UK Votes Against Syrian Strike While Obama Presses on Adding Fifth Destroyer to Region

World Events and the Bible

Barack Obama‘s plans for air strikes against Syria were thrown into disarray on Thursday night after the British parliament unexpectedly rejected a motion designed to pave the way to authorizing the UK’s participation in military action.

The White House was forced to consider the unpalatable option of taking unilateral action against the regime of Bashar al-Assad after the British prime minister, David Cameron, said UK would not now take part in any military action in response to a chemical attack in the suburbs of Damascus last week.   

Although Britain’s support was not a prerequisite for US action, the Obama administration was left exposed without the backing of its most loyal ally, which has taken part in every major US military offensive in recent years.

Caitlin Hayden, a spokeswoman for Obama’s national security council, indicated the administration would consider acting unliaterally. “The US will continue to consult with the UK government – one of our closest allies and friends. As we’ve said, President Obama’s decision-making will be guided by what is in the best interests of the United States.

“He believes that there are core interests at stake for the United States and that countries who violate international norms regarding chemical weapons need to be held accountable.

There is not a single shred of evidence that indicates Assad’s Syria used chemical weapons. Now the war mongering nations of the world are backing down, however, war is still imminent. The United Nations investigation team is expected to leave Syria on Friday or Saturday. In the meantime the man in the White House has order yet another destroyer to the Mediterranean.

The Pentagon is moving a fifth warship armed with cruise missiles to the eastern Mediterranean Sea, giving the U.S. more firepower for a possible attack on Syria in response to alleged use of chemical weapons, a defense official said.

The guided-missile destroyer Stout is expected to arrive in the area Thursday, joining four other missile-carrying U.S. destroyers within range of Syria.

Each can carry up to 90 cruise missiles, though experts say they are likely carrying about half that number. Cruise missiles have a range of nearly 1,000 miles, allowing the vessels carrying them to stay well out of range of Syria’s anti-ship missiles, even when they launch the missiles.

 – LA Times

Last week, reports indicated a U.S. led strike on Syria would begin this week. Then the stalling started. First it was Wednesday, then Thursday, Friday and now the latest has it as Saturday. We must watch and wait, please say a pray for the safety of our Christian brothers and sisters.

One thought on “UK Votes Against Syrian Strike While Obama Presses on Adding Fifth Destroyer to Region

  1. Oh they don’t wait long to hit back do they?

    “with their clothes burned from their bodies and their skin coated in a white substance”

    Does this sound familiar? Like Gaza when Israel dropped white phosphorous bombs in densely packed civilian areas? Sounds remarkably similar too to casualty reports from Fallujah when the US dropped white phosphorous on the trapped and encircled civilians unable to flee.

    Napalm is not noted for its white powdery residue but for its molten skin and horrendous burns down to and through the bone.

    But lets look at the timing here, the BBC have this footage but whence it came from? When did it receive this video? Was it authenticated? Are the markings clear identifying Syrian air force and what model of aircraft is it? Look at the feasibility of this, why would Assad strike a school? Only two countries out there that have shown enjoyment at bombing schools and John McCain feared for his life when he was captured because of indiscriminate bombings and strafings of schools by the US, the same US who did this in Iraq and the same US that remains silent when Israel pounds Lebanese or Gazan schools into the dust from gunships and missile strikes.

    This strikes me as the last gasp, scraping of the barrel attempt to get something, anything past parliament to be exploited a la Libya and what a jangling nerve it touches too, schoolchildren being incinerated by chemical weapons and what a mistake we made by obstructing Hague…

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