New York Daily News – by LESLIE LARSON
Virginia State Senator Creigh Deeds is in critical condition after he was reportedly stabbed by his son Austin (Gus) Deeds Tuesday morning at his home in Bath County.
After attacking his father, the son, whose age is unknown, reportedly shot himself. He died from a gunshot wound, sources told WRC-TV.
Law enforcement sources are investigating what led to the violence.
Police were called to Deeds’ home at 7:25 a.m., according to the local news station.

Police say state Sen. Creigh Deeds (D-Bath County) was found stabbed at his home. His son Gus is reportedly dead from a gunshot wound.
The 55-year-old local politician is being treated at the University of Virginia Medical Center in Charlottesville, Va.
Deeds, a Democrat, previously ran for attorney general of Virginia in 2005 and governor of Virginia in 2009.
In 2009, when Deeds was running against Republican Bob McDonnell, Gus Deeds and his sister Amanda helped out with their dad’s campaign and were among Deeds’ entourage when he visited college campuses accross the state to drum up support among the youth vote.
According to a family profile at the time of the race, Gus was listed as a 20-year-old junior at William & Mary. The Washington Post reported Gus took a semester off school to help with his dad’s campaign.

Creigh Deeds ran as a Democrat against Bob McConnell for governor in 2009. The Republican Governor issued a statement Tuesday, calling the incident “utterly heartbreaking.”
That same year, Gus was busted in May 2009 for underage drinking, according to The Virginian-Pilot.
A father of four, Deeds has served as a Virginia state senator since 2001.
Deeds’ former opponent, Gov. McDonnell, issued a statement Tuesday, calling the incident “utterly heartbreaking.”
“Creigh Deeds is an exceptional and committed public servant who has always done what he believes is best for Virginia and who gives his all to public service. He cares deeply about Virginia, and the people of Virginia care deeply for him.
“I urge all Virginians today to join me in praying for a full and complete recovery for Creigh and for many more years of his public service to the commonwealth. At this moment, our state unites in prayer for Creigh Deeds and his family,” the statement said.
So what, a politicion gets stabed and his son kills himself big deal who cares. Too bad this sort of thing doesn`t happen more often.
Agreed. This should happen everyday.
Musta been pretty bad in that house of thieves for a family member to seek penitence by killing the Patriarch.
I think there’s more going on to what your saying. Think about the family where one breaks the constitution and oath and the other doesn’t.
Like I said, TWO beers only with bad news. Careful not to snap and get killed by cop.
I’ll bet this son was living in a house of horrors. No son would try to stab their father to death and then take his own life for nothing. He probably realized that everything that he thought was true about the US and politics in general was a lie and decided to try and do something about it. Just look at the situation as it stands today. We have a homosexual drug abusing foreigner who lies every time he opens his mouth in control of what used to be the greatest country on earth and everyone knows about it but they choose to ignore. This son took a look at the status quo and correctly decided that rather than continuing to live in a country that has turned into a monarchy with a coke using muslim in charge he would rather be dead. He made a good choice because when this Muslim jackass is done destroying America, all Christians will be dead as well. He just got out of this Muslim horror show early.
When the REAL Truth hits, some people just can’t handle it & do self-destruct. The realization that all the time some one you trusted, admired & respected is nothing more than a common criminal; that your whole life is built on fraud, lies & someone else’s misery. Finding out that maybe your very own dad contributed to the horrors of this criminal cabal has to put some into overload.