U.S. Takes Over Rmeilan Airbase In Syria, Violates International Law

Activist Post – by Brandon Turbeville

Whether it was the carrot of the promise of their own Syrian Kurdistan or the stick of the threat to work with Turkey to start bombing and killing the YPG forces if they did not cooperate with NATO, the United States has apparently brought the YPG around to its way of thinking.

According to reports from a number of media outlets, most notably Al Jazeera and Foreign Policy, the United States has now taken control over the Rmeilan Airbase in Northeastern Syria, in the Hasakah Province.  

The information was first reported after a Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) spokesperson told Al Jazeerathat U.S. troops have taken control of the airbase in order to “assist” the SDF in their “fight against ISIS.”

The SDF is made up of a number of participants – mostly Kurdish, but also members of the Free Syrian Army, and other “moderate cannibal” groups fighting Assad and, allegedly, ISIS. The SDF has been supported by the United States in the past.

Hasakah, and the Rmeilan Airbase specifically, are located in the Northeastern tip of Syria, close to both the Iraqi and Turkish borders thus making the base a strategic location.

Taj Kordish, the SDF spokesman told Al Jazeera:

Under a deal with the YPG, the US was given control of the airport. The purpose of this deal is to back up the SDF, by providing weapons and an airbase for US warplanes. This airport was previously controlled by the YPG for over two years now. This strategic airport is close to several oil bases – one of the biggest in this area. Rmeilan airport was previously used for agricultural purposes by the Syrian government.

The notoriously discredited “human rights watchdog” the Syrian Observatory For Human Rights (SOHR), has stated that the airfield is still in the process of being prepared by U.S. forces.

The United States CENTCOM has neither confirmed nor denied the reports.

It is as yet unclear as to whether or not the YPG is working with the United States because it has been promised its dream of an independent Kurdistan in northern Syria or whether it has been bullied and blackmailed into doing so out of fear of facing the combined military weight of the Turks, the Americans, and their ISIS pets. It is also possible that the Kurds are willing, as they have said in the past, to partner with anyone anytime to achieve their own goals.

Whatever the case, it is clear that there is a multi-layered cast of intrigue and geopolitical concerns at play.

The one thing that is without doubt, however, is that the United States is violating national sovereignty, human rights, and international law if it is indeed taking over Rmeilan airbase.

Brandon Turbeville – article archive here – is the author of six books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 andvolume 2, The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, and The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President. Turbeville has published over 500 articles dealing on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s podcast Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at) gmail.com.


7 thoughts on “U.S. Takes Over Rmeilan Airbase In Syria, Violates International Law

  1. Rmeilan airbase? Sounds like something Captain Kirk would shoot photon torpedoes into.

    What the hell is a Rmeilan? I’ve never even heard of these people. Is this a new name for ISIS? How can they have an airbase, and why would we be taking it?

    This is why I stopped following the war news. It’s intentionally too confusing, because they don’t want anyone to be able to form an opinion on who we’re attacking, or why, but instead just accept the fact that there’s always someone we need to bomb the crap out of, to keep you safe, of course.

    They’re either inventing new names for old enemies, or turning old friends into new enemies, but the one constant is that you can never make sense out of it. I’ll bet the goddamn Pentagon doesn’t even know who we’re at war with. As long as we keep fighting, that’s all that matters to these lunatics.

  2. Dammit JR you hit the Star Trek Romulan punchline b4 I could get to it.

    I think the Syrians need that new “I’ve been violated by the U.S.”
    phone app.

    Yeah…that’ll make them leave.

  3. “The one thing that is without doubt, however, is that the United States is violating national sovereignty, human rights, and international law if it is indeed taking over Rmeilan airbase.”


    They’ve done that repeatedly for many decades, regardless of this instance.

  4. I am wondering why Assad and Russia aren’t intervening in this hegemonic bull crap by our government. The silence is kind of eerie, as one would think that at the least Assad would be complaining!
    It is almost as though Russia is complicit in this bull.

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