Trencher Alert

We will be out of wi-fi range for the next few days. There will be no broadcast of The Word From the Trenches.

The articles being posted will be sporadic at best.  Please feel free to leave articles you want posted for discussion in the comment section below.

88 thoughts on “Trencher Alert

    1. And 100% made in the USA too. How embarrassing as well as pathetic. Which Americans are using this “scam to tyrannize the planet” to profit?

    1. I am not jealous of her “big ti*s” and her “ashkeNAZI IQ”, I am jealous of her pre-nosejob nose. That thing was a weapon of mass-suffocation of any room she entered. If I heard one thing I didn’t like all it would take is one deep inhalation through that oxygen stealing hose and EVERYONE is done for! Ick!

      1. How well I remember. And The Kamala recently had some reconstruction done as well. Gotta look good for the camera, you know. Too bad the camera will always give a glimpse of the soul, and with either of these, the soul looks like a Freedom-stealer.


          1. I have to wait to get to a pc for that but I promise you I will! Perhaps vapid is the word I am looking for?

  1. “We will be out of wi-fi range for the next few days.”
    I had no idea that such oases still existed! Watch your six and have a good time.

    1. If you turn off all your network gizmoz, you are effectively out of wifi range. Hope you/henry, laura have some good n peaceful relaxation. Thanks for all you do. I know the sacrifice and endurance that is required to fight the dirty church.

    1. I read the transcript before I saw the video. WOW
      His holding himself tight like that is serious, very serious bout of self-control. Even his voice and the rhythm of his speech belied his straining to not dispatch the lot of them.
      This video is far more indicative of the gravity of his words, than the words alone.
      Powerfully inspirational, I hope.

  2. Religion doing its part:

    “We call on all Christians to follow the advice of public health experts and support scientists doing crucial biomedical research on COVID-19.”

    “The signers affirm that they uphold the authority of God’s Word and see science as a tool to understand God’s world.”

    “Mask rules are not experts taking away our freedom, but an opportunity to follow Jesus’ command to love our neighbors as ourselves.”


    2,700 evangelicals warn against politicizing coronavirus, urge Christians to take vaccine:


    1. “2,700 evangelicals warn against politicizing coronavirus, urge Christians to take vaccine”

      “They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.” 1 John 2:19

      1. Another 100 evangelicals and you’d have enough to serve ONE GOOD JOO as slaves. My question is, if it’s a good joo how, can it enjoy that?

      2. That’s quite a quote, Sunfire. Talk about separating the wheat from the chaff. These time are sure showin’ the true colors of everyone.


    2. Well of course! Revelation (chapters Two, Three, Twelve, Thirteen….) cite the notion that many so-called “Christians” will accept the “mark of the beast” or turn against Christ…and then we have 2 Thessalonians chapter Two…the “falling away” part…. but I guess they think before all this happens they’ll be “raptured”….. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!

      2,700 evangelicals, eh? I wonder which megachurch preachers they hang out with? the same megachurch preachers that impose satanic symbolism in their churches and “praise and worship music”? the same preachers that maybe wear masks because their “flocks” don’t realize masks are occultic? And what “science” are they talking about, when true scientists have proven masks do not keep one from getting sick and have proven prolonged mask wearing makes one sicker? And how does one “love one’s neighbor as ourselves” when one bullies the neighbor for not wearing a mask or hides their facial expressions and body language? Because body language and facial expressions expose the lies of the speaker and actor. Heck even nuns don’t have to hide their faces! (Just their hair, another false interpretation of an epistle of Paul about “head coverings”, but anyway….)

      1. Agreed 100%, Galen. The term also implies that it is generally good on the surface. THAT is what couldn’t be further from reality!

    1. So they’re proposing a series of clicks, pops and grunts as a “new” form of communication?

      No, thanks. I am not interested in devolving 10,000 years.

      1. Ebonics, likely (and is the “click” thing an insult to Kalahari Bushmen? These folks are more civilized than anyone could imagine.) Just saying…. Bwahahahah! (And I’ve tried speaking with clicks, a la Miriam Makeba, her Pata Pata song, and she’s Xhosa from South Africa, and they also speak with clicks. I’d be shocked if a BLMer had the brains to speak with clicks!)

  3. Away from wi-fi, Henry? The past few days either the internet didn’t work here or we were visiting relatives staying at another house from east Texas…son, daughter-in-law and grandson. Good to get away from wi-fi every now and then. Blessings!

  4. Headline of CNN’s top story right now —> Covid-19 cases tied to the Sturgis motorcycle rally in South Dakota

    My headline: Antifa/BLM: PERPETUALLY BLAMELESS


  5. British Columbia gone mad:

    “These orders will help us put a stop to the selfish acts of a small minority of British Columbians, who are threatening to erode the progress our province has made in controlling COVID-19.”

    They’re also taking names, and fining up to $10,000. And look who assist the police!!

    “In addition to enabling action from police, the Province is enlisting compliance and enforcement staff from provincial ministries to support enforcement and help issue tickets for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes liquor, cannabis and gaming inspectors, community safety unit inspectors and conservation officers.”

    Ha! “Compliance Officers and Enforcement Staff.” Why don’t they jus’ call ’em rats?!!

    Article: Province introduces new measures to enforce COVID-19 public safety:


  6. They’re burning CA- Deborah Tavares’ house under fire, same with aplanetruth Jamie. Mike Morales showed them divert a huge low pressure away from west coast.
    All summer there’s been wind every day, which is unusual. Then dry lightning storms. My nose dries and burns in conjunction with storm approaches.
    So, did THEY use lasers, etc.? Likely no, they just continually stimulate with micro pulses. They just create continual dry lightning storms with little precip. and lots of lightning. They could easily bring in precip but don’t.
    They killing the 4 legged, oh god!!! F these demons.
    You could see the pulse waves in the clouds from spraying that started in conjunction with the fires.
    The DA-sshole in Plumas County TELLING us the word says if mandatory evac., we be given middemeanor for refuse. Tells that neighborhoods will be “guarded” by “ready” law enforcement. Sounds like Paradise experience.
    IMO, they are being way too premature ordering people to evacuate, and it fits the plan to put evacuees together so they tested, then traced, because “someone” was positive. Plus, what happens when a deserted neighborhood is “protected” by authorities? We don’t have manpower to put people “guarding” neighborhoods, so personnel is prolly anyone’s guess.
    I’m surrounded by fires but still ok, but I told a Forest Service FF a month ago this is going to be a bad year.
    I put bet on Nevada City to get it from the ops, very historic area.

    1. So infuriating!!! This is nothing short of attempted murder.
      Deborah and Jamie have been exposing their evil agenda for years.
      Evacuate the homes then those ‘protecting’ the area rob the people blind then let the house burn. That is my opinion.

      My thoughts are with you Bob. Sadly this is just the beginning of their ‘rain’ of terror on us.

      1. Thanks Mary! I downloaded that DT vid, love Deb.
        I watched HT and the GDL boys on, they are doing a name the nose tour in San Diego and LA. Nice people who actually make me laugh in between getting ready to flee fires and lose everything, gotta stay positive. Super cool black poeple they dialogued with right in LA give hope. F race wars by Talmudics.

    2. Yeah Bob, like Mary said, thoughts are with you; stay safe. Demonry is Trickery and we never know where they’ll strike next. I have family in Sonoma County who have been evacuated, with their two cats and two dogs. Thankfully they have friends who took them in. More relatives in Napa County, slowly getting surrounded by advancing fires. On watch, for sure. Seems that today, communism grows more ruthless, more determined. They have to hit harder since they know many of the people are wise to their game. And I’m thinking of Henry and family a bit further north. Wondering if they are being smoked out by the Cali fires. Hope that well-needed rest is not being sabotaged.


      1. I pray your relatives who evaced don’t lose their home and get back soon, but now 3 more days of dry lightning. They are lucky to have a place to go. I won’t go to shelters and get tested for novid while giving my DNA, pretty worried honestly, like y’all, we “feel” things for the future, and I’ve got a bad “feeling”.

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