Thousands of laptops are delivered by school bus to students as Anchorage prepares for online classes

Anchorage Daily News

School bus 105 rumbled through an East Anchorage neighborhood Wednesday morning and lurched to a stop at a street corner where third grader Sidney Riley and her mother, Kristine, stood waiting.

Sidney didn’t hop on the bus to head to school. Instead, Lloyd Palmatier, a gray-haired man wearing a black face mask and a white kerchief tied around his neck, shuffled down the steps to greet the pair.

3 thoughts on “Thousands of laptops are delivered by school bus to students as Anchorage prepares for online classes

  1. A win for home schooling

    Get these kids away from all the institutionalized brainwashing
    Hopefully some parents are taking advantage of this time to really educate their kids to the real world they live in

    Thanks for the laptop, but you can keep that too
    We will do our own research

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