The Word From the Trenches – November 12, 2020

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Archive: TWFTT 11-12-20

6 thoughts on “The Word From the Trenches – November 12, 2020

  1. Regarding chemical agents, Scopolamine would be one that could be used. There is quite a bit of literature on this drug. I found this part very interesting:

    ‘One of the most significant psychological side effects, which cults are exploiting, is not from the drug itself. This is the one significant effect I have never seen documented or described anywhere so far. As I stated in the previous section a person can be convinced of many things while on Scopolamine. After the Scopolamine wears off a person will continue to believe whatever they were convinced of while on Scopolamine. When on a low-level overdose, a person can be convinced of many simple things as long as it is not too dramatic. If a person does not have reasons to question what they came to believe or reasons to think their judgment was impaired, then they have no reason to rethink their new belief.’

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