The fact that this being proclaimed by a shill like Alex Jones speaks for itself. I wonder if they will have a “vaccination booth” there to give the brainless their kill shot.
Israel runs an open air Palestinian prison Alex. Why no mention of this? Don’t answer, I already know.
If China is the big bad, why are we exporting our food over there?
AJ the controlled opposition.
The title is a definitive, factual statement.! The video said nothing that validated, confirmed or supported the factual statement.
Regardless we all know that the snake oil seller Jones will put Any click bait article out that helps generate even one more hit to his sites.
This pied piper POS counter intelligence agent Is doing his part to get the Staged Civil war between the two sides going…
If that is their plan to March 10m Cuntservatives to DC then there is zero doubt the other side Aunt Tipha and the rest of the actors will also arrive.
And whalah, you have the brew..!
The game plays out another day all while they implement this new Stasi fear system to gain total control, won’t work of course…!
I’m betting a larger foreign war threat will be the next card…
Oh hey anyone know whatever happened to Al Queda or iSIS and all the global terrorist threat, are they all wearing their masks too?
Are all the inner city gang Bangers wearing their masks into stores and banks?
“Oh hey anyone know whatever happened to Al Queda or iSIS and all the global terrorist threat, are they all wearing their masks too?”
Yep, I commented on that the other day.
Whatever happened to that war in Syria? What happened to all the active shooter drills of last year? The insane shooters all of a sudden decided to take a break from shooting people during the pandemic?
Funny how the narrative switches for the entire year.
I can’t say it.
another protest?
Distraction time. So predictable.
The fact that this being proclaimed by a shill like Alex Jones speaks for itself. I wonder if they will have a “vaccination booth” there to give the brainless their kill shot.
Israel runs an open air Palestinian prison Alex. Why no mention of this? Don’t answer, I already know.
If China is the big bad, why are we exporting our food over there?
AJ the controlled opposition.
The title is a definitive, factual statement.! The video said nothing that validated, confirmed or supported the factual statement.
Regardless we all know that the snake oil seller Jones will put Any click bait article out that helps generate even one more hit to his sites.
This pied piper POS counter intelligence agent Is doing his part to get the Staged Civil war between the two sides going…
If that is their plan to March 10m Cuntservatives to DC then there is zero doubt the other side Aunt Tipha and the rest of the actors will also arrive.
And whalah, you have the brew..!
The game plays out another day all while they implement this new Stasi fear system to gain total control, won’t work of course…!
I’m betting a larger foreign war threat will be the next card…
Oh hey anyone know whatever happened to Al Queda or iSIS and all the global terrorist threat, are they all wearing their masks too?
Are all the inner city gang Bangers wearing their masks into stores and banks?
Ha ha ha ha
“Oh hey anyone know whatever happened to Al Queda or iSIS and all the global terrorist threat, are they all wearing their masks too?”
Yep, I commented on that the other day.
Whatever happened to that war in Syria? What happened to all the active shooter drills of last year? The insane shooters all of a sudden decided to take a break from shooting people during the pandemic?
Funny how the narrative switches for the entire year.