US Rep. To Deputy Director of Drug Policy: You’re ‘Part of the Problem’

Published on Feb 4, 2014 by ABC News

Rep. Earl Blumenauer grows frustrated with witnesses’ “inability to answer” direct questions about the real health risks of pot.

2 thoughts on “US Rep. To Deputy Director of Drug Policy: You’re ‘Part of the Problem’

  1. …both of these people are government ass-clowns…protecting their budget priorities and masturbating in public….perhaps if they wished to cut into the percent of Americans addicted to substances and booze…perhaps they should look at the sociopath-like parenting behaviors in the US and the US vs. Them, reactionary upbringing that most kids have to endure…there are reasons why people…kids, wives…husbands..and kids…there are definite reasons why these people are emotionally damaged and why they seek solace in mind-alteration…but if we were to really address those issues successfully..we wouldn’t need a “Drug-Policy Department” or a “Assistant Director of Drug Policy”…nor would we need to be having Congressional Hearings or waste our money on telling others how to live their lives…they want control and money..and they couldn’t care less about the true outcomes in their “constituent’s lives”….they are animals and pigs who simply want control…we need to impeach 2/3rd’s of Congress…98% of the Government and the entire judicial and executive branches of our government…charge them all with treason…violating the Constitution…find them guilty and hang them…then re-constitute a Congress that will hold honest, non-computerized elections…and find some people with some real leadership qualities that are defined by our history and Constitution….convict and hang the rest…

    RJ O’Guillory
    Webster Groves – The Life of an Insane Family

    1. Yes it is all about money and control. I was in a gd work farm when I was in prison doing the work that normally they would pay the DNR to do. We got .05 cents a hour for what the DNR would have been payed way more. I was also locked in a christian military boy school and we built wing dams – on the Brule river – and didn`t get anything for it. Each time it was for small amounts of marijuana – a couple of joints for the boys school incident, my parents had a lot to do with that one I am sure…. As for why people being drug addicts – just check out that article I posted yesterday about addiction and that about says it all. Usually a true drug addict was either sexually abused as a child or was neglected as a child, I was neglected as my parents didn`t have the time for kids – they were hard core bible thumpers to the point of neglecting everything else,and the baby sitter that I had was a Dr.s daughter and she got me strung out on seconal and narcotics at a very young age – not even 6 yr.s old. I know about addictions if anything. Yes JR, it really is all about control and money and exploiting those that do not have much.

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