Washington Has Set The World On A Path To War

Paul Craig Roberts

Why is Washington so opposed to Crimean self-determination? The answer is that one of the main purposes of Washington’s coup in Kiev was to have the new puppet government evict Russia from its Black Sea naval base in Crimea. Washington cannot use the government Washington has installed in Ukraine for that purpose if Crimea is no longer part of Ukraine.

What Washington has made completely obvious is that “self-determination” is a weapon used by Washington in behalf of its agenda. If self-determination advances Washington’s agenda, Washington is for it. If self-determination does not advance Washington’s agenda, Washington is against it.  

The Washington-initiated UN Security Council resolution, vetoed by Russia, falsely declares that the referendum in Crimea, a referendum demanded by the people, “can have no validity, and cannot form the basis for any alteration of the status of Crimea; and calls upon all States, international organizations and specialized agencies not to recognize any alteration of the status of Crimea on the basis of this referendum and to refrain from any action or dealing that might be interpreted as recognizing any such altered status.”

Washington could not make it any clearer that Washington totally opposes self-determination by Crimeans.

Washington claims, falsely, that the referendum cannot be valid unless the entire population of Ukraine votes and agrees with the decision by Crimeans. Note that when Washington stole Kosovo from Serbia, Washington did not let Serbians vote.

But overlook Washington’s rank hypocrisy and self-serving double-standards. Let’s apply Washington’s argument that in order to be valid any change in Crimea’s status requires a vote on the part of the population of the country that it departs. If this is the case, then Crimea has never been a part of Ukraine.

Under Washington’ s interpretation of international law, Ukraine is still a part of Russia. When Khrushchev transferred Crimea (but not Sevastopol, the Black Sea base) to Ukraine, Russians did not get to vote. Therefore, according to Washington’s own logic it is invalid to recognize Crimea as part of Ukraine. That also goes for other parts of Russia that Lenin transferred to Ukraine. Under the logic of Washington’s UN resolution, large parts of Ukraine are not legitimately part of Ukraine. They have remained parts of Russia, because Russians were not allowed to vote on their transfer to Ukraine. Thus, there is no issue about “Russia annexing Crimea,” because, according to Washington’s logic, Crimea is still a part of Russia.

Do you need any more proof that the Ukrainian crisis is made up out of thin air by schemers in Washington who created the entire crisis for one purpose–to weaken Russia militarily?

No one was surprised that the New York Times published on March 14 the warmongering rant, written by neoconservatives for John McCain, which described Washington’s aggression in Ukraine as Russia’s aggression. The US government overthrows an elected democratic Ukrainian government and then accuses Russia of “invading and annexing Crimea” in order to divert attention from Washington’s overthrow of Ukrainian democracy. There is no elected government in Kiev. The stooges acting as a government in Kiev were put in office by Washington. Who else choose them?

What surprised some was Rand Paul joining the hysteria. Rand Paul wrote his propagandistic rant against Russia for Time. Rand Paul claims, falsely, that Putin has invaded Crimea and that it is an affront to “the international community.” First of all, the decision of Crimea to leave Ukraine is a decision of the Crimean population and the elected government, not a decision by Russia. But, for the sake of argument, let’s take Rand Paul’s lie as the truth: Is “Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine a gross violation of that nation’s sovereignty and an affront to the international community” like Washington’s invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, and Washington-sponsored invasions of Libya and Syria, and Washington’s ongoing slaughter of Pakistanis and Yemenis with drones, and Washington’s violation of Iran’s sovereignty with illegal sanctions, and Washington’s violation of Ukrainian sovereignty by overthrowing the elected government and imposing Washington’s stooges?

If Putin is behaving as Rand Paul ignorantly asserts, Putin is just following the precedents established by Clinton in Serbia, by Bush in Afghanistan and Iraq, and by Obama in Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, and Ukraine. Washington’s argument is reduced to: “We, the exceptional and indispensable nation can behave this way, but no other country can.”

As some Americans have misplaced hopes in Rand Paul, it is just as well that he revealed in Time that he is just another fool prostituting himself for the neoconservative warmongers and the military/security complex. If Rand Paul is the hope for America, then clearly there is no hope.

As I have been pointing out, the propaganda and lies issuing from Washington, its European puppets, New York Times, Time, and the entirety of the Western media are repeating the path to war that led to World War 1. It is happening right before our eyes.


8 thoughts on “Washington Has Set The World On A Path To War

  1. “As some Americans have misplaced hopes in Rand Paul, it is just as well that he revealed in Time that he is just another fool prostituting himself for the neoconservative warmongers and the military/security complex. If Rand Paul is the hope for America, then clearly there is no hope.”

    Well I bet I know who is not going to be on AJ’s show anymore after reading this paragraph. lol

    AJ’s followers are dropping like flies and he keeps picking up even worse ones like Ted Nugent. He’s got no one left to back him up on his show. GOOD!

    If the Zionist pig knew what was best for him, he’d stop endorsing Rand Paul, but of course he can’t because that is what he is told to do by his Zionist masters.

  2. Since both the US and Russia are controlled by the same bankers it is highly unlikely they would push this to a war that would destroy the world. The bankers still want to live in it so they will not destroy it. It could be the bankers push things to far and lose control, but I don’t believe for a second they will intentionally start WWIII. I also have no doubt they want it to look like WWIII is about to happen so the world will be scared into handing power over to them and they can openly have their one world government. For your safety of course.

    1. The banksters are psychopaths, and so they could care less about consequences for the world, and of course see no bad consequences for themselves. That is the nature of psychopathy.

    2. Zionists are psychopaths who don’t care about anyone or anything but themselves. Logic and rationale are right out the window. They are so dangerous that they don’t even care if they have to blow up the entire world to prove their point or get their way. That’s who we are dealing with here.

    3. Hi Tojo,

      I think your analysis has a lot of merit.

      In the end, the Banksters are stuck on this planet also, and are not really anxious to poison the whole globe,… just select areas of it.

      The consideration I would like to add is this:

      Given the infighting that occured in Syria,… Militant group against militant group,.. while trying to fight Assad,.. cleary suggest multiple power centers fighting for dominance.

      It is either, the CIA has a fracture within its own pyschotic militant chain of commands,.. or,.. you have the subversive elements in the CIA, fighting against despotic ambitions outside the CIA for total control.

      I’m really not sure if this is an intra-CIA fight (within the CIA), or a Inter-CIA fight (CIA fighting against an outside element),… but it is 100% the fighting is occuring in the very highest levels for global governance,… and is manifested on the ground with the repeated killings and decapitations of militant group leaders of the two main factions.

      Either way,.. this is not simply a Banksters fight,.. there are multiple “elite” parties all seeking to be the “king of the hill”,.. and desposing of each other is of no consequence to them,… so why would they give a second thought to wiping out half of humantiy for their Visions Of Grandeur?

      Ans: They won’t,… and if it takes a global war for one of the parties to win out over the other,.. then that is exactly what they will do,… with no hesitation, no remorse, no pity,… no hint of conscience.

      Until, “We The People”,.. stand up, recognize the real enemies of this country,.. and other countries,… who are the International Banksters, Isreal, The Corporate Mafia, and the extremely Wealthy Families that wield unparalled riches and power,… we are ALL in very great danger of war, famine, tyranny, treason, massacres,… and mass extermintions.

      We must completely eradicate & excise their cancer,.. before we can ever live in peace and safety again.

      JD – US Marines – I do think there is a strong possibility that these PIC’s (Pyschos-In-Charge) will ignite another world war,.. even understanding what the potential cataclysm is that could result.

  3. Finally! PCR exposes Rand Paul’s hypocrisy so that even the libertarians still deluded by this sucker can see him for what he really is…and who knows? he just could be bad cop to his father Ron Paul’s good cop.

    I have wondered for a while how Rand could betray his father (by endorsing Mitt Romney in 2012 instead of his father), and Ron Paul not see any problem with that (if it was me I would probably have disowned the guy!)

  4. Until Americans understand that the entire US economy and the dollar are dependent upon war, nothing will ever change.

    America MUST start a war – or many – to survive. We became, simply, a ‘war-based economy’.

    1. Hi RH,

      Laregely correct.

      Our greatest export is Death (our war machine), debt (US Treasuries and dollars backed by our military),…. and,…. drum roll please,……brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrP!!

      Trash (Ta – Daaaaaaaaaaa! Horns blaring as the people clap wildly)

      Item 3 – Trash: This is correct. After debt,.. our biggest export to China is,… our trash for use in making products they send back to us.

      JD – US Marines – In short,… we are completely screwed.

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