That carnival barker’s voice alone is murder on my bp.
The only time I even watched any news (you know I don’t do t.v.) in the hospital, it was him talking. They took my bp right afterwards, and it was 185 over 97. I explained why, he came back 10 mins. later and it was down to 153 over 82.
I can’t because I will not break my computer over this pos!
With you on that one, Katie.
That carnival barker’s voice alone is murder on my bp.
The only time I even watched any news (you know I don’t do t.v.) in the hospital, it was him talking. They took my bp right afterwards, and it was 185 over 97. I explained why, he came back 10 mins. later and it was down to 153 over 82.
Molock and his minions hard at work..and Trunp too..