Used covid-laden masks, gloves & wipes EVERYWHERE


Apr 11, 2020

Has anyone else seen an extreme plethora of soiled, used, & purportedly COVID-19 contaminated gloves, masks & wipes littering every parking lot & shopping center you go to? Yikes. Supposedly all these items are to keep people healthy & safe, yet they discard them where they stand. I really feel like society has descended into madness.

One thought on “Used covid-laden masks, gloves & wipes EVERYWHERE

  1. They say they care about everyone(the greater good) and that’s why everyone should be incarcerated.

    These types of people care only for themselves. That’s why they want YOU incarcerated. They are self-important, narcissistic sociopaths who care only for themselves but hide behind virtuous lies.

    Pathetic and pitiful behavior has certainly exposed itself and we’ve only just begun.

    Take heart. It can be helpful, too. If they’re already willing to drop a dime or stab you in the back at this early stage, consider it a fair warning. When the chips are down you’re safer either avoiding or buttoning up that individual or group.

    I’ve had people tell me they intend to prey on preppers before this scenario was created. It would bring me great pleasure to encounter and dispatch them when necessity arrives and before they take a whack at anyone else.

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