Waco police: man stabbed woman over wrong food


WACO, Texas (AP) — A Central Texas man has been accused of stabbing his girlfriend after she brought home pizza instead of a chicken sandwich he wanted for lunch.

McLennan County jail records show Michael Corsey of Waco was being held Saturday on a charge of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon. Online jail records do not list bond or an attorney for Corsey, who was arrested Friday.  

Waco police say Corsey allegedly grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed the woman because he had asked for a chicken sandwich, but she brought home pizza. Police say the victim was also choked and struck in the face.

Investigators say the woman, whose name wasn’t immediately released, was treated for minor injuries.


5 thoughts on “Waco police: man stabbed woman over wrong food

    1. Yes Paul, something is god awful wrong in todays society. Never had this kind of crap happening back in the day. Ya gotta feel sorry for the low life that would do something like this. And when I say feel sorry I mean giving up on him. Ya feel sorry for someone ya give up all hope on them. Yes, Paul there is something wrong with people now days I think.

    2. As a retired nurse I think I have one part of the answer. Recently it was reported that one in ten are on psychotic anti depressive drugs. There are many out there and the drug companies are bringing in billions on them.

      In 2005, the FDA decided to adopt a “black box” warning label—the most serious type of warning—on all antidepressant medications. The warning says there is an increased risk of suicidal thinking or attempts in children and adolescents taking antidepressants. In 2007, the FDA proposed that makers of all antidepressant medications extend the warning to include young adults up through age 24.

      Some went beyond suicide to actual injury or even death to another.
      To come off of them were found to be worse. In order for one in ten to be on these drugs they must be in all walks of life from cops to data processors even military. In fact they practically hand them out like candy to the servicemen.

      That is just one problem then there is the fact that most people may be on a short fuse because of the stress and tension from all they are experiencing. I dont see many people smiling much anymore.

  1. That’s what happens when unemployment gets taken away and the government oppresses more and more people with no food or money. Something as trivial as a pizza or a chicken sandwich becomes a major life-threatening issue. Wait until millions more people are starving and out on the streets. It’ll be like zombies and cannibalists, as we all resort back to our animal instincts in order to survive.

    And God help us all if a majority of them don’t have their meds, no thanks to Obamacare. It’ll be like the movie, “The Purge” with Ethan Hawke, as I wrote in my article that was posted on here before called, “Imagine the Purge”. It’s a MAD MAD MAD world!

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