US Warship Docks In Israel USS San Antonio Arrives In Haifa Iron Dome Set To Ready!!

Published on Sep 5, 2013 by TheFaceintheclouds

The USS San Antonio, an amphibious ship carrying 300 Marines and extensive communications equipment, docked in the port of Haifa on Sept 4. Called a “routine port visit” The U.S. Navy sent the vessel to join a fleet of warships in the Middle East. On Monday it was reported that the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS Nimitz and other ships in its strike group were heading west toward the Red Sea to help support a limited US strike on Syria, if needed.

The same report said that the US Navy has also sent the USS San Antonio to the eastern Mediterranean, diverting it from a previously scheduled mission that would have taken it farther west. A defense official said the San Antonio had been asked to serve as an afloat forward staging base, which could provide a temporary base for special operations forces, if they were needed. It could also assist with evacuations.

A spokesman for the ship declined comment, referring questions to the Navy. Lieutenant Adam Cole, spokesman for the Navy’s European headquarters, declined to discuss any specific plans for the San Antonio or future ship movements.……

2 thoughts on “US Warship Docks In Israel USS San Antonio Arrives In Haifa Iron Dome Set To Ready!!

  1. No boots on the ground they said???? Those helicopters dont carry anything but Marines. Dont tell me the ship doesnt have troops in it.

    JD., do you know how many Marines one of these can carry?

    Watch out for a false flag on one of these ships while docked.

  2. This is the article I almost came to blows over with some @sshole POS freakin’ so-called ‘jew’ this morning. I was discussing it with a friend of mine when he felt he had to open his big ‘jew’ mouth (which apparently matched his big ‘jew’ nose) UNINVITED. He said he hoped we would nuke Iran. I looked at him (like the piece of dirt that he was) and flatly stated that I hoped Putin would make good on his threat to turn Israhell into a glass ashtray. He called me an anti-Semite. I said that might be true – IF he were really even semitic to begin with , which he wasn’t. Then I told him ” Go cry to your momma b#tch, I’m sick of you Zionist fake-@ss so-called ‘jews’ whining about anti-Semitism, when the Palestinians, whose land you STOLE, are more closely related to the Israelites than you are.”

    It didn’t get any better after that, believe me. The Starbucks employees had to step in because it got REAL loud. But he was the instigator so he was told to can it or leave. It was all I could do to keep from socking his stupid @ss up.


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