What to do with a Fraudulent Ballot for a Fraudulent Election? Burn It!

The so called shenanigans/treachery at the GOP Convention in Tampa, Florida has already begun.  First the election of the GOP Presidential Candidate was moved up to Monday when Hurricane Isaac was estimated to be in full swing.  It was announced yesterday that the hurricane is to be delayed on its course for one day, so immediately thereafter, it was announced that the convention would be delayed for one day.

Of course the convention will convene today, Monday, one day before they say it will officially convene, but will this be at the convention hall or at a private setting wherein Ron Paul delegates and supporters will be excluded?  Look what these sleazy rats are doing.  They are actually running about trying to slip away and avoid the masses that see them for the foreign Bilderberger lapdogs they are, sneaking and hiding at every turn.  This is truly pathetic and we cannot let them get away with it.

There is an ongoing discussion as to how we should confront this blatant election fraud.  Back in the 60s, American nationals burned their draft cards in the streets to show their refusal for the ongoing corporate war in Southeast Asia.

It might be a hard thing to organize, but how would it be if more registered voters filled the streets to burn their ballots than actually voted at the polls?  We wouldn’t be required to travel far to accomplish this feat.  And if our numbers were overwhelming enough, our statement could not be denied.  Our enemies could not hide it, just like they could not hide our overwhelming turnout at the Republican caucuses and primaries.

Do I think this will change anything as far as the election is concerned?  Not a chance because the status quo has made it clear that quite frankly they do not give a damn what we the American nationals think of their acts of treason.  But what the action could accomplish is a show of our strength and numbers to one another and to the world.

Make no mistake, those socialists around the world backing the socialist insurgency into the United States and our government, do fear us.  They are being told by those at the top that the situation is under control.  But then again they know that those at the top have been wrong before and that those at the top will go forward against all odds, as those at the top think they have put in place safe havens that they can run to and hide in to avoid the retribution they will have caused to be unleashed.

I’m here to tell you they are wrong on every count.  We the American nationals of the American race are awake to the reality, not only here at home, but around the world.  And when we are forced to unleash in defense of our Republic, our Constitution, and our individual freedoms and liberties, we will not stop at wiping out the minions and lapdogs of the international socialist elite here at home.

Each and every one of them is going to be hunted down, no matter where in the world they think they can hide.  And any country harboring them will be faced with a simple decision, turn the elite and their wealth over to us for prosecution and the administration of our justice, or be destroyed utterly.

Once we are forced to war, it must be total war to make sure that these sleazy lowdown parasitic tripe are completely wiped out and that it will be a long time before anyone else ever considers taking on the American people again.

God bless the Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

5 thoughts on “What to do with a Fraudulent Ballot for a Fraudulent Election? Burn It!

  1. Actually , I think I might have a better idea . It might be a little gross but never the less poignant . Wipe your nether regions with the ballot and then mail it off to D.C. Let’s see if Barry or Mittens will snort that shit , pardon the pun .

  2. Invest in welding rod.When they go hide in their bunkers we weld the doors shut and leave them there.At least we will know where they will be when it comes time to try them.

  3. “Each and every one of them is going to be hunted down, no matter where in the world they think they can hide. And any country harboring them will be faced with a simple decision, turn the elite and their wealth over to us for prosecution and the administration of our justice, or be destroyed utterly.

    Once we are forced to war, it must be total war to make sure that these sleazy lowdown parasitic tripe are completely wiped out and that it will be a long time before anyone else ever considers taking on the American people again.”

    Can I be a part of the Hunters who search and destroy all underground military bases in the U.S. where they are most likely hiding and scheming? Starting with Mount Weather, Dulce and the Denver Airport. I think it is high time to clean house and reveal all of the military’s secrets that they have been hiding against us and the world for so many years now. We’ll play the song, “Army of me” by Bjork before attacking. This shit has gone on long enough. NO MORE EXPERIMENTS, NO MORE CONTROL AND NO MORE WARS!!!

  4. The one thing that i remember the most clearly over the past 39-40 years of my school days at Brandeis University in1970’s are my student adviser’s words that when he was growing up that his grand parents and parents used the term “‘goyishe kup,’” meaning that the “Non-Jews are Stupid”

    Later in life I learned that the exact translation of “GOYISHE KUP” means that the “Cattle are STUPID”..

    I remember him recalling whatt his father told him when he was growing up in Eastern Europe. One of them being that when his father was in high school he and a group of friends would skip school early on Fridays and go over to his friend’s father’s butcher shop. That they would buy at cost any cows , that had not been butchered by the end of the day on Friday before the begining of shabat . They would take the cow home and wash it and then the boys would procede to “beat the udders of the cows so that they would swell up and turn pink” so as to sell them to the “GOYISHE KUP” as milk producing cows.

    The part that I remember him asking me if the East Europeans are so naive, so gullible and so stupid to buy old “non milk producing cows” from a bunch of young Jewish Boys.

    So thinking of it now I agree with the Jewish saying that the “GOYISHE KUP” are indeed” Stupid” as they believe that a Bunch of Arab Muslim Kids who were not able to Fly a Cessna Airplane took it upon themselves to FLY a Boing Jumbo Jet outwitting the US Military and Civilian authorities. The “Jewish Lightning Insurance Scam” of the 1960’s is still alive and well has been put to good use by Larry Silverstein with the help of his sayanim jews made a financial killing in imploding wtc by putting 15 million down and comming out with 7 billion dollars for buidings that no one wanted to buy because it would have cost a billion dollars to remove the asbestos from. Then on top of that the people in America actually believe that they actually decide who is elected President or for that that actual VOTE is really counted and makes a difference in deciding who represents them in the White House and congress.



    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rVTXbARGXso http://www.911missinglinks.com/



    Yeh I agree that the AmericanNon-Jews are indeed American “GOYISHE KUP” or “STUPID CATTLE”!

    The Israeli Defense Firm That Tallies The Iowa Caucus
    By Christopher Bollyn

    The Iowa caucus is only a few days away and the nation’s attention will be directed to the results, which signify the beginning of the U.S. presidential race. But does anyone watch who tallies the results of the Iowa caucus?

    The Iowa caucus results were tallied in 2004 by a company that is headed by a man whose company was bought by Elron Electronics, the Israeli defense firm. I suspect that it will be the same this year. Don’t expect to see any grassroots political activists doing the tally in Iowa. The Israeli defense establishment takes care of that part of the American “democratic” election process.


    In the summer of 2004, I first learned that a foreign and out-of-state company using Interactive Voice Response (IVR) technology tallied the Iowa caucus results.

    The system used to tally the 2004 Iowa caucus results was provided by a company called Voxeo, which was apparently based in Orlando, Florida. (Yellow flag goes up in the mind of those familiar with Orlando and electronic vote fraud history. See Bollyn article on Wang below.)

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