US Sends 1,700 Troops To Yemen

Before It’s News – by Mort Amsel

Military officials confirmed on Tuesday media reports stating that more U.S. troops have landed in Yemen,, as part of Washington-Sana’a military efforts against al-Qaeda in the region.

An estimated 1,700 troops arrived in Yemen on Monday: 1500 soldiers were immediately deployed to Anad strategic airbase in the southern province of Lahj, just south of Abyan and west of the eastern province of Hadhramawt, while 200 soldiers were transferred to the capital where they will assist U.S. Marines in keeping the American embassy safe.  

Yemen is as stable as its been in years but that means nothing when your country is basically split into 4 parts.  A large swathe of the north is controlled by the Houthis, a shia sect armed and trained by Iran supposedly.  In the south you have AQAP (al-qaeda in the arabian peninsula) and the south yemen separatist movement.  Then in the middle you have government forces and opposition forces.  Attacks occur daily all over the country.

Experts fear that the sudden deployment of these troops could mean the US intends to use them in military operations there.  Yet another war, one which we have been involved in for years from above using drone airstrikes to kill among others, us citizens.  -Mort

3 thoughts on “US Sends 1,700 Troops To Yemen

  1. How long has the Gov. been sending troops to the middle east? Never ending flow of young Americans to be maimed or killed.

    The younger folks need to look around and see what is going on. YOU are being used as cannon fodder…. Do not join the service branch that will send you walking in the sand. The only way this is going to stop is the young Americans say no more and refuse to join…

    If no volunteers, the Gov will start a draft you say….. Good Luck trying that one… .

  2. Let’s see……we are fighting al-Qaeda in Yemen, yet, we are arming al-Qaeda in Syria in order to overthrow Assad. Yemen is an ally of Syria……..Am I missing something here? It must be true, the U.S. government is completely insane, But, not you John M. Warmongers are sane, ain’t that right, John? Soon, you will be singing “bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb the U.S.A. while sitting in your mansion in occupied Palestine.

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