Waco “The Footage”

Published on Nov 3, 2012 by swede1775

On February 28, 1993 seventy-six ATF agents, accompanied by three helicopters, attempted to conduct a surprise raid on the Branch Davidian’s home and church. Davidians, who armed after hearing there would be a “raid” and possible “shooting”, engaged in a gun battle with agents. Fifty-one day siege ensued followed by April 19, 1993 FBI tank attack, during which or sometime after, the building caught fire and burned down.[

One thought on “Waco “The Footage”

  1. Wow it disgusts me to see that our gov’t does this to its own ppl. And we pay other citizens to go in and execute them? Was delta force really sent in there with the tanks to light them all on fire? Did anyone survive? Looked like they pulled a guy from the fire……doubt he lived to tell……sad world we live in these days i was born in the wrong era

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