Vatican Cops Bust Drug-Fueled Gay Orgy At Home Of Cardinal’s Aide

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: This is nothing new. We have been hearing about these reports for years and years now. But hey, these are “esteemed” and “certified” men of God. In today’s modern age where Christianity has been turned into a circus official titles send up red flags. How can we respect so called Christian organizations when we have these sort of headlines? How can we respect so called Christian organizations when they pump out doctrines that do not align with the Bible?

Vatican police raided a drug-fueled gay-sex party at an apartment belonging to an aide of one of Pope Francis’ key advisers, according to a new report.

The Holy Father is “enraged,” since the home, inhabited by Francesco Cardinal Coccopalmerio’s secretary, belongs to the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith — the arm charged with tackling clerical sex abuse, the Italian paper Il Fatto Quotidiano reported.

Cops raided the apartment in late June after neighbors voiced concern about multiple people acting strangely while streaming in and out of the residence, the newspaper reported Wednesday.

Source: Vatican cops bust drug-fueled gay orgy at home of cardinal’s aide | New York Post

World Events and the Bible

10 thoughts on “Vatican Cops Bust Drug-Fueled Gay Orgy At Home Of Cardinal’s Aide

  1. Vatican cops are friggen useless, but then again the Vatican is a nation upon itself. As a Catholic, I’m embarrassed as hell to have to read this garbage, many Catholic priest today have become part of the problem when it comes to the above mentioned.

    Really disappointing………

    Until the Catholic Church lets the Catholic priest marry, and act as God intended the human male to act, then we will always have these problems. Ok so this homo was an aid, yes, an aid to a Catholic priest who probably green lighted this crap.


  3. Oh gawd! Here we go again. Even Christians can’t agree w each other. Never saw a more divisive religion in my life. Wonder why that is.

  4. The only real contact I’ve had w/ the Catholic church/religion was a funeral around last year. The most notable part was the choir, very good, and they did not butcher the scriptures, but the priest, the man in the dress sure did.
    Darn, they sure make sure the dead persons sin is forgiven before they cremate or bury them. Come on people, Christ already covered their sin, it’s in the scriptures, but hey, who opens the Word and searches the scriptures to see if what any man is saying is in there. What a bunch of empty words spoken, as well as inaccurate. Stand up, sit down, kneel and listen to the priest prattle on. Oh, and then the ,” God called him” BS. The scriptures plainly say, “The last enemy to be swallowed up in victory is death.” Death is an enemy, so God doesn’t call anybody home. C’mon, with this logic, why doesn’t God call all of us home, are we not as special as the dead? Also, they ain’t “home” with God, they are in the grave,dead, sleeping, other wise, why would the book say, The DEAD in Christ shall rise first, then we which are alive and remain”……..
    I suppose it’s just like many other things in life, folks would rather ignore that which in front of their faces.

    1. I used to go to church just to check out all the great looking girls. I was usually dragged there by my mom, so I had to find the “good” in all of the pomp and circumstance. I,m a big time leg man, so all of that kneeling and standing up……..LOL

    2. Katie. Your comment is spot on with scripture. God bless you. I was raised in the Catholic church. Thanks to Scripture, (KJV), I have been set free from religion.

  5. alter boy, seminary student. wedding and parishioner no longer.
    this shit was taken over by the jesuits long ago. the poop is the first jesuit in oriface. he is the only poop that was placed in oriface before the previous pope died. i pray for local parishioners that are still buying this bullshit and giving 10% of their income to these sick mofos
    what you are witnessing is the awakening!
    never got a banana up my tail pipe
    buy more ammo and popcorn, it is going live

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