UPDATE 2/25/17: I have been rebuked by the brother of Jack Yantis’ killer for daring to “sensationalize” his heartfelt message. I am sorry that he feels that way but out of humility and respect I will remove it.
Here was his Facebook message to me, and following that are. a few more words of explanation from myself:
[He has since deleted my apology from his Facebook wall yet retained his public rebuke of me for all to see. Hmmm, that’s ‘interesting,’ for a ‘minister.’]
First of all, I initially had doubts as to whether or not I should share Micah’s public facebook message.
As I explain below, I have been involved in this case for years, and the family of Jack Yantis has specifically thanked me for my work on this case, as well as many of his friends who knew Jack. For me, the “murdered” man, as Jack’s wife, daughter and nephew describe it, is the issue. There is ongoing civil litigation in this case.
Justice and truth is indeed the issue. In case you didn’t know it, I am the reason that your brother’s name was released to the public, because the sheriff and media were too corrupt and dishonest to tell the truth. The release of the two killers’ names on November 30, 2015 changed the entire course of this case and also the subsequent release of mountains of information about them. That was a good thing for justice, and for the Yantis family.
He has threatend to KILL cops, as you admitted yourself and as the police memo stated. Why do you even know that? That’s right, because the secret police memo was leaked to whom, by inside sources? That’s right, ME. Even the Boise Weekly admitted this. WHY did they leak it to some provocative blogger in Los Angeles??? I don’t even know any of these people. I’ve only been to Idaho once, when I was a kid. I never asked any of these Idaho people to send me anything. But I’ll tell you why they did it. BECAUSE I GET THE JOB DONE.
So they can call me ‘fringe’, you can call me we sensationalist, you can claim I write “click-bait.” Call it ridiculous self promotion if you wish. Call it “utterly revolting.” But the fact is, I get the job done the best I can and I am sincere.
By the way, the State of Idaho, the Adams County government, and the States of Oregon, Washington, the U.S. Dept of Justice, etc, have all been following my Yantis coverage from day one as I have posted the ISP log screen shots as proof many times in my Yantis archives. Not to mention that the U.S. Congress, Senate, the United Nations, JPMORGAN, Disney, Harvard, Yale, the International Criminal Court, Ford, Toyota, Bank of America, the EPA, NASA, DHS, FBI, etc all read my site regularly as I’ve posted their ISP logs too, in the archives , so frankly I couldn’t give a flip less what any stranger ‘thinks’ about my “fringe sensationalist” “revolting” devout Catholic website, which gets millions of both secular and religious visitors per year.
During their cover-up, the Adams County unsersheriff in a private meeting with Sheriff Zollman and a justice for Jack supporter specifically asked angrily “who is this libertyfight guy anyway?” because even those who were covering up for your bro knew who was at the tip of the spear in Exposing their rot.
Micah might also be interested to know that during the early days of this case, a very high-traffic survival blog that I’d never heard of linked to several of my articles on Jack’s death, and through my research I found that Micah Wood, which appeared to be Brians brother since they corresponded on facebook, was a blogger at the very website that ran my artcicles critical of Wood, Roland and Zollman. It was a very ‘juicy’ story but I did not publish it because I did not choose to include you, who is apparantly a protestant minister, in my coverage of this case.
Then, when you ran for Sheriff of Valley County, Idaho this past election and got only four votes and had apparently changed your name for mysterious reasons, that also would have been a huge story but guess what? I didn’t publish it, because I simply left it aside and didn’t want to appear to mock anyone.
Your current message to your brother however, was so powerful that I, as apparently the only competent and sincere purveyor of Jack Yantis case details who has a worldwide audience, I just thought that your powerful message deserved to be heard. Someone who knows you is the one who sent me your public post, by the way, or I never even would have seen it.
Okay, so this message may not be as humble as I strived to be, lol, but I try to be humble and just tell it like it is. I’ll keep working on the humble part and I accept your rebuke, Micah. I have removed your words from this page even though you did not request that.
For me, this is really about Jack Yantis. I have cried over this case. My great grandpa and grandfather were cattle ranchers. I relate to blue-collar, salt-of-the-earth people.
This case is so very evil and heartbreakng. Not only was Jack, an innocent righteous man SLAUGHTERED like a Rat in front of his wife and nephew, but other people’s lives have been threatened and destroyed. This is not a joke.
This does not only involve Brian and Micah Wood. Have you ever expressed your condolances to the Yantis family and apologized on behalf of your brohter? If my brother killed an innocent man and then boasted about it for years publicly, I’d be horrified and rebuke him too, and I’d BEG the surviving victims for forgiveness, very publicly. I have written several times that we need to pray for Jack’s killers that they may repent. I invited your brother and his wife onto an international radio show to discuss this case in 2015.
The Yantis family will forever hold these horrifying images and experiences in their mind’s eye. I seek above all, JUSTICE FOR JACK YANTIS in this case.
Here is the Justice for Jack Facebook page.
God bless you, Micah, Brian, Cody, Ryan Zollman, the couple who crashed into the cow, and above all God bless the soul of Jack Yantis and may God grant solace, comfort, peace, relief and ‘justice’ to the sorrowful members of Jack Yantis’ family.
Martin Hill
P.S. Did you kmow that the CIA and Israel did 9/11/2001, as the honest President of Italy admitted , and even our great new President Trump knows and admitted on live TV that there were bombs in the world trade center and that vaccines cause autism ?? President Trump by the way has described me as “very committed, got a lot of energy, is a Trump guy, and is on our side.” How’s THAT for “sensational” self-promotion??! LMAO! I LOVE the internet! 😀
Even to the death fight for truth, and the LORD your God will battle for you”. Sirach 4:28
“Try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the fruitless works of darkness; rather expose them, for it is shameful even to mention the things done by them in secret; but everything exposed by the light becomes visible, for everything that becomes visible is light. Ephesians 5:10-13
Following is the intro to the previous post.
An absolutely shocking message has been posted to Facebook by the brother of the former deputy who shot and killed 62-year-old Idaho rancher Jack Yantis on November 1, 2015.
In case you don’t recall the details of this case, you can visit the LibertyFight.com Jack Yantis Archve Page, the content which is also re-posted below.
We have done a great deal of work on this case since 2015 when I began researching the department whose deputies killed Jack. My very first article on this case was this one: Idaho Sheriffs that slaughtered 62-year-old rancher Jack Yantis were trained by the U.S. Deptartment of Homeland Security.
Shortly thereafter, LibertyFight.com was the first media outlet to actually name Jack’s killers. Their identity had been kept a tight secret by the local sheriff and the complicit corporate media, under the absurd pretext that releasing these vicious killer’s names was somehow a threat to them, as if the public at large were dangerous homicidal maniacs.
That was insane b.s., and I’d had enough of it, so my local sources in Council Idaho told me who the killers were, and I published it because I knew it was the truth. Later that day the podunk sheriff ‘coincidentally’ decided that it was time to release his deputies names, after my article had gone super-viral, with Jack’s killers names and photographs re-posted on hundreds of websites worldwide ten hours earlier.
- BOMBSHELL: Deputy Accused In Jack Yantis Killing Is An FBI-Trained Sniper, Was Previously Sued For Roughing Up 79-Year-Old: TIME TO NAME THE IDAHO SHERIFFS 11/30/15
- UPDATE 11/30/15 10pm Pacific Time: Idaho Sheriff Forced To Release Names of Two Killer Cops 13 Hours After Bombshell Expose Outed Them on LibertyFight.com!!
A few months later, my sources revealed a secret memo warning about the deputy who had killed Jack, that had been issued by a neighboring Idaho sheriff’s department. After I published that memo, it once again went mega-viral and the Idaho corporate news ran the story on the 6 o’clock TV news. The local newspaper, to their credit, properly credited LibertyFight.com with breaking the story:
- All Hell Breaks Loose In Jack Yantis Case: Idaho Law Enforcement Issues *USE EXTREME CAUTION* Statewide Alert For Deputy Who Killed Jack Yantis 5/6/16
- ‘Fringe’ Website LibertyFight.com Breaks Truth Wide Open In Leak of Secret Internal Police Memo, Sheriff’s Dept. ‘Frustrated’ 5/6/16
- Jack Yantis Killer Deputy Brian Wood Responds To Secret Police Memo 5/9/16
- Explosives Reported In Idaho Involving “Increasingly Unstable” Cop Who Killed Jack Yantis 5/22/16
Sheriffs Admit They Searched Wood’s Property; FBI Alerted By Explosives Company - State Of Idaho Was Googling Deputy “Brian Wood Facebook Post” On January 23, 2016 – Day After Secret Cop Memo 5/7/16
I will continue to post updates as warranted. Now for a quick recap of the facts. 62-year-old Idaho rancher Jack Yantis was having a peaceful dinner with his family on Sunday, November 1st when the local Sheriff’s dispatcher called to tell him that one of his bulls had been hit by a car and needed to be put down. Soon after he went to assist as they had requested, Yantis was shot to death on a dark roadside in front of his wife and nephew.
Here is what the actual witnesses said about the tragedy:
Jack Yantis’ widow Donna, who’s 63-years-old, gave this account of the incident from her hospital bed. She had a heart attack upon seeing the police murder her husband. “On Nov. 1 at approximately 7 p.m. Adams County Sheriff’s Department called and told us there was a bull that got hit and they wanted us on the scene and he was mad. So we went down to check it out. I took Jack his gun so he could put the bull out of its misery. When he walked up there and was gonna put him down the officer came up and jerked him back almost off his feet. I don’t know what they told him, but they just opened fire and shot him. And then they threatened me and my nephew, Rowdy Paradis, threw us on the middle of Highway 95, searched us and handcuffed us and wouldn’t let us go take care of Jack.”
Jack Yantis’ daughter Sarah stood with her husband and children on the spot where her father was, as she put it, “brutally gunned down and murdered by the Adams County deputies.”
“This is the exact spot where my dad Jack Yantis was brutally gunned down and murdered by the Adams County deputies. Though it has been washed twice, and it rained for a night and a day, his blood still remains here on the road. I believe this is where his blood is going to stay until he receives justice for the tragic and needless murder. My father did not receive any care, including medical care, prior to my arrival. And he was shot and left for dead like common roadkill. At the same time, the bull was left to suffer and bleed out inhumanely. When asked to put it down, they would not do it. While my father’s blood stains this pavement, the officers that murdered him are on paid leave. What has America come to? It’s no longer the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

Rest in Peace, Jack, and God bless you Mr. Haselton, you are obviously a very good righteous Christian man of integrity who is doing the right thing, even though I’m sure it is difficult.
– See more at: http://libertyfight.com/2017/Feb/brother-of-Yantis-killer-exposes-truth.html#sthash.qXQnBDeL.dpuf