UnderMining Agriculture: How the Extractives Industries Threaten our Food Systems

Commonwealth Mine Pearce ArizonaCommonwealth Mine

The Gaia Foundation’s new report – UnderMining Agriculture: How the Extractives Industries Threaten our Food Systems exposes the hidden costs of mining on food, water, land, air and climate, showing how each is increasingly affected by toxins as the global land and water grab intensifies. The report is a timely call to action for all food justice and anti mining organisations to come together with a harder line against the extractives sector. The world’s food production and millions of small farmers and communities are under threat.  

Case studies from around the world illustrate how mining is destroying the conditions essential for healthy and productive agriculture as communities testify to experiencing livestock deaths, soil pollution, acidic water supplies, desertification of agricultural lands, and being forcibly displaced. Promises of job creation and economic growth have been shown to be exaggerated, short-lived and only benefiting the few, whilst the lasting impact on the communities and ecosystems they depend upon are yet to be fully analysed and exposed…Read Full Article

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