Tornadoes that ripped through the south destroyed 1 million homes and businesses from Texas to the Carolinas

Daily Mail

Deadly tornadoes that ripped through the South this weekend destroyed 1 million homes and businesses from Texas to the Carolinas, as those left homeless in some cases were moved into hotels because opening shelters was too risky because of the coronavirus outbreak. 

The storms which struck on Easter Sunday left at least 31 dead and destroyed hundreds of buildings in Monroe, Louisiana, alone.

Monroe Mayor Jamie Mayo was forced to ask hotels to make rooms available for people who were left homeless by the storms when it became clear that the deadly flu-like virus, also known as COVID-19, would make it too dangerous to open emergency shelters.

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8 thoughts on “Tornadoes that ripped through the south destroyed 1 million homes and businesses from Texas to the Carolinas

  1. ‘Monroe Mayor Jamie Mayo was forced to ask hotels to make rooms available for people who were left homeless by the storms when it became clear that the deadly flu-like virus, also known as COVID-19, would make it too dangerous to open emergency shelters.’

    It won’t be a bullet that kills me, it will be IGNORANCE

    1. yup
      By the way, what happened to all the people left homeless by the (DEW) fires in California?

      1. Absolutely agreed. Weapons have many purposes outside of just the physical realm, they have a great psychological impact as well. Our minds can be used as a weapon for or against US and that’s why defeatism is such an enemy.

  2. Definitely another use of a weather weapon. The timing is too perfect. They will pull out all the stops & use everything at their disposal from here on in. The gloves are off. Time we all do the same before it’s too late. This is WAR! It always has been with these creatures! Act now & aim for the top this time!

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