Unarmed Brendon Glenn shot & killed by LAPD, body cameras magically turn off.

Published on May 15, 2015 by Luke Lorenzo

Brendon Glenn, who was unarmed at the time, was shot and killed by LAPD on Venice Beach. Although the security footage in front of Cairo Cowboy captured the tragic event, police refuse to release the footage fearing it would cause severe backlash from the community.

2 thoughts on “Unarmed Brendon Glenn shot & killed by LAPD, body cameras magically turn off.

  1. Just another day in of police murder in America, another policeman shooting a defenseless person in the back, I suppose because he was scared and peed his pants. There is a definite increase in police abuse since the Israeli training was provided and the military weaponry was given to Law enforcement to police the streets like it’s a war zone. And it can only get worse as society begins to crumble and the economy tanks.

  2. “… police refuse to release the footage fearing it would cause severe backlash from the community.”

    And it will.

    When they need it to.

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