Underground History Lesson With John Taylor Gatto – AMAZING 5 Hour Interview

This is almost 6 hours long. I know…time is hard to come by.
But, I promise it’s worth your time to listen to it. The video really isn’t necessary. Break it up into as many viewings as needed. 6, 12 or 24.
Listen to it while driving or doing the wash. You won’t be disappointed.
I learned more about our purposefully dumbed down education/indoctrination system from this interview than I thought possible.
I wish I had known this info before my kids went to school.
This knowledge has been quite optimistic and uplifting for me.
I believe it will be for most of you, as well.
Please send me feedback in the future when you get through it. I really value what you all think.
Hopefully, Henry can forward my contact info if you’re interested.

Published on Nov 10, 2014 by John Taylor Gatto TV

Get John’s free newsletter at https://www.johntaylorgatto.com

John is “The World’s Most Courageous Teacher”. RON PAUL wrote the Foreword and Richard Grove wrote the Afterword to his NEW Book. 2015 Release! What do the wealthy and successful people in Hollywood, the Silicon Valley, and the Fast Food Industry have in common?

Thanks to https://www.EducationRevolution.org for the video!

The New York Teacher of the Year (1991), John Taylor Gatto, says the most radical thing yet, in answering this question.

Are you ready to be free of propaganda from the school establishment?

This 3 minute clip may do the job.John is “The World’s Most Respected Teacher.” RON PAUL wrote the Foreword to his NEW Book. 2015 Release! https://www.JohnTaylorGatto.com “The Underground History of American Education”. He is the former State Teacher of the Year (New York, 1991)

Get free article, “Advice from Harvard: 10 Skills for Success in the Global Economy”

WATCH his most epic interview ever!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YQiW_… Thanks www.TragedyAndHope.com

5 thoughts on “Underground History Lesson With John Taylor Gatto – AMAZING 5 Hour Interview

  1. I gotta get a satellite dish out here.
    I wish I could watch it.
    This smartphone can only do so much.
    It’s on my priority list though.
    Just like that Kentucky moonshine recipe. 😉

    1. Can I get the Kentucky moonshine recipe, too?
      It will be a valued skill if the SHTF.
      I don’t know how much memory your phone holds, but if you can get somewhere with free WiFi you can possibly freeload and download it to watch at your leisure. Great sentence, huh?
      I’ll see if I can find an audio only version that would be much smaller.
      I’ll post it if I find it.

      1. I think grayrider posted it about a couple of months ago it’s in the archives.
        Man… I thought I was gonna have to cover the night shift by myself again.
        Evidently some people still have jobs.
        I’m running out jokes people.
        I need some fkng help here.

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