UK’s FDA-like MHRA, Refuses to Disclose Nucleotide Base Sequence of mRNA Used in Covid Jabs


August 15th, 2021.

Aug. 15, 2021 from UK Guy
Hi Ken,
Dr Lee Procter, a doctor with 25 year’s experience in the pharmaceutical field, wrote to the UK’s equivalent of the FDA, under a freedom of Information request, to get the full nucleotide base sequence of all the Covid vaccine products being used in the UK. The MHRA [Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency] REFUSED to provide this information to him, giving the reason that it was commercially “sensitive” information that a competitor could use to create their own vaccine. Dr Procter said this reason is rubbish because in his experience over 25 years, any drug’s full make-up can be disclosed because they are protected by patents which prevent anyone from duplicating their work. The fact that the public are unable to obtain full disclosure of what’s in these injections – which are being heavily coerced by the government, now pushing ‘vaccine passports’ – is a very worrying aspect to the whole story.

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