We Must Begin Anew

The Power of Prophecy – by Texe Marrs

Power of Prophecy and Texe Marrs have uncovered irrefutable evidence that Congress, including Republican House Speaker John Boehner and Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor, has been working clandestinely since 2010, with Barack Obama and the White House to:

  1. Implement and fund socialist ObamaCare.
  2. Pass sovereignty-ending Immigration Reform and dissolve our borders (perpetual amnesty).  
  3. Set up a White House-run, military-style, technological Police State that will enslave all American citizens forever.

Over seven trillion dollars has been spent on these secret projects to turn the United States into the wheelhouse (center) of a miserable New World Order. The New World Order is at the command of elitist Jews, and their traitorous gentile underlings, who own the global banking system, including the puppet Federal Reserve. Their coup d’etat of America is virtually complete.

Republican and Democrat politicians alike are complicit in this fraudulent system and conspiracy. Every politician, including Israeli lackeys Senator Ted Cruz and Senator Rand Paul, has sold out.

Every politician must be punished by removal from office. You and I cannot depend on any politician. If a man or a woman has been elected to the high office of U.S. Senator or the House of Representatives, he or she is corrupt and evil.

It is absolutely essential that every one of these sniveling cowards and liars be immediately removed from office. We must use every legal means at our disposal to remove and evict them. Voting does not work, since it means kicking one corrupt politician out and putting yet another deviant politician in. Do Not Vote. Do not waste your time, money, and energy.

We must immediately move to:

  1. Remove all politicians from office.
  2. Dismantle anything and everything connected to the federal government. (Everything of value devolves to the People of the 50 States).
  3. Begin anew as free and individual Sovereign Peoples under a State Constitution that provides liberty and freedom to all and protects the innocent from commercial and government corruption, crime, and tyranny.

Let ours be a legal Jeffersonian Revolution to clean out the immoral and corrupt riff-raff and begin anew, seeking honesty, truth, freedom and liberty.

Let us throw off the hard and velvet chains that hold us back from economic prosperity and individual freedom and liberty.

Let us anew be free men and women, breathing in the fragrant odor of love, harmony, and goodwill for every fellow citizen who likewise cherishes and longs for liberty and justice.

Let freedom ring and let the New World Order and its corrupt minions perish forever from our land.

Sincerely in Christ Jesus,

Texe Marrs


19 thoughts on “We Must Begin Anew

    1. We are all guilty of the same thing: the you go first attitude.
      We all have to eat and pay our bills and rent to the government every year to own our own property, so we dont do what we know we must. We all will stand when someone else stands first. But no one wants to be the one to make the first stand. I am just as guilty as the rest are.

      1. True. Very very true. They know this and are pushing like hell. One day it’ll be too much and the line will break, the dam will burst. When that will be is anyone’s guess.

        1. The time is getting close I believe. When that dam bursts, it is gonna be ugly for the traitors. People have been holding back for too long.
          Have you ever held your dog while a squirrel was in the yard? When you finally let the dog go, he is ready to destroy the squirrel.

  1. Without loyal members of the military helping us in this endeavor I see no real way to achieve this goal. By loyal I mean those that truly believe in the oath that they took. J.B Campbell says it would take 60% of the military on our side. That is a big number considering that to achieve that number, would not only take a large amount of time but would also mean, potentially trying to recruit someone who could bring down the whole movement.
    Talk to one wrong guy and the jig is up. I think he is onto the right idea but the logistics of the whole thing is astronomical. If however this was to take place then it would have to be as secret as the cover-up of JFK or 9/11 combined. That is a lot of secret.

    1. In the War for Independence, it took only 3%. Consider that Wisconsin deer hunters alone comprise the world’s 8th largest army.

      Add to that; history is replete with examples of rag tag bands of citizenry handing large organized military forces their ass in a bag.

      I see it as a problem of resolve more than an issue of numbers. Though yes, numbers are relevant – for sure.

      Not arguing, rather, weighing in with points to consider 🙂

      1. I was army for a long time. I know civilian and military mind sets. We will win. The command will not have the will to fight a long home grown insurgency. The troops will not either. As long as we don’t give up we will out last them. I don’t think it will be pretty but we will prevail unless this is truly the end times. If my ancestors can beat the Brits with flint rifles and pitch forks we can defeat these lazy ass communists with our firepower and heart.

  2. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is exactly how The Civil War began, two Masonic powers that had two different ideas as to how America should be run. They have taken away “of the people, by the people, and for the people” and have replaced these words in The Constitution with, “of Obama, by Obama, and for Obama.” Granted, Obama is just a thin necked Kenyan/Masonic punk, but his puppet string pullers are trying to pull the wool over our eyes.
    I don’t say this because I’m a racist, I say this because it’s fact. I really don’t care if you’re black or white, if you’re trying to impose communism on me, you’re in for a treat.

  3. I agree SCV. The point of the military would be to have them on our side in the beginning although as this goes sideways i’m sure there will be many that defect to our side. As for handing military forces as well as other gov forces there asses in a bag,i have no doubt that that is going to happen.
    One thing i do have faith in is true americans.This misunderstanding the gov has of americans will be their down fall.

    1. You know, I wonder about that – the last thing you said. It gets back to a point Bulldog made, up above. (The quote of yours I’m referring to is “This misunderstanding the gov has of americans will be their down fall.”)

      “They” sure are cocky, aren’t they? Arrogant, really. So what is the true source of their insolence towards the citizenry?

      The way I see it, it could be a number of things. 1) they’re way out of their league and have no damn clue that their hubris has angered so many people here 2) they know darn well what they’re doing and why, have thought this game through many steps in advance, and are therefore completely prepared for a citizen uprising 3) they want to bring this to a boiling point and, just like with hurricane Katrina, simply leave the whole morass of violence to resolve itself while they leave the country to devour their caviar and champagne – delighted that we’re entrenched in a war for what they see as mere crumbs. Perhaps #3 is it? Let us slug it out amongst ourselves until we are battered, starving, and on the brink of annihilation – ripe for a “New World Order” to come in with hot stew and promises of peace.

      I’ve probably left some options out, and of course this is a quick type-out on my end, simply to get some of my immediate thoughts out before the article drops off the main page.

  4. Hey All,after being screwed long and hard by the commies in gubberment(12 years of sucking sand in the middle east for a fkn lie) does anyone think our kids will come back home to fight their friends and neighbors estimates range from 50,000 to 70,000 dead and 10 times that amount (500,000-700,000)in the form of broken disfigured children on our side alone not to mention the skyrocketing suicide amongst returning mercenaries(child soldiers) these prix will be lucky to find any american soldiers to fight for them.

    1. That’s a great question, but is one I would defer to you on.

      A couple of things worry me about the military, and I’m only pulling from history here, so bear with me. It scares me to think that Stalin’s men had no problem murdering their fellow Russians. Mao’s men had no problem murdering their fellow Chinamen. Likewise Pol Pot, etc. Would Americans do the same? I know Kent State is a controversial case, and I could see an argument on both sides of that if it were used as an example.

      Do you see a case of the military ending up with soldiers who, even despite misgivings, are willing to fight at the threat of starvation? Suppose the government pulls a stunt where they say “hey, if you do what we ask, we’ll guarantee you and your family food and protection.”

      So, I’m kind of with you (I think) – my money is on “no, they won’t” but I’m not totally convinced.

      I defer to those who have more insight into this than myself. What are your thoughts on it?

    2. I was one of those that was lied to and shunned by them. I wasnt a kid but i am still just as angry. I hope my brothers chose to join us.

    3. a little insight on the current military. When I left the Army in 06, they were changing. People like me could no longer make rank. They started promoting the young “yes men”. Those guys will gut you and smile, trust me. We will have to fight them. They are not Patriots in any way. They are the new generation that has been brain washed. They do not care about the Bill of Rights in any way. The folks who believe in our country have been purged or demonized or labeled. Get your minds wrapped around the fact that we will have to fight the military when it happens. Some Patriots are still there. My son in law is one of them. I pray that I am wrong, but I know what it looked like when I left and it has obviously gotten worsr since 06.
      Dont get me wrong, we will win, but alot of the military is the new xbox gen. They care about their free shit and they have a whats in it for me attitude.
      Just my two cents.
      But remember this alot of us have gotten out and know their game and are extremly pissed off at them and what they have done to our country.

      1. That’s chilling, and kind of close to what I feared was the case.

        At any rate, if they don’t hurry up my hands will be crippled from arthritis. 🙂

        1. hey bro, I read the end of the book, we win no matter what.
          We had a saying in the Army, You cant smoke a rock. With people like I have met here, We cant lose.

  5. Never give up never surrender !!! All these communist project total control , but we know that their asses are exposed for the impotent , pedophiles that they are . The suspense is killing me !!!

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