Trencher Alert: A Letter from JD and Henry’s Response

Dear Henry & Laura,

Hope all is well for you and all your loved ones.

Perhaps you would be kind enough to post this on the website, Monday, May 8, 2017 just before show time.

To All The Trenchers And Patriots Out There: 

Date/Time Of Writing This: Sunday Night – May 7, 2017 @ 10:15 pm EST

Allow me to apologize for the abrupt departure from the show and site.

Only tonight (May 7, 2017 @ 10:15pm), did I finally even get a chance to read the many wonderful comments left on Monday’s (5/1/17) Broadcast comments section. (I have not heard any of the shows since Friday – April 21st show)

So many great words and sentiments expressed, it almost breaks my heart to read them!

I also wanted to thank Andrew Midkiff who called left a personal message, and well as John in Ewing (NJ), and left a couple of messages regarding my absence from the show, and like the comments, I only heard the voice mails tonight. Again,… warm and heart felt messages, and deeply appreciated.

As for my sentiment, that perhaps listeners did not have any real regard for my presence,… I stand corrected!,… and humbly so,.. thank you all.

As many of you know, we had a show where a guest was brought on, at my request, and the interview went south very quickly.

There are several reasons why I was deeply offended by this, as it was not due to my manner or format, and was expressly in contrast to what I had specifically addressed to avoid before the interview had started.

As it stands,… I could not care if Mr. Hendrickson is the biggest communist this world had ever produced, or the biggest Patriot this country has ever seen,… my objective was singular, and crystal clear,… if he knew a way for our listeners to get back their hard earned cash from this occupation gov’t,… without having a SWAT team show up at their door a month later,…. GREAT!,… as for other issues,… those should have been deferred until another show, at the invitation of anyone who wanted to bring Mr. Hendrickson up to discuss his notional value of gov’t, law, The Bill Of Rights,… or the creation of universe for all I cared, but as my guest, I was the custodian of the interview, and that was usurped against my expressed wishes.

Ok,… so,.. big deal.

Well,… in and of itself, it was not a huge slight,… but coupled with other factors related to the operational side of the show,… plus some personal considerations that fall well outside the purviews of the show or website,… it just pushed me to a snapping point.

As it is,…. I have been working extensively for the last week and half, to the point I have not gotten done until almost midnight on some occasions,… hence my delay in listening to phone messages or reading comments on the radio show from 5/1/17 (Mon) or 5/2/17 (Tues), until tonight.

Tonight (5/7/17 Sunday @ 10:15pm EST), I just went to the website (From The Trenches),… and saw my namesake picture with JD under it, is already gone!

This was NOT done at my request, or knowledge, so I can only guess the decision has been made to remove my presence from website without any further consideration of any measure, or any due benefit of the doubt,.. ok.

Combat,… is easy compared to the what I do on this show, which is finding the truth about what is really going on in this country. In combat, your objectives are clear,.. move forward!, destroy!, and kill all in your way! On the radio show,… its endless hours of discovering little fragments of truth, and then to my horror, learning what it really means.

Here, in our own country, the enemy is sly, secretive, manipulative, and sometimes,… operates right out in the open as legitimate agency of the American people,… all the while,… making deals for our very destruction.

This knowledge is weighty, and the magnitude of that truth does effect me to a great depth sometimes, couple that with some horrors that have been savaged upon me and my family, the consequences of which I still deal with on a daily basis,… and even the toughest US Marine in the end,.. is only made of flesh and bone, and will feel the overwhelming effects of those combined stresses sometimes.

The interview of 4/21/17,… was just the straw that broke the camels back, and induced me to fall back,… and just take some needed space.

It is a tough job to do, to show up every day,… and describe the conditions of a dying country as it gets a little worse each day,… no rational mind can sustain that indefinitely without a negative consequence at some point. Couple that with my personal experiences and the grave nature of those acts,… and you can see how someone might need a sudden break.

John in Ewing had called and left a heartfelt message, and at one point made the comment, “JD,… you have no idea how many people listen to you…”,… your right John,.. I have no idea. Sometimes I wonder if I am just speaking into a microphone, and the only ones listening are the FBI, TSA, NSA, CIA, and such,… you know, all the people who are in fact enemies of this country. Sometimes I wonder if I am making any difference at all, sometimes I wonder why am I even trying any more when I cannot see one measurable difference for my efforts, and all though that may sound a little like self doubt,… they are the kinds of thoughts that do cross my mind on occasion, and rightfully so. With little in the way of feed back, how does one measure the results of one’s efforts honestly?

Anyway,.. I see I have rambled on here a little longer than I intended to do, so I will close by mentioning the Un-Requested removal from the website of my presence (picture), which can only be viewed as an, “Official Termination Notice”. I guess in the final equation,… 5+ years of complete loyalty without taking a penny for all my work and efforts, wasn’t worth 2 weeks of patience.

Ok,… sadly,…. Termination Notice Acknowledged.

I do thank Henry & Laura for all they have done, and for Henry for teaching me all I now know about broadcasting. I thank all the loyal listeners of this show, and those who extended any & all courtesies to me personally, as some have been very generous in their time &/or considerations.

Yours Truly,

JD – US Marine Fighting Tyranny

Henry’s Response

(Sent to JD via email this morning at 5:42 am Pacific Time.  The letters have been posted as there have been no replies from JD at the time of this posting.)

Dear JD,

I will post your letter but it will be followed by this point on point response.

You start out your letter with an apology for your abrupt departure from the show and site, followed by a statement saying you had only now gotten a chance read the comments on the site and that you had listened to none of the broadcasts.  I would have to assume that whatever endeavor you were engaged in, the site and broadcast were insignificant in comparison, but we will let this statement lie for the moment.

Then you go on to lay out a list of thank you’s to those who left you messages and comments, verifying the care and appreciation of those who listen, excluding Henry Shivley, but then you said you didn’t listen to the broadcast, so I guess you got that one covered, though it was Henry Shivley who has addressed this issue with you in the past.  And all this you have given thanks for, only affirms what I have told you, as your friend and brother who wouldn’t lie to you.

Then you go into the true reason for your departure, the interview.

As it stands,… I could not care if Mr. Hendrickson is the biggest communist this world had ever produced, or the biggest Patriot this country has ever seen,… my objective was singular, and crystal clear,… if he knew a way for our listeners to get back their hard earned cash from this occupation gov’t,… without having a SWAT team show up at their door a month later,…. GREAT!,… as for other issues,… those should have been deferred until another show, at the invitation of anyone who wanted to bring Mr. Hendrickson up to discuss his notional value of gov’t, law, The Bill Of Rights,… or the creation of universe for all I cared, but as my guest, I was the custodian of the interview, and that was usurped against my expressed wishes.

This past week we covered what is being described as the torture of Ammon Bundy at the hands of the occupation and I tell you, I have suffered worse torture at the hands of the occupation, only difference is I was not fighting for my ranch or my fortune and precious metals and minerals.  I didn’t have to be in their courts, I was there to defend other people’s rights, who did not know how to do it themselves.

You say you don’t care “if Mr. Hendrickson is the biggest communist this world had ever produced, or the biggest Patriot this country has ever seen”.  I do.  You say if the mother f#@ker would consent to an interview with me apart from you, then I could address the enemy propaganda you would have allowed on our program uncontested.

You say I have taught you a lot about broadcasting.  Like say for instance, not worrying about what people think about what you are saying, I think I have told you on more than one occasion that you do not let anyone take control of your program, and this Mr. Hendrickson did, unchecked by you, leaving me no choice but to intervene, as that is what our people would expect from ME!

Whether you realize it or not, Pete Hendrickson was driving your interview from the get go.  And yes, I went to school for this shit and I got an A in interviews, as I listened to the lectures and instructions and I know when someone is taking over an interview.  He was driving the direction and you were letting him and it will be a cold day in hell when my enemy comes on to a broadcast I control to do his or her dirty deeds.

Like I said, by what everybody is claiming today, I have endured torture and permanent damage to my body in defiance to the enemy.  I think this earns me the f#@king right not to have to tolerate their presence in my home here in the Trenches.

I realize now you must have harbored resentments against me because I didn’t change the opener for the program and I don’t even know what else. Have you noticed anything new that I have recorded for the program in the last two years?  Because there isn’t any, because in running this huge site, just me and Laura, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, when I find a couple of hours, I sleep or go fishing to try to keep the pressure from killing me.

You spoke of your years of service here and the fact that to want to escape it for a couple of weeks is not unreasonable.  And surely it is not as I would confirm, but how much longer have I been going at it without rest.

Bottom line, you know if it was just time you needed all you had to do was say it and my response would be what it has always been, “I’ve got you covered, brother.”

Your letter will not wash with our people, JD.  They will see right through it, because every one of them knows that all you ever had to do was pick up the phone.

I used to think I knew what you thought of me, but now I wonder.  Last week I was thinking that if you could have come out here that we could have just hung out for a week and you could have gotten to know me, person to person, and saw how I live, that you would have seen that I am honest, that I put up no false fronts, and that I would never play any games with you, like you have attempted to play with me here.

But I have to be completely honest with you.  The word I have been biting my tongue and holding back on is chickenshit, pure chickenshit.  You f#@king insult me, bringing a c@ksucker like Pete Hendrickson into the same room with me.  And having talked to him before coming on air, your intelligence dictates you knew exactly what the mother f#@ker was.

Time for the bottom line, brother.  You owe me an apology and a promise that you will never treat me chickenshit again.  I know you thought this would hurt me, that you would teach me a lesson.  What you do not understand is that I’ve had the knife in my back so many f#@king times, I can’t even count the blades any more.

You thought you were going to throw it all back in my lap and make me even more miserable dealing with it than I already am, just getting through this miserable existence.  The fact is I was fighting this fight alone long before you even realized there was a fight.  I have fought, had my bones broken, had my blood spilled, fighting for your f#@king rights, while you stood ignorant living your life, and what I have received in return is zero f#@king respect and resentment.

Every word you have expressed should have been to me first, but you think you can set me aside like a disinterested third party, well, like I’m nobody.

There, now I’ve spoke my mind and I’m not going to explain myself any further to you.  Either you call me, apologize, and let me know that you are going to be up on the broadcast today, or I will close this matter permanently and put it behind me with all the rest of the betrayals.

Your indignant friend and brother in arms,

Henry Shivley

64 thoughts on “Trencher Alert: A Letter from JD and Henry’s Response

  1. Wow….I thought there would have been some comments by now. Looks like I missed a good one. Now to try and figure out what happened

    1. Just kind of stunned Wind. The first thought I had while reading this was how much glee the commies must get out of this division.

  2. Once someone has shown me they can’t be trusted to hold the line I’m done with them. How JD went about this is set in stone, I would not want anyone in my camp lacking the balls to express their concerns to me directly in a timely fashion. I simply will never trust or fully respect JD again, his presence on air will not be appreciated by me, you may not like me saying this but at least I’m being honest.

  3. Hi Henry
    First just let me say I appreciate all you do, I know you work hard. It is your show and you call all the shots, it should be no other way, after all you created it. I can’t help believing we need JD on this show though. JDs letter was very heartfelt and I believe he was reaching out to you. But demanding an apology in my humble opinion went too far. It’s just too bad something like this should divide us. Why don’t we just shake hands and forget the whole thing? We need each other.

    1. If JD wanted to reach out to me all he had to do was pick up the phone. And I wasn’t asking for an apology, I was demanding one. I’m nobody’s f#@king boy and if somebody goes this far out of their way to offend me and treat me with disrespect, well let’s just put it like this. I thought a whole lot of JD. I thought of him like a brother, and with anybody else an apology wouldn’t have done it.

  4. Henry’s right, I enjoyed Henry tearing that guy apart because he could never answer the base question of all IRS questioning: Where in the constitution or bill of rights do you have the right to tax us and where does it say it all belongs to the fed?

    JD made his choice of his own free will, a loss to be sure, but the die is cast.

  5. Just back from visiting my daughter overseas, first time back on the Trenches, it is real sad for me to see JD leaving, especially over that Tax lover, government worshipper, Pete H….
    I guess I kinda knew it ….Henry stands strong and I believe handles that maggot just as he should of been handled…

  6. It’s too bad that things went south like they did. I’m in total agreement with Henry. J.D., you f*cked up and to be honest, I’m not gonna miss you. Henry Shivley is the only real man in this argument.

  7. I think this experience ‘tween JD and Henry is symptomatic of the times, the heightened tensions, the uneasyness about whom to trust, the torturous reaching for real and honest communication – beyond biting one’s tongue, beyond not wanting to offend; honesty is the bar set very high, and Henry, I see you reached it, comin’ clean and all about your real feelings. There is now opportunity here for JD to return the volley and apologize and then head can be held high and both can continue rescuing civilization. Ha! Just my take, but I’d sure love to see everyone move past this. I’m still relatively new here, and don’t hear much of the broadcast, but the articles and comments really attend to my mind, soul, and heart, and I know that so much of that has sprung from THE A TEAM, Henry and JD. Hard to imagine Holmes without Watson. Just my two cents but I’m rootin’ for reconciliation. Hard as these things are to get through, if handled properly and with intention for future conflicts to be openly addressed, they can bring growth and, dare I say, a win/win outcome. Almost forty years of marriage has taught me this. Blessings to THE A TEAM!!


  8. Sorry this all happened but at some point, I knew it would. When I realized Hendrickson was selling a load of crap some Trenchers on here were pissed off and let me know it. Fine, they can say what they want. (folks, over the years and having been put in jail for no reason other than defending my right to travel and NOT being able to nurse my 8-month old daughter besides, I have developed VERY THICK SKIN when it comes to criticism, even those who say I am wrong when I say God is in control–and that does not mean just roll over and play dead and given in to psychopaths, either! that does not mean surrender your rights! It means that you are fighting evil, resisting evil and overcoming evil WHICH IS WHAT GOD WANTS ONE TO DO! It also means BE CAREFUL ABOUT WHO LEADS YOU!!! (You know, Rick McLaren types!) Don’t just go out and “resist” for the sake of resisting and then getting screwed by a McLaren type!

    I agree with you, Henry, but I do hope JD aplogizes and you guys get back on the same page. But yes, I fully expected something like this to happen what with that Pete phony patriot–and really folks, if you have never truly stood up to evil like I have, like Ammon Bundy and his fellows, like Henry and I imagine others on here, then you have to investigate what folks like Pete Hendrickson have sold you!

    And if anyone one here is still pissed off at me, too bad, because I am not backing down here. And yes, God really is in control. Get over it.

  9. 5 dam good solid years of truth telling…up in smoke!! Actually way more when you figure in their combined experience….Plus the combined truth of all us listeners? G Dammit as Henry would say…(Please use less g damms please thank you at least try my dad listens to you guys and he is bed bound. ) Some total scumbag is cheering all this on.

  10. Look at the bright side.
    We all get an extra hour back in our lives.
    Even JD.
    Use your time wisely.

  11. Enjoyed the tactical report and all the learning with it. JD is a dynamic individual for sure. Learned a lot, even though im not so much a daily listener anymore(work). Started out that way though, since the beginning. Thanks for your work JD.

  12. Since we’re all being honest here (as always), I never cared for JD’s portion of the show, BUT… I never let on as much, either, I kept it to myself. I would listen to the 1st hour, then head home for lunch. I was listening to Henry solo back when he was only on 3 days a week. In fact, I’m the one who TOLD JD (on the phone) about his show, he didn’t even know Henry had one at the time.
    Henry is one-of-a-kind in the broadcast world. I know of no one else putting 100% of the truth (ESPECIALLY THE STINKING jEW ISSUE!) out there right now. He expresses the constant high level of outrage that I feel daily. He doesn’t do it for mammon, or for accolades, he does it because it NEEDS doing, and apparently no one else is willing to risk their necks to say what needs to be said. Better to acquiesce to tyranny, right?
    I found FTT 5 years ago this month, and I honestly believe I was meant to.

    1. For the record:
      I thought JD did an excellent job. He taught me a lot and I genuinely enjoyed listening to him talk.

      1. Of that I have no doubt, Henry. That’s exactly WHY I kept it to myself… for your sake , and the sake of the broadcast.
        I can’t help how I feel/felt about it personally, and now that it looks like he won’t be coming back, I’m not going to lie about it either. I have a reputation for being brutally honest… I’ve won no popularity contests because of it, and I’ve lost all of my still-in-the-Matrix friends (except one) due to it. I’ve even lost Trencher friends, as well.
        I can’t change who I am… nor do I desire to.

        Hell, it took me 64 damn years to get this ornery! 🙄

        1. You never lost Me, #1. 😉 😀
          I kept my mouth shut also (for the same reasons). I figured that I’d sit back…watch…listen…learn… the truth would reveal itself eventually… Unfortunately, I was Not surprised by what happened. I am not happy that my first impressions, gut feelings, and intuitions turned out to be correct. I’ll say no more.

          1. I know, Angel. 🙂
            The ones I was referring to were those that got the hell out of the kitchen when it got too hot. This is no place for the thin-skinned, and I wouldn’t like it here half as much if it were. The truth can be brutal, which is why most prefer the lie.
            That is totally unacceptable to me.

        2. Hey, I’m still here, buddy. Remember when it was me, you, Diggerdan and Angel back in the day, listening and commenting on Henry’s site? I haven’t left. This is still the place for REAL truth and info. regardless of what anyone says.

          Henry, keep up the fight, brother!

          1. How could I forget, NC! There were some seriously heated ‘discussions’ going on back in the Digger days!!! 😯
            Other than you & Angel, (now that JD is gone) the only posters left from those days is Sunfire & Millard.


        3. Hey #1 Haven’t been here as long as Angel, and NC but you never lost me either. Carry on brother. 🙂

          1. Yes, but you’ve been a solid contributor for the time you have been here, Paul.
            That’s all anyone can reasonably expect from a true Trencher. 🙂

  13. Here is how I feel having not looked either in the eye (which is important too me, and hope it happens):
    Henry and JD are an ASS KICKING combo!
    JD is a hell of a researcher! I have much respect for his work!
    JD also has a big ego (easy to see)……Work on it son!
    Henry is a man after my own heart I think.
    If I believe that I am in the right.
    I will fight tooth and nail until all that’s left is the middle finger that aint crushed into the dirt!
    That is how I feel, like it or not…..

  14. We are all in the Trench for one reason or another. If someone does not want to be here anymore, no matter what the reason, let em go. We are in a battle for a better country. With that said, carry on Brothers and Sisters, carry on…

  15. Whether someone is right or wrong here, my GUT FEELING is that Pete Hendrickson was perhaps successful in what he set out to do;

    Divide and Conquer?

    1. I respectfully disagree sir. I don’t see division on this site. And I definitely don’t see where we have been conquered.

        1. Listen to the April 21st show again.
          Pete Hendrickson and his Handler/Manager did not even know who Henry was. You give them too much credit to think that their agenda was to divide and conquer. They had no clue. They thought JD was in charge and they were simply trying to dismiss a “nobody” commenter from distracting from their line of BS. I won’t go into what I think about JD leaving Henry high and dry then tucking tail and running away. JD was “outed”, he “lost face”… Ego got in his way. He did Not have Henry’s back (or even the backbone to respond to his phone calls and emails).
          Better to find out in a minor bar fight then when it is a matter of life and death.

  16. Hey JD,
    Sometimes when there’s a lot of what appears to be sheit on your plate, (and ya don’t much feel like eating anymore sheit) you have to get away from the table, on your way, you miss seeing all the other plates with good things on them, because “all” was the plate in front of you.
    Once away from the table and getting some fresh air, you walk in feeling bad you cussed out the person that made it for you, and go wow! I didn’t even see those other plates!
    The pup is happily eating the (Yummy puppy food) sheit that was put in front of you to give to the pup. (Now feeling even worse)
    My point is, sometimes we have a lot of sheit to deal with, and we get so focused on the sheit!….we don’t see the other good things.

    The Powers That think they Be, must be happy as he!l……divide on here?!, (No wonder it’s so easy with those not awake)….well…..If you are even reading this. Thank you for the work you’ve done.
    P.S. Henry didn’t take your picture down until the next week when you implied you wouldn’t be back.

  17. I hafta thank Henry for the expose’. I was all over getting Hendrickson’s book, just waiting on something…
    Turns out it was the show, to which I had never previously listened, where Henry comes in and re-takes the show. My impression was that JD was some sort of third party, Devil’s Advocate type. I did not know he was an every day part of the production. Henry has every right to halt an interview that goes off the rails. Sad that two friends have split, but as adults they have the capacity to reconcile, if they wanna. Or not

  18. I’m remaining nuetral on this one. You both bring a flavor to the broadcast that make the trenches smell good. Hope you guys work it out.

  19. I don’t really understand what happened here, since I haven’t had time to listen to the broadcast(s) and don’t know the details of what was said or done “behind the scenes,” etc. So, for what it’s worth, I can’t take a side in this.

    I would, however, like to lend a friendly, impartial reminder to all concerned that actions and words can be misinterpreted. We’re all human, and each of us is fallible. Is it POSSIBLE that either or both parties here has misunderstood the intentions of the other? I think the question is at least worth asking, even if the answer happens to be a definite “no.”

    It will be unfortunate if reconciliation is not possible. But if that’s the case, then I hope everyone will put this drama in the past and continue onward, albeit independently, toward our common goal. We in the movement to restore liberty cannot afford schisms. We simply don’t have the luxury of spending time and energy against one another when the enemies of liberty are so powerful and organized. Just my $0.02, not trying to “lecture” anyone…

  20. Wrapped up total bullshit (WUTB)
    Good luck JD God bless….Don’t let the efin’ door hit you on your way out…Dam right its Henry’s always has been…Will you be missed? Of f#@king course you will but men must go on with or without you…bye brother
    Henry pisses me off big time sometimes…REALLY fng ticked when he got in Mark n Joe’s face…So f#@king hard to hear it was…
    But dammit JD he stood his ground did he not? It always comes back to this bill of rights..,as it should…SO WHATEVER IS EFIN YOU GET FING OVER IT NOW…Please respect…5 years makes a family…Go for 10 you be married…
    I read or see nothing that our brother in arms should not come back to….Henry is your friend you gotta be really f#@ked up in the head to think otherwise…

    1. The Trenches belong to those that occupy it, I’m just another fella. But if the enemy shows his face here and the Trenchers stand by and allow it, then Henry would be gone. It is about absolutism and a refusal to compromise, as it is the compromise that has brought us to these dark days we walk through.

      1. Thats why I like you Henry, you hold the line no matter who waivers, your willing to call out anyone on their BS, I have much respect for your consistent message and your lack of hidden agendas (I’m yet to catch a wiff of one, I’m pretty good at sniffing out BS as most of the Trenchers are).

  21. Wish Digger was still around he would have a funny comment to break all this tension and get everyone back on point. Wish I would have taken more time to get to know him….didn’t know his background until he passed which I am very interested in. Everyone should know Henry is not to be messed with and after all he is the reason for this site. If you turn your back on him you will get a rude awakening. For all we know JD could have been a transplant sent to us to gather intelligence or ruin the site. In either case he is gone….abandoned his post just like bergdahl! We don’t need that toxic waste around

    1. I love you guys, but I don’t care to hear anyone slander JD unless or until he is present and aware and able to answer for himself.
      That ol’ Bill of Rights thing again, innocent until proven guilty, not presumed guilty via circumstance.
      Might be his pride he is struggling with. Only JD knows.

    2. Wind Talker, I was @ Diggerdan’s when he introduced me to the “Trenches.” I’ve been hooked ever since.

      Insofar as the J.D. debacle, I have never enjoyed being in the presence of “flat top” butch haircut ex-military arseholes. J.D. fits that bill and I wouldn’t even be comfortable having a beer with him. I never fully trusted J.D. being an ex-marine. I never have trusted people who think they know everything and know what’s best for you!

      Bridges are burning, there may be nothing left for any chance of reconciliation. Thank you for your service J.D., don’t let the door hit you in the arse on the way out!

      1. Diggerdan and Johnny Cash are the only people I never met that passed and I shed a tear over, Millard. I put trust in the Trenches because I heard JD speak but I keep trust in the Trenches because of Henry. His backup rock, Laura, must be an indispensable ally in this unrelenting war and he deserves such a good gal. God bless them both and I can’t say how much truth has been brought to me by being able to resource all of this they’ve done. I’ll focus on the now of this and not what was. Btw my t-shirt I got several years ago was postmarked by you and want to say thank you, as well. Puts a smile on my face to attach a name to a thought put on the intertron. ;-)Everyone stay true to the truth, please, no matter what. Love you f’g Trenchers. Thank you Henry and Laura. Don’t let the bastards grind you down.

  22. Just for the record, I’m going to explain exactly why I never cared much for JD on the show. His forte was delving into past history to show how we got to where we are today. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it. I get that. I’ve done all the necessary research on the past for myself to understand completely how we’ve been deceived & defrauded. The other thing I didn’t care for was his constant repetition of the Bill of Rights. Yes, it’s the ONLY thing in this country that’s worth fighting & dying for, and it was probably instructive for NEW listeners, but to be brutally honest (MY forte), it bored me to tears.
    Henry, on the other hand, mainly talks about the CURRENT events that are occurring. I am FAR more concerned with those than I am with old news (past history), which is exactly why I listen to him.

    1. Of course the listener is always right, but then I’m a listener too.
      Stepping back from the situation and looking at it through the eyes and ears of someone who knows radio broadcasting as I do, as I went to school for it.
      The dynamic JD’s experience, intellect, and passion brought to the broadcast was powerful. No two people think alike. Every day when I go on the air I have one thought, and that is the person who is listening for the first time. I’m trying to reach that person and I promise you, a lot of people I couldn’t reach, JD did. He is responsible for bringing a whole lot of our brothers and sisters to the truth and he has served his people. To try to take any of that away from him would be to spit on five years of earnest effort. I would never do that.
      I am grateful for JD’s service to our people.

      1. “I am grateful for JD’s service to our people.”

        As am I, Henry. I have never indicated otherwise. Just because I didn’t care for his main thoroughfare on the broadcast has nothing to do with how I feel about him personally. Hell, he was the very first Trencher I ever spoke to on the phone (if you discount my call-ins to the show before that, that is). I happen to like JD very much as a person, that hasn’t changed merely because I didn’t care for most of his material on the show. And that’s the crux of the matter… it was the material, NOT JD himself that I disliked. In fact, on days that I didn’t leave for lunch at 1:00, I would listen in again around 1:20 or so, by which time he was generally doing exactly what I listen to you for… current event stories. I had absolutely no problem with that… in fact, I enjoyed it.

      1. That last was my final word on the subject, Angel. I just wanted to be sure there are no misunderstandings as to my intent.

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