US Jews Back War on Syria but ‘Downplay’ Israel Angle

Leftwing-Christian – by Richard Edmondson

Are American Jews raring to get this war started with Syria? Well a newly-published article at a well-known Jewish media outlet would suggest this indeed is the case. But one small problem. People remember that Israel supporters were among the biggest backers of the war in Iraq, and they’re kind of starting to put 2 and 2 together. So what to do? Well…go ahead and openly advocate for the Syrian war, but, uh…ahem…just don’t say anything about Israel while you’re doing it! The following comes from the JTA:  
WASHINGTON (JTA) — Jewish groups backing President Obama’s call to strike Syria militarily are citing moral outrage and U.S. national security as primary considerations, but concern for Israel — however muted — also looms large in their thinking.

A lingering sensitivity over misrepresentations of the role of the pro-Israel community in the lead-up to the Iraq War in 2003 kept Jewish groups from weighing in on Syria until it was clear that President Obama was determined to strike. Now that same sensitivity is leading them to downplay any mention of Israel.

Officials of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, finishing up a conference call Tuesday afternoon with top security advisers to Obama, waited until the White House staffers were off the call before urging constituent organizations not to make their statements “Israel-centric.”

Notably, Israel was not mentioned in any of the three statements that emerged immediately following the conference call, which was convened to solidify support for Obama’s call for a strike.

Following the conference call, AIPAC, the ADL, and the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations all issued statements supporting a military strike on Syria. None of the statements mentioned Israel by name.

Zionist/neocon support for US wars in the Middle East is as repetitive and predictable as sand in your shoes after taking a long walk on the beach. Yet Ron Kampeas, the writer of the JTA article, seems to feel that “misrepresentations” have been made regarding Jewish support for the war with Iraq. In the same article he goes on to write:
Until Obama declared his readiness to strike Syria on Saturday, Jewish groups had been reluctant to weigh in — in part because of the hangover from unwarranted attacks blaming Jewish lobbying for the Iraq War.
People blame Israel supporters for the war in Iraq for one very good reason: they were the chief instigators. And if Jews are now suffering from a hangover because of it, it’s one they brought on themselves. The record is quite clear on this. In 2002, none other than Benjamin Netanyahu testified before a congressional committee, warning that Saddam Hussein was “feverishly” seeking to develop nuclear weapons, and urging America to “ventilate” Iraq with “the winds of freedom.” The matter was discussed in an article almost exactly a year ago by writer Jim Lobe, who notes that similar positions were taken by Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Bill Kristol, and others. We should also not forget the Project for a New American Century (largely Jewish), or its report “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm,” which called for removal of Saddam Hussein from power. Click here to see a list of people who have been associated with PNAC, a large percentage of whom are Jewish.

At any rate, now we see scores of Jews and/or Israel supporters telling us once again we need to remove a dictator from power who threatens the world with weapons of mass destruction.

I do not know who was behind the use of chemical weapons in Syria, or if such weapons were even used at all, but I do know that we’ve all heard this song before—sung essentially by the same choir.

You might wish to see also my 2010 essay The Highway of Death, in which I discussed Saddam Hussein’s support for the families of Palestinian suicide bombers, as well as my more recent article Dark Age Predicted 31 Years Ago: Full Text of Israel’s Yinon Plan concerning the notorious plan authored Israeli advisor Oded Yinon outlining how Israel was to balkanize the Middle East and Africa into smaller, weaker states.

One thought on “US Jews Back War on Syria but ‘Downplay’ Israel Angle

  1. AIPAC really needs to be SHUT DOWN. Then all sent back to Israel. AIPAC has no business getting involved telling our Government we need to go to war. AIPAC is full of Zionist scum bags who don’t give a crap about the United States. They just want to use the blood of our children to go to war so they can have their glorious pipe line of oil or/and natural gas through Syria.
    AIPAC is doing a great job destroying this country. AIPAC is the American cancer that we need to remove STAT before they remove us.

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