US General says “They” plan to take over Arab and African countries for oil

Published on Mar 28, 2011 by 91177info

“They” ? planned this along time ago and with the recent unrest and revolutions happening in north Africa and the middle east Former General Wesley Clark of the U.S. Army talks openly about the memo he saw when Bush was president.

2 thoughts on “US General says “They” plan to take over Arab and African countries for oil

  1. As the US builds up bases around Iran it would be so easy for them to turn their weapons back on Saudi Arabia, especially as the US supplies the Saudis with planes and other hi-tech war machines which it can stop repairing and supplying. If the US decides it doesn’t want to pay for Saudi oil anymore they might remove the royal family to somewhere luxurious then just steal the oil, like they do in Iraq.

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