U.S.-EU Statement Calls for Enforcement of UN Arms Treaty

U.S.-EU Statement Calls for Enforcement of UN Arms TreatyThe New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

At the conclusion of the U.S.-EU Summit held this week in Brussels, President Obama and his European colleagues released a joint statement reaffirming their common commitment to civilian disarmament as mandated in the United Nation’s Arms Trade Treaty (ATT).

While globalist and establishment media reports focus on the summit’s attention to the events in Crimea, there is a provision at the end of the statement that is of much greater concern to Americans aware of the crescendo of calls for restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms.  

Paragraph 33 of the declaration released on March 26 states: “We reaffirm our joint commitments on non-proliferation, disarmament and arms control.”

Among other agreements, President Obama, in the name of the United States, joined with the gathered heads of state in promising: “We will also work together to promote the entry into force of the Arms Trade Treaty in 2014.”

Despite significant congressional opposition to the United Nation’s attempt to confiscate privately owned weapons and ammunition, President Obama quietly signed his name to a document that if carried out, would amount to nothing less than the de facto repeal of the Second Amendment.

In order to appreciate the seriousness of the the Arms Trade Treaty’s threat to the God-given right to keep and bear arms and to the constitutional protection of that right, details of the plan should be understood.

This author attended the negotiations at UN headquarters in Manhattan where the ATT was hammered out, and I found that the ATT is so offensive to the preservation of the right to keep and bear arms, it is an understatement to call it unconstitutional. As The New American has reported, several provisions of this treaty significantly diminish the scope of this basic right.

First, the Arms Trade Treaty grants a monopoly over all weaponry in the hands of the very entity (government) responsible for over 300 million murders in the 20th century.

Furthermore, the treaty leaves private citizens powerless to oppose future slaughters.

One uncomfortable fact of armed violence ignored by the UN in its pro-disarmament propaganda is that all the murders committed by all the serial killers in history don’t amount to a fraction of the brutal killings committed by “authorized state parties” using the very weapons over which they will exercise absolute control under the terms of the Arms Trade Treaty.

Article 2 of the treaty defines the scope of the treaty’s prohibitions. The right to own, buy, sell, trade, or transfer all means of armed resistance, including handguns, is denied to civilians by this section of the Arms Trade Treaty.

Article 3 places the “ammunition/munitions fired, launched or delivered by the conventional arms covered under Article 2” within the scope of the treaty’s prohibitions, as well.

Article 4 rounds out the regulations, also placing all “parts and components” of weapons within the scheme.

Perhaps the most immediate threat to the rights of gun owners in the Arms Trade Treaty is found in Article 5. Under the title of “General Implementation,” Article 5 mandates that all countries participating in the treaty “shall establish and maintain a national control system, including a national control list.”

This list should “apply the provisions of this Treaty to the broadest range of conventional arms.”

Article 12 adds to the record-keeping requirement, mandating that the list include “the quantity, value, model/type, authorized international transfers of conventional arms,” as well as the identity of the “end users” of these items.

In very clear terms, ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty by the United States would require that the U.S. government force gun owners to add their names to the national registry. Citizens would be required to report the amount and type of all firearms and ammunition they possess.

Section 4 of Article 12 of the treaty requires that the list be kept for at least 10 years.

Finally, the agreement demands that national governments take “appropriate measures” to enforce the terms of the treaty, including civilian disarmament. If these countries can’t get this done on their own, however, Article 16 provides for UN assistance, specifically including help with the enforcement of “stockpile management, disarmament, demobilization and reintegration programmes.”

In fact, a “voluntary trust fund” will be established to assist those countries that need help from UN peacekeepers or other regional forces to disarm their citizens.

While President Obama has kept mostly mum lately on the ATT, especially in the face of such strident congressional opposition, the European Union has come right out and called for the enactment of the globalist gun grab.

On February 5, the European Parliament voted to authorize EU countries to ratify the ATT.

In a less-than-enthusiastic press release, the European Parliament declared that the Arms Trade Treaty “wouldn’t necessarily result in the reduction of arms production, but it should stop arms getting into the hands of terrorists and should stop arms flooding into areas that are unstable.”

That’s sounds troubling. Given the proclivity of regimes to label dissenters as “terrorists” and to nominate the United States as a battlefield in the global “War on Terror,” however, the rights protected by the Second Amendment are most certainly under attack in the form of this globalist gun grab masquerading as a peace treaty.

David Martin, a British member of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats who helped draft the recommendation for EU member ratification of the ATT, admitted that the aim of the treaty is control of firearms. “There are weaknesses in the treaty, but it’s nevertheless a major step forward. This is the first time that conventional weapons have been put under any sort of control at all,” Martin said in an interview with the EU press.

Statements such as this are an admission against the interest of the perpetuation of the right to keep and bear arms, particularly in light of the president’s co-signing of the the U.S.-EU summit joint statement that specifically calls for gun control.

Perhaps President Obama, the self-professed former constitutional law professor, has forgotten the text of the Second Amendment, particularly the phrase “shall not infringe.”

Fortunately, as reported above, a slim majority of senators remain rock-ribbed in their refusal to ratify the ATT.

For now, 50 senators are standing together to protect the right to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the Second Amendment and have taken pen in hand to let the president know how they feel about his plan to rob their constituents of one of their most basic rights.

In a letter addressed to President Obama, the senators enumerated six reasons the president should refuse to present the ATT to the Senate for ratification. Among the objections raised by the senatorial signatories is the ambiguity of the treaty, as well as the grant to “foreign sources of authority” the power to “impose judgment or control on the U.S.”

On the House side, a coalition of 180 members of Congress sent a letter to the president reaffirming their opposition to the implementation of the provisions of the Arms Trade Treaty.

While it is not remarkable that Barack Obama supports the seizure of guns and ammunition from law-abiding Americans, the fact that only half of the U.S. Senate has come out in defense of the Second Amendment is noteworthy and should be remembered by citizens who understand that a disarmed population is a slave population.

In light of the joint statement sanctioning government control of gun ownership, it seems that the “strong partnership” between the European Union and the United States might be the wedge President Obama uses to separate Americans from their firearms and their freedom.

Joe A. Wolverton, II, J.D. is a correspondent for The New American and travels nationwide speaking on nullification, the Second Amendment, the surveillance state, and other constitutional issues. Follow him on Twitter @TNAJoeWolverton and he can be reached at jwolverton@thenewamerican.com.


33 thoughts on “U.S.-EU Statement Calls for Enforcement of UN Arms Treaty

  1. Has to radafied by senate and that will not happen. Besides, that would be instant Civil disob…

    1. Firearms are second only to the Constitution in importance; they are the peoples’ liberty ‘s teeth.

      ~George Washington

  2. was only a matter of time, and to borrow the title of Bulldog & Missy’s Show “Get Ready It’s Comin!”

  3. While jews never stop sniveling, screeching, and demanding reparation
    (3 billion a yr from the U S tax payer) and sympathy from their holocaust
    fable, Ukrainians, mostly survivors of the bolshevik revolution where over
    10 000 000 christians were massacred, accepted their very real tragedy
    with a quiet dignity, we however HAVE OUR GUNS, so U N kiss my ass.

  4. An Open Letter In Response

    As all American Nationals know the intentions of the despots which
    masquerade as “Leaders”, “Politicians”, and “Lawmakers”……as we look
    at each of you with Steely Resolve with Righteous Indignation.
    KNOW FULL WELL, what will transpire, “should” you make ANY ATTEMPT of the implementation of the Arms Trade Treaty….In ANY FORM.
    Should the, “Illegal Decree” be ratified by congress, and the attempt
    made to “Grab” America’s LIBERTY TEETH be enacted……
    The streets will run Red with Communist’s Blood !
    to PUNISH ALL Traitors, and Collaborators, associated with ANY actions taken in this direction.
    FURTHER MORE, ANY foreign power which takes part in said activities that assists in these “ILLEGAL” actions, they will be considered as firing the first shot against America, Her Constitution, Bill Of Rights,
    Where upon, will be considered as an ACT OF WAR upon the LEGAL citizens of the United States of America.
    MAKE NO MISTAKE, and let it be known, ANY actions, proceedings, treaties, agreements, or assistance, which gives aid and comfort to the enemies of the above mentioned, will be looked upon, and dealt with, in accordance to our Rights to “Throw Off” any Oppression, and/or Tyranny

    May God Have Mercy On YOUR Souls,

    The 1775 Council of Liberty

    1. Same here Bulldog.
      Paraclete, your words ring true brother. If i don’t see you in this world, i look forward to talking with you in the Kingdom.

    2. * NOTE *
      As Per WISE council, two corrections ……
      1 – inalienable to be changed to – UNALIENABLE
      2 – legal American citizens to –

      Thanks –

  5. Hmmm….,seems govt. wants to create a situation where martial law is declared,the civil war in this country will be then wide open for all to see,will be a ugly and interesting piece of history in this country.

  6. Merely half the Senate & 180 of 435 members of the House are against a treaty giving away control of the US to foreign entities…

    Nothing telling about that, nope.

  7. “President Obama and his European colleagues released a joint statement reaffirming their common commitment to civilian disarmament as mandated in the United Nation’s Arms Trade Treaty”

    This is an outright declaration of war on the people.


    1. As I said in other related posting,I do not play well with others,the color light blue really brings out the worst part of me sometimes!

  8. It is time to make a CT. style grocery list of those who would give in to the UN and company- list their names, personal phone numbers, emails and home addresses, also whether they are up for re-election this November.

    Once this is done, post all the information over the internet! Nowhere for them to hide physically or electronically. This was done in Connecticut, and NY State for SAFE Act signers. Suddenly the appetite for enforcement went away.

    No shots fired so far…

  9. Hahahaha the united nations would get one big mud hole shit kicked into their collective euro trash ass’s if the evem attempted that. Better start shooting blue targets boys we might have to kill some invading forces.

        1. Eh,the hammer joke thing and broken thumb war,(admittedly,I started)became a ,well,humorous call of war.Hey,when it comes to important things like tobacco,I have your back bud!Fret not,soon as weather warms up and the old codgers hanging on porch at general store playing checkers telling me to get a hair cut and I am what was wrong with the new generation will calm down.I usually retort with things like don’t blame your erectile dysfunction on me ect!I swear,this store is out of the past and really think I am time travelling a bit when I stop in,hell,perhaps I am.That said these senile citizens will probably outlive me!

          1. Hey James. I just couldn’t resist the hammer thing. Sorry :-). Glad you took it well. Speaking of the long hair. I have a good friend who has long hair, and I call him long haired, maggot infested, rock and roller. We have good laughs together. He was a base player in a local band for a while. Has 3 beautiful little girls. Sweetest kids you’d ever want to meat. Don’t cut your hair unless you want to. Years ago I cut mine because I got tired of fooling with it. hah. Still have it on the top though. Keeps body heat from escaping in the winter. 🙂

          1. Paul,it is referred to as a bass guitar,note,not “base”,sorry but too easy to let slide! Damn,I miss screwing with the old timers at the store,soon enuff they will be back!I am thinking of bringing a chess board and set,put up before they get there and see how they do,just thinking one of them bastards just happens to be a chess master and will wipe me out in a few moves,that said,might be a worthwhile lesson in opening strategy!

  10. IF they attempt to enforce this treason, it will undoubtedly be the proverbial straw that breaks the camel’s back.

    Molon labe.

    1. Or the end of the United States,hope am wrong there and willing to do what I can to not let that happen,but,time will tell.

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