US Envoy: Syrians Don’t Want Assad as Leader

Anti-War – by Jason Ditz

Last week, US officials suggested what was seemingly a major policy change, insisting that the future of Syrian President Bashar Assad was up to the Syrian people, and that the US was accepting “reality” in moving away from demands for Assad’s ouster.

Today, US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley dialed that change back quite a bit, insisting that “Assad is always a priority,” and that the US wants to see him changed as a war criminal. She also dismissed the idea of Assad participating in future elections, insisting that the Syrians “don’t want” Assad anymore.  

This may result in the US policy change being a distinction without a difference, as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s call to respect the will of the Syrian people doesn’t count for much if it is the Trump Administration themselves who get to decide what the Syrian people’s will is.

Around the election and ahead of the inauguration, President Trump was seen very keen on shifting US policy in Syria, focusing exclusively on ISIS and potentially ending the US program to arm the rebels. Recent reports, however, suggest that the arming of rebels has resumed, and  the focus on ISIS might simply be a temporary shift in an open-ended US involvement in Syria.


6 thoughts on “US Envoy: Syrians Don’t Want Assad as Leader

  1. The US envoy must have met with John McCain’s ‘Gang Of Eight’ ISIS terrorists. This flies in the face of what Rep. Tulsi Gabbard and former Rep. Dennis Kucinich discovered during their recent trip to Syria. The people on the ground still support their president. But Hey, truth should NEVER get in the way of a good coup.

  2. “Today, US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley dialed that change back quite a bit, insisting that “Assad is always a priority,” and that the US wants to see him changed as a war criminal. She also dismissed the idea of Assad participating in future elections, insisting that the Syrians “don’t want” Assad anymore.”

    Really? They don’t? And just where do you get your information, you silly little bitch who calls herself an “ambassador”. Have you even been to Syria? Probably not, but I guess we should all take your word for it, right?

    What a crock of shit!

    Oh and by the way, in order to be charged as a war criminal, you have to do something illegal like oh I don’t know, INVADE ANOTHER PERSON’S COUNTRY??!!! Gee….now which country is doing that in Syria? Hmm……..

    Wow….A US Ambassador who hasn’t looked into the mirror much and if she had, it would have been to look at her own vanity because she obviously doesn’t have any brains to see her own hypocrisy.

  3. Nikki Haley proves once again she is an out of touch with reality incompetent LOSER! I have friends who are legal immigrants from Syria, they are orthodox Christians. They all say they love Assad and are highly pissed at the US for destroying the country in a vain attempt to oust their leader.

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