Watch Elon Musk Freak as SpaceX Makes History


Last year around this time, SpaceX pulled off the feat of launching a rocket and then having it return safely to Earth after sending its cargo into space. The milestone got plenty of news coverage at the time, but National Geographic TV has now released a video with a compelling inside angle: It shows SpaceX CEO Elon Musk and his employees watching the launch unfold—”this is bad,” says Musk at one point, worried about impending failure—complete with jubilant celebration. But if you just want GIFs, the Verge has you covered here.

3 thoughts on “Watch Elon Musk Freak as SpaceX Makes History

  1. This is that rocket they supposedly landed on a barge at sea, there is video. Please explain how a rocket can be stabilized to land on its thruster? You can balance a baseball bat on your finger but it requires constant attention to keep it there, where are all the small thrusters it would take to balance a shaft in the wind (the physics of a rocket landing on its tail look ridiculous to me, I call BS but feel free to enlighten me).

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