Unions Kick International Corporations while they are Down

According to Fox News, labor unions are trying to kick US businesses while they are down.  This is of course referring to the Black Friday walkout of the Wal-Mart employees.  Number one, Wal-Mart employees are not unionized, and number two, to suggest that the multi-national franchise of Wal-Mart is being kicked while it is down is beyond ludicrous.

Wal-Mart, like the rest of the international franchises, has been making record profits all through this depression and prior to their destruction of millions of small businesses across our country, people who worked in department stores made a living wage.

I do not care for the socialist unions, but to say that Wal-Mart employees do not have a legitimate gripe flies in the face of logic.  These people are working forty hours a week and are receiving food stamps because they qualify for food stamps at the same time the owners of Wal-Mart made $16 billion in profits last year.  Doesn’t this mean that the middle class taxpayers are subsidizing Wal-Mart’s workforce in that they are paying for the food stamps?

We have seen franchise restaurants like KFC being burned in countries in the Middle East.  There is a reason for this and that is that these franchises come to town and run the local small businesses out of business by the selling of inferior goods made even cheaper through collective wholesale purchasing.

Now that these franchises have taken over in the United States, we find ourselves buying the low quality goods at the same price we used to pay for top of the line.  And of course those employed by the international sweat shops are only given enough to subsist upon in conjunction with food stamps as compensation for their labor.

If we cared anything about this country and truly rejected socialism, we as consumers should have boycotted Wal-Mart on Black Friday in support of the non-union workers endeavoring to make Wal-Mart pay a living wage and stop forcing the rest of us to subsidize their labor force through food stamps.

But then that would have taken a unity in purpose being carried out by individuals and unfortunately the way things stand now, we are too self-centered and self-indulgent to help our fellow citizens help us and things are not going to change until all among us recognize these international slavers for what they are.

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

3 thoughts on “Unions Kick International Corporations while they are Down

  1. Every time I see or hear something about wally world I remember about when they were caught selling organic when they were not organic. Walmart realy is sneaky and devious.

  2. ” Doesn’t this mean that the middle class taxpayers are subsidizing Wal-Mart’s workforce in that they are paying for the food stamps?”

    Middle class? Are their any left?

    I’ve shopped at Wall-to-Wall Cr@p-Mart a total of one time.

    It was an emergency.

  3. International corporations down, yeah right. They own the politicians, courts, regulatory agencies, etc. Unions, (other than public employee, the most parasitic of all), have been attacked mercilessly since ’80. When corporations, government, and the media can unite to enforce defacto slavery, what choice is there but to unite against them? True slavery is expensive. The slaves have to be fed, and kept in good health, even when the cotton didn’t need planting or picking. The most prosperous time for usa was 50’s-70’s, despite high taxes and involvement in foreign wars. I could go on, but will shut up shut up, as my blood pressure is rising. Be well all, Rob

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