16 thoughts on “U.N. ‘weapons enforcement’ vehicle spotted in U.S.

  1. Intellihub is a sketchy source. But I’ll keep it in mind.

    So now we have them spotted in North Texas and at the border of Tennessee and Kentucky.

  2. “Weapons enforcement” when zoomed in on looks like a Photoshop job or like a 10 year old put the decals on. FAKE!

    1. Yea it does seem that way. As I said, Intellihub has been known to be a fear mongering and false propaganda site. I take their information very lightly.

    2. Now I want everyone to understand. I thank Wade for the post because even if it appears fake it is something that should be shared in the future because this could be real. I know we all are on here looking for the truth. So thank you Wade for passing it on to share with us.

  3. This is fake, its a small town body shop, they own it and someone, but not the UN. They may have something in mind.

  4. We all know the playbook by now, UN wants to act like the little train that could. We also know, that ain’t gonna fly. I would doubt they plan on sporting “WEAPONS ENFORCEMENT” on some “UN POLICE” Humvee.

  5. My Fellow Patriots:

    Whether this is fake is actually irrelevant.

    The Enemy-Force-In-Occupation (formly called the US Fed Gov’t),… MUST,… I repeat,… MUST disarm Americans before they can initiate the slaughter phase of operation: “Destroy America”,.. as we see them trying to do each and every day now.

    I do not think it will be the Blue-Heads (UN) that will attempt mass disarmement,… but our own police, TSA, DHS,.. military, and so forth.

    The bottom lines is: Whoever tries it,.. MUST NOT be shown any mercy,.. No-Quarter of any kind,… and should they show up in any of these militarized vehicles and you can manage to corral, or trap it,… drench in gasoline,… and burn it with the occupants in it,.. no hestiation,.. no remorse,.. no pity,… simple,.. extermination of them,… and their vehicle,.. before they could exterminate you, and your family.

    JD – US Marines – The end time are close,… steel your nerve,… and accept that which you must to do to rid our lands of these parasites.


  6. Glad to see y’all know one of the most prolific disinformation sites out there and that someone else actually LOOKED at the photo to see that it’s an obvious FAKE!

    More stirring of the the masses for civil unrest!

    DON’T BUY THE HYPE!! Cooler heads will prevail!

  7. strange truck.

    folded hood that wouldnt stop a .22
    no gun-ports

    you can clearly see the transfer-box under the cab so it has no underside protection at all.

    cleats on top for heli-lift / crane loading – but it should be too heavy for that.

    is this some fake for a film?

  8. As I said, “Don’t but the hype!”.

    Can anyone CONFIRM that these UN Vehicles are being staged in the US??

    I don’t want links to sat images 3 years or more old of new cars with protective plastic on them that makes them look white being staged at a port where they are shipped in.

    I saw the video from my State Texas BUT it doesn’t mention that those vehicles are manufactured in this state and shipped all over the world out of Houston.

    I keep hearing about troops in the US, UN Vehicles etc, BUT never a REAL confirmed video or picture of their being staged.

    Sure they are arming and equipping local LEO with MRAPs and Mil hardware, but how many of them really are there??

    They can buy a trillion rounds of AMMO, BUT they need to have trigger fingers and weapons to fire them. How many trigger fingers do they have?? How many trigger fingers do WE THE PEOPLE HAVE??

    TOO MANY people WANT this to go down, TOO MANY are buying the HYPE to make them so.

    Cooler heads will prevail!

  9. I’d go a little further and ask which three-letter agency Photoshopped this photo in the first place and put it out in into the media to stir the pot?
    . . .

    1. Cathleen, you’d never get that lucky. They take the end around and hire trolls and provocateurs to do those things for them so they have plausible deniability.

      What has always ticked me off is the amount of time and energy that is spent on these things. Which could be much better spent doing more proactive things to restore our Freedom and Liberties.

  10. You all know I will share if I see one with my own eyes. Then Ill go “bananas” on it.(follow drivers to base and then home afterwards)

    Insert banana into tail-pipe or is it pipe-bomb into the banana? I forget lol.

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