West seeks ‘regime change in Russia’

Published on Dec 8, 2014 by PressTV News Videos

The US and NATO are pursuing a policy of “regime change” and “color revolutions” in Russia and Eastern Europe, which is bound to result in the “thermonuclear destruction” of earth, an investigative journalist and author in Madrid has warned.

“The current policy of President Obama, Prime Minister Cameron, NATO, the European Union and Chancellor Markel is concentrated on a single goal: driving President Putin out of office by a policy of regime change,” said Daniel Estulin, author of The True Story of the Bilderberg and a 2015 Nobel peace Prize nominee.

The West is playing “chicken” (mutual assured destruction via nuclear warfare) with Moscow, through the escalation of sanctions and economic war to ruin the Russian economy, Estulin told Press TV on Sunday.

“In today’s nuclear age, the consequences of a geopolitical policy of confrontation with Russia and China can only be the thermonuclear extinction of the human race,” Estulin said.

“The policy of conducting color revolutions under the pretext of democracy represents a policy of war,” he added. “We’re literally facing thermonuclear destruction and world annihilation.”

In an article published on Thursday, former US Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul said the United States is provoking a deadly war against Russia that “could result in total destruction” of both countries.

Tensions between the United States and Russia have escalated steadily since April, when the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea reunited with the Russian Federation following a referendum a month earlier.

Washington accuses Moscow of arming and supporting pro-Russian forces fighting in the predominantly Russian-speaking areas in eastern Ukraine. Moscow calls the accusations “groundless”.

One thought on “West seeks ‘regime change in Russia’

  1. There needs to be a regime change alright and it need to be right here is the USSA! This country is the one that spreads war and destruction all over the globe with over 700 military bases and they have the balls to point fingers at others? Only treasonous bastards are allowed in the upper levels of this government and all but the blind know this by now! This government does not represent it’s citizens at all but it sure does represent the special interest groups that put them there. How any citizen can even pretend to believe that this criminal syndicate is looking out for their best interest is beyond reason. Taxation without representation is happening again and the police state they have set up all over the country now is to ensure that it continues.

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