This isn’t just wrong, it’s infuriating. NRA members have given their lives fighting this war on terror. When it comes to national security, we take a backseat to no one. If an investigation uncovers evidence of terrorist activity or involvement, the government should be allowed to immediately go to court, block the sale and arrest the terrorist. We must also uphold due process protections that allow law-abiding Americans who are wrongly put on a watchlist to be removed. The NRA will not let President Obama and Hillary Clinton distract attention away from their repeated failure to keep us safe. They apologize for America and our way of life, and accuse you of bigotry if you call the enemy who they are—”radical Islamic terrorists.” Make no mistake—the NRA will fight without apology to protect the rights of law-abiding Americans to defend themselves. We will not back down one inch in the face of those who want to eliminate our American freedom.

4 thoughts on “The Truth About the Terror Watchlist

  1. Ten seconds in and I had to stop it before I puked.

    This lying sack of dung is supposed to be on our side? Why is he calling Orlando a “terrorist attack” when everyone who’s NOT shoveling BS is calling it a hoax?

    He’s allegedly fighting for our gun rights, but he’s still paying lip-service to the fraud that was enacted to take our guns. If he gave a rat’s rectum about the second article, he’d make a video exposing these “mass-shooting” hoaxes.

  2. “If an investigation uncovers evidence of terrorist activity or involvement, the government should be allowed to immediately go to court, block the sale and arrest the terrorist. ”

    Registration comes to mind, but the presence of a person ON the list is already considered reason to block the sale. “Terrorist involvement” is punishable under other laws.Everything going to court is to block the sale, not the justification to be on a list compiled by unknown buraucrats on unknown criteria. Anyhow. GOA is the way, the NRA can suck on earlier compromised they made as the Emmanuel Goldstein (1984) they are.

    “President Obama and Hillary Clinton distract attention away from their repeated failure to keep us safe.”

    Neither have to keep us “safe”. They swore to uphold and defend the Constitution INCLUDING the “Shall not be Infringed” part of the Second Amendment. They have to keep us Free. So we can make our own decision(s) as adults how we keep ourselves “Safe”. That might mean not entering gun free kill zones.

  3. Not off topic too much, “The Donald” just ripped Hitlery a new one with his latest speech. It was the most mud-slinging tirade I’ve heard in my life, and pledged allegiance to the gay movement by scorning those “barbarians” who put to death gay sand-niggers.

    If you missed it, it’s worth a view just for comedic value. He, step by step, goes through Hillary and Bill’s legacy. “She needs to go to prison for what she has done.” It’s better than sliced bread. I don’t think I’ve ever heard such a rant from a politician without holding anything back. But then, Hillary gave him all the ammunition.

    Clinton may be “most corrupt” politician ever.
    Clinton is “a liar”. Slams Clinton’s “Deadly foreign policy”.

    On a side bar, will someone give that bitch on CNN a goddamned sandwich or something! It’s gut-wrenching to have to look at Skeletor to hear the news.

  4. I was a “life member” until I ran for State Senator years ago. The NRA refused to back me because I ran on an independent ticket. They would only back the donkey or elephant candidates even though they gave them a rating of 35% each. My rating was 100%. I wrote and cancelled my membership.

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