Water fluoridation DEFEATED in Portland; citizens overwhelmingly reject dumping toxic fluoride chemicals into the water supply

fluorideNatural News – by Mike Adams

Voters in Portland, Oregon solidly defeated a city-wide water fluoridation measure yesterday, with 60% of the voters saying “NO!” to the practice of adding toxic fluoride chemicals to the water.

The result is a huge victory for www.CleanWaterPortland.org and all the men, women and children of Portland who can now rest easier, knowing their tap water is not intentionally poisoned with cancer-causing chemicals derived from industrial waste and mislabeled “fluoride.”  

The defeat of the measure absolutely infuriated fluoride-pushing doctors and dentists, many of whom resorted to using outrageous lies and dirty tricks during the entire campaign. These lies include whoppers like, “Drinking fluoride has never harmed anyone” and “this is naturally-occurring fluoride, therefore it’s safe.”

Fluoride advocates reject real science

Nowhere is there a more obscene departure from real science than in the “scientific” community of fluoride pushers. These people very well know that all sorts of “naturally-occurring” elements in the table of elements are extremely toxic to the human body. Mercury is toxic, yet it occurs naturally. Arsenic is highly toxic, yet it occurs naturally as well. I dare any of these fluoride pushers to chug a glass containing lead or cadmium.

To claim that fluoride is healthful merely because it is found in water wells and the Earth’s crust is an outrageously evil deception. Fluoride POISONS water wells around the world, and populations go to great lengths to try to remove it from their water! Fluoride pushers know this, but they seem to be determined to make sure as many people as possible are harmed through fluoridation, possibly as a way to make sure there’s more medical business in the future due to toxic fluoride side effects.

“Fluoride” is actually a toxic combination of chemicals and heavy metals

Most of the fluoride dumped into U.S. water supplies, by the way, is imported from China. And it just happens to be heavily contaminated with lead, arsenic, cadmium and other toxic metals. No city in the United States tests its fluoride for these contaminants and openly publicizes the results. It’s all one big toxic secret, and the doctors and dentists who support fluoridation want to make sure it stays that way.

Shhh! Science isn’t allowed when we discuss fluoride! You’re supposed to just buy into the “cult” of it, without asking any scientific questions.

But even environmental groups understand this stuff is highly toxic. “…there is no safe exposure level for arsenic and lead,” said Antonia Giedwoyn, a Sierra Club spokeswoman in Portland. “Why would we want to add any level of heavy metals to our water, that our kids and our parents and we ourselves drink?” (SOURCE).

Fluoridation proponents are some of the most dangerous, life-hating people you’ll ever meet

By the way, in my more than ten years of being an investigative reporter, activist and pioneer in online health news and information, I have never met a more arrogant, insidious and life-hating group of people than those who push for water fluoridation. Across the board, these people behave like psychopathic criminals who want to unleash death and destruction across every city in the world. They are very much like the “mad scientists” that Batman defeats in major motion pictures. They’ve abandoned any desire to listen to reason or logic, and they don’t even recognize real science anymore.

They remind me of Dr. Gosnell, the abortionist doctor in Philadelphia who would murder babies after they were born alive by severing their spinal columns with scissors. He called it “post-birth abortion” with the same level of evil arrogance that doctors in Portland used to call mass poisoning “water fluoridation.” I am absolutely convinced that if you gave some of these fluoride-pushing doctors a couple of pairs of scissors, they would run around Portland stabbing infants in the neck if they thought they could get away with it. They might even call it something like, “Pre-emptive brain cancer prevention.”

“Fluoride” is often imported from China and laced with heavy metals

By the way, Natural News has already documented that much of the “fluoride” used in U.S. cities is actually an insecticide imported from China.

Here’s some of the text used by Chinese chemical manufacturers to promote their “fluoride” to U.S. cities that buy this stuff and dump it into the water supply:

From the Shanghai Polymet Commodities Ltd. company in China:

Fluosilicic Acid / hydrofluosilicic acid:

Property: Colorless, transparent and smoky liquid with penetrating odor; highly acidic; soluble in water and volatile; with disinfecting action; corrosive to glass, ceramics, lead and other metals; highly corrosive to human skin and harmful to people’s respiratory organs; keep it in a container made of plastics.

Another industrial fluoride supplier from China describes its sodium fluoride as:

…used as anti-corrosion agent in wood, medical corrosion, fusing in welding… manufacture of rimmed steel, treatment of hides and skins for leather industry, adhesive preservative, purification and coloring flux in the melting of light metals.

Oh yeah, and your idiot doctor wants you to drink it, too… right before he stabs you in the arm with a vaccine that also contains heavy metals.

Learn more:

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/040465_water_fluoridation_Portland_ballot_measure.html#ixzz2U8hAEhVo

6 thoughts on “Water fluoridation DEFEATED in Portland; citizens overwhelmingly reject dumping toxic fluoride chemicals into the water supply

  1. Fluoridation is quackery disguised as science. Period. It is the imposition of an “unapproved drug” (FDA) i.e. medicating the water supply. Look up the definition: “any chemical substance intended for use in the medical diagnosis, cure, treatment, or prevention of disease”.

    And let’s not conflate chlorination (treating water) with fluoridation (treating people). Big difference.

    It’s criminal to disregard the minority of poor, elderly, kidney patients, and hypersensitive individuals who suffer the most from one-size-fits-all fluoridation schemes. It is unethical to deprive humans of the right to choose. It is unscientific to medicate a population with no control over dosage. It is also arrogant and ineffective to tell poor and sensitive people to “buy bottled water” or “get a reverse osmosis system” to avoid fluoridated water.

    Tooth decay is a poverty problem — not a fluoride “deficiency”. Some of the highest tooth decay populations are in fully or highly fluoridated states. Ask your pro-fluoride dentist how many poor, uninsured kids he treats and watch him squirm.

    I will always fondly recall (several years ago) the local quacks who showed up at the County building lobby while the fluoride vote was being counted. They had been pre-celebrating in arrogant confidence of their victory. Ooops! The votes came in 3-2 against fluoridating and suddenly the local press wanted to interview us. I’ll never forget the finger wagging in my face as the red-faced quack shook with impotent rage, slurring veiled threats at me. Ahhhh . . . all those of months of hard work. So worth it.

  2. Bad sheeple
    do not want to drink their koolaide
    Interesting to see reaction to this

    Will they decide they must overturn this to “protect the children” OR ????

  3. Good for Portlanders. But the people themselves are going to need to organize and have independent tests performed randomly on their tap water. I wouldn’t put anything past the scum in city government. Also, IMO, they need to be ready to video, photograph and analyze any Hegelian dialectic false flags or vengeful disasters coming their way, because you know how the psychopathic scum have tantrums when they don’t get to soft-kill people.

  4. Most dont know this, but when I was advocating against flouride in the water in my city, all the dentists disagreed so I did not succeed. Until the latest meeting. This might be the part you dont know about…The government agreed, finally, that flouride in the water was causing bone problems and teeth problems..But what did the government do? They did not get rid of it, the govt said “oops, we just put too much in” and you can check this out, but flouride in the water was reduced 40% by direction of the government. When I showed the dentists that called me stupid a couple years ago, this new info, they crawled behind the rock of hell they live in.

  5. and dentists? they put friggin silver with mercury in my fillings in my mouth. I cant do a metal detox (to help from chemtrails), cause the mercury in my fillings will go crazy and totally screw me up..I need almost 2000 dollars to have them replaced.

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