UPS eyes in-home health services with US vaccine project

Fox News

United Parcel Service Opens a New Window. Inc wants to get beyond U.S. doorsteps with a new push into healthcare.Opens a New Window.

The world’s largest package delivery firm is preparing to test a U.S. service that dispatches nurses to vaccinate adults in their homes, Reuters has learned, as the company and its healthcare clients work to fend off cost pressures and competitive threats from

UPS did not disclose which vaccines it would be using in the project, but drug and vaccine maker Merck & Co told Reuters it is looking at partnering with the company for the initiative.

The project, previously unreported, shows how UPS is targeting a larger slice of the $85 billion outsourced healthcare logistics market. Deutsche Post’s DHL Group dominates the market, which is expected to grow to $105 billion by 2021.

“Over-the-threshold services is where the world is headed,” Chris Cassidy, who joined UPS last year from GlaxoSmithKline PLC to oversee global healthcare logistics strategy, told Reuters in an interview at UPS’ Worldport facility in Louisville.

Here is how the test, slated to launch later this year, will operate: Workers in UPS’ 1.7 million-square-foot healthcare complex at Worldport will package and ship the vaccine to one of the more 4,700 franchised U.S. UPS stores. A home health nurse contracted by UPS’ clinical trial logistics unit known as Marken will collect the insulated package, transport it the “last mile” to the patient’s home and administer the vaccine, which will target a viral illness in adults.

The aim of the test is to “see if we can connect all these dots,” said Wes Wheeler, chief executive at Marken, which was purchased by UPS in 2016 and is overseeing the vaccine project.

It comes as the parcel delivery industry braces for the impact of a cooling economy and competition from customer-turned-rival Amazon, which is building its own logistics network to contain the swelling cost of dropping millions of packages at shoppers’ homes.

UPS healthcare customers, facing political scrutiny over high drug prices and systemic waste, are also under pressure from Amazon.

The world’s biggest online retailer is teaming up with Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase & Co to lower prescription drug costs for their employees. And, it rocked the sector last year with its roughly $1 billion purchase of specialty online pharmacy PillPack.

Experts say raising low U.S. adult vaccination rates would reduce healthcare spending by curbing preventable illnesses that result in doctor visits and hospitalizations.

Merck, a major UPS healthcare customer, has a portfolio of vaccines for viral illnesses ranging from shingles and hepatitis B to the flu. Spokeswoman Pamela Eisele said the company is considering the project as it looks for new ways to increase access to its medicines and vaccines and boost adult vaccine rates.

Experts said the UPS project could also save money by having contract home nurses, rather than higher paid doctors, administer the vaccine. But the test, a first for a large U.S. shipper, is not a guaranteed slam dunk for UPS: Marken’s CEO said it must figure out how to get medical insurers to pay for the new service.


UPS, DHL and specialty shippers have a smattering of home health projects around the world – mostly in countries with single-payer health systems.

DHL, the healthcare logistics leader with annual medical-related revenue of more than 3 billion euros ($3.4 billion), transports U.K. patients from home to non-emergency hospital appointments.

Polar Speed, a U.K. specialty logistics company UPS bought in 2014, has trained and background-checked drivers who enter homes to drop off prescriptions, deliver and install medical refrigerators and infusion pumps, and remove waste such as used syringes and wound dressings.

Pharmaceutical companies already pay Marken to give vaccines to patients testing their experimental drugs.

Cathy Morrow Roberson, who founded consulting firm Logistics Trends & Insights after working for more than a decade as an analyst at Atlanta-based UPS, said the vaccine project taps the assets and expertise the company has acquired since getting into healthcare in the early 2000s.

“They’re reaping the benefits of all the acquisitions and investments they’ve made,” she said.

The effort is designed to put even more distance between UPS and Amazon, which lacks the specialized warehouse, temperature-controlled shipping and regulatory infrastructure that healthcare companies require. Amazon currently uses UPS and FedEx Corp for PillPack home deliveries.

Major insurers contacted by Reuters declined to say what they pay to have vaccines administered. But an analysis of 2010 MarketScan health claims data sheds some light on the subject – finding that the average cost of a shingles shot was $208.72 at a doctor’s office and $168.50 at a pharmacy. Flu shots cost less than $30 at both locations. The provider of that data declined to update it.

Delivering home vaccines at a competitive price may not be the only hurdle to the UPS project’s success, said Stephen Buck, chief executive of Courage Health and a former vice president at McKesson Corp.

“Pharmacies and physicians may not be happy about a new player competing against them,” Buck said.

(Reporting by Lisa Baertlein in Louisville, Ky., additional reporting by Emma Thomasson in; Berlin and Mike Erman and Caroline Humer in New York; Editing by Edward Tobin)

17 thoughts on “UPS eyes in-home health services with US vaccine project

  1. There is a Chinese Curse: May you live in interesting times.
    In 1968 Ferdinand Lundberg wrote The Rich and The Super Rich. He labeled America as a Fascist State. What that means is corporate control. The work of Clint Richardson proves that there is no line between government and corporations. People still desperately hold on to the notion that there are even divisions between nations when you only have to look at Bush and Putin on the same stage to see that they are cousins; and industry when Bayer didn’t buy out Monsanto – THEY WERE ALWAYS THE SAME COMPANY. The ILLUSION that there is separation doesn’t need to be maintained anymore because the mutation of the Hu-Man race and its capitulation to control is nearly complete. This is why the military-industrial-entertainment-congressional complex is pushing to vaccinate every man, woman, and fluid with their new gene mutation weapons because it will be their End Game. There is no difference between UPS, Fed Ex, or DHL. It has always been one company. There is no difference between those entities and the government. There is no difference between hospitals and clinics and the military because they are military installations. There is no difference between a vaccine and a biological/chemical weapons of mass destruction. There is only one response to Total War, but the fight was mutated out of the herd long, long ago.

    1. Wow, powerful comment, ’till I got to your last sentence, but I’ll get to that in a moment.

      So, now they want to deliver right to our door. You are right about their final push. I’d say they are getting desperate.

      The FOX article didn’t mention the word “mandatory,” but very likely that will surface soon enough.

      Anyhow, regarding your words…

      “There is only one response to Total War, but the fight was mutated out of the herd long, long ago”

      …well, those words kind of stabbed at me a bit because for the last few years I have been working to cultivate that fight within myself, to flush out the liberal programming of my youth, and to build the courage to stand against this ugly enemy that is spreading its tentacles over every area of my earth. It is because of Henry Shivley and the people who comment here at this site that I am growing and learning how to fight back and that I can hold a vision of a victory for individual sovereignty with The Bill of Rights fully in place.

      You are correct that many had the fight “mutated” out of them. But many did not. And I believe of the many who did there is a large percentage who are reversing that mutation. Some evidence of that is in the rising sales of firearms. More evidence is in the political discourse of those who have had enough, who are fed up, those to whom the birthright of freedom is precious, and those who want to leave a legacy of that freedom to posterity.

      I have to be passionate about this because defeatism is rampant. Any maybe I am overly optimistic, but the glass half full hydrates me enough to take aim.


      1. You are indeed a poet. I can see a book title: Hydration on a Half-Full Glass. Almost has a gaelic lilt to it. Passion shows that you have not had your adrenals surgically removed by the Herdsmen. I do not subscribe to or promote defeat but I will expand on my closing statement after a nod to the Chinese General Sun Tzu who used to shoot his own men in the back if they ran from a battle. [later he realized the benefit of what is called a strategic retreat].
        Henry might consider posting this, and if I can keep my rage and foul language in check I would do a vivsection on the contents of the article that pushes me over the limit every time I see it:
        Barbara and others WATCHED as SWAT teams with attack dogs were used to intimidate people into volunteering for biological weapons to be shot into them. Where were the militias?
        The stats I saw were that there are 900,000,000 guns in the U.S. That is three guns for every man, woman and child in the nation, yet what was featured in the article above happened without opposition in 2007. I’m not a fatalist (well, except for the Patton quote: It is not your duty to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his); but what the gun-to-infant ratio tells me is that there is a feat complete in the passification of North Americans in that you can arm them to the teeth, yet what is described in the article above went unanswered. The behavioral psychology test with the dog inside the cage with the electrified floor is never out of my mind. After continual shocks the dog was so demoralized that they left the door to the cage open but it wouldn’t even try to leave. Anger and Rage are my best friends. They have served me all of my life. They are actually antidotes to hypnotic mind control. Isn’t it odd that there are anger management classes? It seems that the Enemy is afraid of what righteous anger is capable of.

        1. Anger and rage must be tempered with focus and action.

          And, “the passification of North Americans” – please dream on. You have not yet witnessed our activation. I refer you to Samuel Adams and Patrick Henry for an introduction.

          The dog was abused; he cannot be held accountable. Abuse needs much healing.

          Beyond any edicts or trends, I am myself, free. Beyond people, papers, poison, I decide, I.

          Beyond conjecture and communication, beyond intimidation, beyond all that exists, I am myself free. And with me are those others who claim freedom as their right, who in the midst of tyrannical push, live as nature intended and bestowed. I and they, together, stand.

          Let none others in any land suppress what is rightfully ours or face a fate that ends their existence. Beyond all philosophy and dictate is the free human, erect and undaunted by the threat of conquest. Freedom is food, food of life that nourishes existence and grants it an open road to be fully realized.


      1. You are too kind, sister…. Loud noises do have me on edge these days… was that UPS beating on my door?….

  2. “Over the threshold services” reminds me of that need to invite vampires in because they need you to.accept their deceit first. This is not unlike the occult concept of disclosing what you are going to do to your victim in advance to absolve yourself of guilt and to mark your victim with humiliation.

    1. Bloody Hell, my friend. You were the one that started this Full Moon phase with incredible insights and continue to do so with this post. That is the perfect analogy here and with CPS. Inviting the vampyre in. However, in the shumerian texts they speak of the Lammia and Uttuku that would knock on the door and request entry, but if they were refused an invitation they would burst through the door and eat the entire family anyway. I guess nothing has changed in 5000 years.

  3. “Delivering home vaccines at a competitive price may not be the only hurdle to the UPS project’s success, said Stephen Buck,…”

    Especially when they finally make those toxic ‘vaccines’ mandatory.

    A whole lot of dead ‘vaccine deliverers’ will be something of a ‘hurdle’ for them to deal with.

  4. There is plenty of fight in the American public, but in what direction is it aimed? Lots of passion for games, Football, etc., but then it the end they get their liquid bread, they call beer. Americans are as impotent as a cartoon if they don’t know who rules them, I haven’t seen a twinkling here yet. I’ll give you a clue, this impotence of man, woman, and child didn’t happen suddenly. Most of America only reacts to pain and not love. Do you even know your ancestors or what they believed? They are the ones from whom you generated. I see no reverence for history or tradition in America – and that will be it’s downfall.

    1. Tirionson, what are you, yourself doing? Please share. You ask what direction the fight is heading toward. Well, I see it heading for freedom and dignity, which is why the main focus here is upholding The Bill of Rights and The Common Law. From those two points comes a life worth living, with each individual as captain of his or her own ship, and with the choice to join (or not join) with others to move life forward. You know, un-thwarted evolution.

      And this: “Americans are as impotent as a cartoon if they don’t know who rules them.” Are you not witnessing a great waking up? It may not be as fast or as evident as you’d like, but it is, in fact, happening and expanding. Who rules us? Any visitors to this site can easily see who is named, over and over again: Satanic, Masonic, Jewish Power, with many sub-tiers and aliases.

      As for stating that the problem “didn’t happen suddenly” and offering your clue… I can assure you that most who support this site are glaringly aware of that and have informed themselves of the centuries-long plans for the ownership of earth and the enslavement of its people. There has been sooooo much history covered here that it’s staggering.

      “Most of America only reacts to pain and not love.” If that is what you perceive, so be it, but it is not my reality, especially at this site. You will find heart and support that goes the distance best it can. And it’s okay to react to pain; it tells us when something isn’t right and needs to be attended to. Love is not sentimental and soft but strong and determined, and the fight for freedom is likely the most loving thing anyone can offer any people.

      On knowing our ancestors… Treat yourself to the archives of Henry Shivley’s broadcast. Learn of his understanding of and respect for those who fought for and sacrificed everything, so we could have a shot at living free. Sure there were setbacks and some unfinished business, but from them we learn courage, commitment, and a fierce drive to not be subject to anyone. Often has Henry mentioned that we must be willing to die for this cause. I believe many here are.

      I guess you pushed a few of my buttons. But you sure did come on with a lot of assumptions. I hope you will study here more, but be careful… You might find yourself on the front-lines.


    2. That wont be an American National problem, all the ones I know, are ready get it on, your underestimating the 100 or so million of us, and our kids. I’m sorry, but your sadly mistaken about how soft you think many of us are sadly.

      When the shit flys and people start to drop, you will see hell on earth. You underestimate American Nationals or just dont get it.

      Our people havent changed much since the December 26th,1776 battle of Trenton, New Jersey. You need to strap up and start believing we the people, the true American Nationals, are ready and waiting.

      If you dont believe that, then your head has been buried in sand with your hands over your ears, and your eyes sewed shut.

      By the way, we dont like cowards on this site, especially ones that are defeatist, or for lack of a better word, pessimistic or yielding in nature.

  5. Who here has the passion to oppose the decline of human value in America or the World to the extent of possibly losing ones life? That is the ultimate form of love for one’s fellow creature. It’s an outmoded sentiment in America today. All I see is selfish regard.

  6. Tirionson, we at the Trenches know there’s ONLY one way out if we are to preserve our lives & our children’s lives from the destruction of our Republic that’s well under way from the cesspool known as Israel.

    Old Trumpy’s making Israel great again!

    Don’t know if you are a broadcast listener here. If not I highly recommend you tune in as well as catch up on the archives. Search top of page for archives.

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