Thinking of Dan

Bernie Taupin wrote “Daniel” while inspired by the events of the Vietnam War. The lyrics (including a verse in the original draft that was cut from the final version) describe a fictional veteran who was blinded as a result of the war (“your eyes have died”/”but you see more than I”) and travels to Spain to escape those around him back home (“do you still feel the pain”/”of the scars that won’t heal?”), including his brother, from whose point of view the story is told.

‘Daniel’ had been the most misinterpreted song that we’d ever written,” explained Taupin, in the Two Rooms tribute project. “The story was about a guy that went back to a small town in Texas, returning from the Vietnam War. They’d lauded him when he came home and treated him like a hero. But, he just wanted to go home, go back to the farm, and try to get back to the life that he’d led before. I wanted to write something that was sympathetic to the people that came home.”

19 thoughts on “Thinking of Dan

  1. Dan would be so proud of you doing this in his memory……
    thank you for doing it………….and can you imagine all his smiley faces in a row, after listening to this…..
    I used to tell him how kind of a decent heart he had……he apprepiated sp? connecting with others in an honest, manner…I always thought well of him…..thank you for posting this song…..This singer is a big favorite of mine.

  2. Aw Angel. You started me all over again. So appropriate. God bless you my dear. It’s gonna take a while to get over this.
    Love you my dear. Be strong.

  3. got a moment, listen to the take of Roy Orbison and KD Lang live on a young Jay Leno show…doing this song……you’ll be glad you did…………..t’will knock your socks off………..did for me anyway.

  4. Angel, what a beautiful and appropriate song that you chose for Dan. Although I only knew him through the comment board, he was always kind to me. He will be missed. I wish you my sincerest condolences on the passing of your friend. It’s a very sad day indeed.

  5. Angel, may I say that without the rest? Think it’s ok! am listening to these and the Pink Floyd song is marvelous………….just beautiful…..I’ll add it to my computers music collection.,..and when ever I listen…………..I will know its meaning and where it came from…………and to whom it’s memory can take me back to…………It’s important in life to remain connected, I believe, tis not a curse to do so, as some say, but a positive, plus of what was….and carry that plus into the future……..tks for this song…
    Elton John……….until now, and you put it here, I did not realize what the song was written for…and did look it up and am in gratitude that you probably sent this in for me to listen to……….Elton John is a big one for me…you too, probably!
    There are no winners in war,,,,only loosers and profits….I was drafted, young,and sent. I did. Only time I mention that on the trenches is if I think it will aid to explain a comment I might make….a reader may then, realize, they don’t have to go down the same path…..if there is such a thing as a spiritual backtrack, diggerdan is right there to your right, in spirit, with a wink in his eye and saying…..stand tall!….would I, could I, mend your broken heart, I would……I have held back the tears myself today…..just never forget the music…..he, we, all love music………that’s one of the ways I got to know his inner self………………..bye for now………….robert …… tks for the music!

  6. Angel, the Elton John song touched me deeply. Daniel no longer feels the pain. Thank you for posting this.

      1. I posted “Carry On” for Dan. He liked the song and he would want us all to carry on…to pick up his banner and continue to fight the fight for him, on his behalf.
        He left us way too soon. 😥 <3

          1. Absolutely! Thought I told #1 and Dan that it was OK to give you mine, a long time ago.

          2. Duh! I forgot about that lol. Will txt him now, hopefully taking with ya soon. Sending all all my best!

  7. One of my all time favorite instrumentation’s, and singing has now been given a whole different meaning to me. You are a true lady Angel.

  8. Don’t ask me why, but this song reminds me of Dan. Maybe because of all the sh#t the so-called ‘government’ did to him.

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