US to give Israel $350mn for Iron Dome

Press TV

The US Senate has approved a multi-billion-dollar military spending bill that includes $350 million for Israel’s Iron Dome missile system.

The Senate passed the bill on Friday by a 89-11 vote.

The bill was sent to the White House for President Barack Obama’s signature.  

The 2015 defense authorization bill also authorized $521.3 billion for Defense Department operations, and about $64 billion for overseas military operations.

The House of Representatives last week approved the National Defense Authorization Act by a 300-119 vote.

Five billion dollars are allocated for the fight against the ISIL terrorist group. The money should be spent for the training and arming of the so-called moderate rebels in Syria for two years and for the training and assisting of Iraqi and Kurdish forces.

Earlier this month, US Vice President Joe Biden announced that the Obama administration had provided Israel with more than $17 billion in military aid since 2008.

In November, the US Department of Defense announced plans to arm Israel with 3,000 smart bombs as part of Washington’s military aid to Tel Aviv.

The United States provides Israel with some $8.5 million in military aid per day, adding up to over $3 billion annually.


9 thoughts on “US to give Israel $350mn for Iron Dome

  1. Billions for Israel and the armaments industry, but paycuts for servicemen and reductions for the elderly and poor. Who doesn’t believe we live in an oligarchical police state?

    1. Of course we do. In the form of Israel training our police, all across the country, to kick the crap out of and murder our people. 🙁

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