This Is Life Under Totalitarianism – Vol. II

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From Jerry Pournelle:


After spending more than a week trying to locate and read the putative presidential Executive Order on Immigration I am now sure that no such E.O. exists!

After failing to get responses from my various Congresscritters, the public library, and the New York Times….I finally put in a call to the Cato Institute where I was immediately connected to Mr. Alex Nowrasteh, the senior immigration policy analyst.  

He explained that the Obamagration reform was not being implemented or even directed by Executive Order but rather through “Executive Action”, with implementation accomplished by memoranda from Jeh Johnson, Homeland Security. Mr. Nowrasteh was kind enough to send me links to the memos implementing President Obama’s extralegal decrees.

My interpretation is that an E.O. is too transparent, to easily reversed though legislation, and too directly associable to President Obama so that an even less transparent means was used.

The links sent to me are quoted from the email sent by Mr. Nowrasteh and are quite terrifying.

“Strengthen border security

Revise removal priorities

Priorities enforcement program

Ice pay reforms

Expand Daca

Expand provisional waiver program

Revising Parole rules




Increased access to citizenship

Supporting high skilled businesses and workers

Alex Nowrasteh

Immigration Policy Analyst, Cato Institute”


3 thoughts on “This Is Life Under Totalitarianism – Vol. II

  1. “My interpretation is that an E.O. is too transparent, to easily reversed though legislation, and too directly associable to President Obama so that an even less transparent means was used.”

    But he ‘promised’…

    “Let me say it as simply as I can: transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency,”


    …guess he lied.

  2. So can someone tell me the difference between an “Executive Order” and an “Executive Action”? Is this another Communist word game?

    If an action is done from the Executive branch, someone must have told them to do it in that branch, which means that it was an “Executive Order”. Granted it’s not certified in public, but the fact that they were told or forced to do something by the Executive branch, it basically makes it an “Executive Order”, does it not or am I missing something?

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