Up to 1-in-5 US teens suffer from mental disorder: Report

Press TV

A newly released report shows that up to one in every five American children and teens suffer from mental disorders including anxiety, depression and cigarette dependence.

A total of 13 percent to 20 percent of children living in the United States experience a mental disorder in a given year,” the report released by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said on Thursday.  

The data, reported in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), also revealed that childhood mental illnesses are one of the most important public health issues in America œbecause of their prevalence, early onset, and impact on the child, family and community, with an estimated total annual cost of USD 247 billion.”

The data, collected between 1994 and 2011, indicated that suicide was the second leading cause of death among US children, aged 12 to 17, after accidents in the year 2010.

A separate study showed that 17 percent of American youth aged 10 to 21 years old, who are at risk of committing suicide, said there are guns in or around their home.



16 thoughts on “Up to 1-in-5 US teens suffer from mental disorder: Report

  1. Again a gun is mentioned. This is just another attempt at gun confiscation, don’t buy into the BS. Teens from generations past have all had these ailments. I call them ailments because many of us have moved past them once we grew up or found a meaningful way of transitioning out of that life cycle, often without any medication. Cigarettes are not a mental illness. It’s an addiction, much like alcohol or eating sweets.

  2. A lot of these poor kids were products of a screwed up home. I hate to say this, but many of them were probably born into anchor baby scenarios by parents who didn’t give a shit about them. Very bad deal these kids got. Probably would have been better off remaining a glitter in someones eye.

    Their world isn’t going to get any better soon, thats for damn sure.

    1. Yep Mark, I agree with ya for sure. There are many like these latchkey kids. Yea, ya know the kids to be seen and not heard, ya know that tv generation where the parents would use the television as a baby sitter – today it is the damned computer or those damned computer games – ya know, or at least so it seems to me anyway.

      1. With these tyrants, Vincent Van Gogh would have been lobotomized before he could ever lift a brush. If they want to arrest mentally disturbed individuals- go straight for their twisted illuminati mascots like Lady Gaga.

  3. Many of them started their young lives out on drugs when they were only in elementary school.

    Or … were these numbers exaggerated deliberately to get the rest of us to believe our teens are mentally ill so they can be disappeared indefinitely into a mental ward or prison just as is being done to our Military Veterans??

    We need to do away with the depopulation agenda.

    . . .

    1. Up to 1 in 5 US teens will never be allowed to exercise their 2nd Article right because they have become hypochondriacs, as the demented nanny tells them over and over again, “You are not well. You are not well.”

  4. Anyone, especially teens, who doesn’t suffer from anxiety and depression at times, must not be paying attention to reality.

  5. A few more screwy psychiatrists on the payroll and you can bring that number up to 3 out of 5.

    If any psychiatrist discovers that you own guns, you can count on being declared insane.

    You’re an actor now too (just like the president), so practice your lines:

    “No, doctor. I would never own a gun. Guns are evil and I think Obama is the best thing that’s happened to this country. As soon as we grant full citizenship to the poor, undocumented immigrants, we can become a prosperous nation again, with the help of that humanitarian organization known as Monsanto”

  6. Figures….The “Evil” gun in the home crap. How’s about the “Evil” Big Pharma that shovels that psychotropic sh!t out to be over-prescribed to these kids via school’s forced recommendations to parents for Jack & Jill’s AHD? Also the fact that these kids will NEVER legally own a firearm…… ever.

    1. Don`t forget BentSpear that most pharmaceuticals are originaly plant/herbal based. It is the drug combinations that cause most side effects. Don`t also forget about floride in the public water system and all of that GMO crap and also don`t forget those chem trails.

      1. Yes..true. I don’t know of any of the current SSRI drugs that are in the natural category. From what I am learning, there’s a plethora of maladies that can be treated by hemp alone in it’s natural form. Oxy-xxx drugs taking the place of Opiates. The side effects of this man-made crap borders nearly into the Twilight Zone. Start mixing stuff, you’ll have synergistic effects.

        1. Yep BentSpear, that synergenic effect is a killer – bad drug combinations are killers. their are a lot of bad food choices that will have realy bad side effects when combined with pharma drugs also. Oh yea passion flower – a maio – combined with a ssri is a bad idea. Valerian is a lot like valium- in fact I have heard years ago that that Valerian is a starter for valium. There are a lot of good ones that are used in themselves but they are bad news when combined. Just look at the ephedra plant – a ssri – , it is good by it`s self but bad if combined with passion flower herb.

        2. Yep BentSpear that oxycodone/oxycotton crap isn`t good for anyone. If people need their own pain killer then they should just grow their own poppies and make a tea out of the leaves or just smoke the leaves. We all should just stay with the natural stuff if at all possible. That pharma crap is killing us all with a long slow death.

  7. I’ve read a number of articles that have claimed that at least 25% of the kids in schools these days are on ssri’s.

  8. Everyone is forgetting the “BIG ELEPHANT” IN THE ROOM! The elephant being the poison ASPARTAME. Aspartame has many side effects which includes depression and other psychological disorders. So, if you’re drinking aspartame laced products and then need a anti~depression medication who wins??? BIG PHARMA&CORPORATIONS! According to the article I will link you to “Monsanto now has purchased the rights to Aspartame!” That being said should stop you from consuming this poison. http://www.articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/08/03/just-how-bad-is-aspartame.aspx http://www.aspartame.mercola.com

    1. You’re forgetting something else, Nancy. An article was recently posted here listing all the different misleading (false) names that MSG is listed under. MSG has been shown to be just as toxic as aspartame in some respects.

      The combination of the two is even FAR worse. A study found that the most violent prisoners incarcerated in the prison system were ALL found to have diets that were very high in MSG & aspartame. It causes intense, uncontrollable rage in certain individuals.

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