Why Obama Will Survive the Equivalent of Five “Watergate Scandals”

nixon watergate 1The Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

Mark Twain once talked about history not necessarily repeating, but he noted that history sure does rhyme.

Richard Nixon was unable to survive one direct hit upon his administration, namely, the Watergate scandal. Conversely, Obama is facing five scandals which dwarfs Watergate in terms of criminality, abuse of power, malfeasance of office and outright treason. The damage inflicted upon the American people by the criminal syndicate occupying the White House, in American History, is unparalleled. Yet, Obama is going to survive and this article will describe how Obama is this century’s version of the famous escape artist, Houdini.  

The Alternative Media Is Doing Its Job

In Part One of this series, I detailed how various researchers have determined that it only takes 10% of the population to passionately hold to an ideal for the ideal to reach critical mass and go viral. I also described how the knowledge that this country is being run by a criminal syndicate is taking hold and we have likely passed the 10% threshold as evidenced by the fact that America is outraged by (1) Benghazi-Gate; (2) IRS-Gate; (3) AP Spy-Gate; (4) Whistle-blower-Gate; and even (5) Fast and Furious is beginning to make a second pass. The alternative media is being so effective that it is forcing the MSM to jump off Obama’s ship and claim they do not support him any longer (e.g. MSNBC Chris Mathews).

The Calm Before the Storm

Even the great fence sitter, Glenn Beck, is beginning to throw words around like “impeachment” in reference to Obama.  And this is coming from a man who cannot decide if he is in the MSM or the alternative media. Remember, according to Beck, 9/11 is exactly as the Bush administration claims it was, an al Qaeda venture. This is the same al-Qaeda that we are allegedly fighting in Afghanistan while supporting in Syria in our effort to oust Assad.

Regardless of the pedigree of many reporters who are now hinting at the fact that we are witnessing the last days of the Obama administration, the President himself, seems unbelievably calm.

what me worry obamaObama is calm because he knows that he is going to survive the largest onslaught of simultaneous scandal exposures in our country’s history. There has never been a time in our history in which a sitting President has been besieged with this much exposed fodder aimed at his removal. If Watergate forced Nixon to resign, Obama should have been crushed by the comparative weight of his scandals and he should have already exited the White House. Why hasn’t this happened?

Sacrificial Lambs Buy Time

It is not likely that the Mafioso inhabitant presently residing in the White House will ever leave office prematurely. In fact, I think it is likely that Obama may never leave the Oval Office in 2016 as well.

If this were 1974, I would be advising Obama to pack his bags and I would also be advising him that he should be begging Joe Biden to grant him a pardon for his criminal acts including the facilitation of the murder of Ambassador Stevens. Make no mistake about it, Obama will survive these crises. However, Holder and possibly even DHS director, Janet Napolitano, may not.

holder2Undoubtedly, Obama will offer up the head of Eric Holder as a sacrificial lamb and he will be gone by Labor day, if not much sooner and this will buy Obama time to enact his endgame strategies which will negate the five Watergate wolves trying to break through his door.

Holder’s departure will bring celebrations in the alternative media and their followers as we will be dancing in the streets. We will also smell blood and want more removals. But the head of the President will never be touched despite the fact that all of us will soon be screaming for Obama’s scalp. It will just never happen.

What Will Save This President?

There is one game changing event which will suddenly and irreversibly negate the momentum that the alternative media has achieved in terms of exposing and removing this criminal administration from power.

In the last eight months, I have repeated the mantra that most of what drives this government today is the preservation of the Petrodollar on behalf of the Federal Reserve. I have also detailed how Iran is selling its oil to Russia, China and India for gold, thus threatening the preeminence of the Petrodollar in which the other countries of the world must first purchase dollars from the Federal Reserve for the “privilege” of purchasing oil. This process provides the only backing that our dollar possesses.

petrodollar scamIran, China, Russia and India are destabilizing the dominance of our currency.  Before you cheer the fact that the Federal Reserve is about ready to take a much deserved blood bath, please realize that you have a job to go to every Monday morning because of this one-sided arrangement and it is all about to end unless Iran can be toppled.

Why Syria?

Have you yet figured out why Obama will survive these crushing scandals and assume power in this country in a manner only reserved for such despots as Stalin? The road to Obama’s immediate survival runs through Damascus.

On the surface, Syria seems so very insignificant on the global chessboard. However, the key to invading Iran and seizing their oil fields is to first control Syria because the occupation of Syria is an insurmountable checkmate against Russian ground troops intervention.

If the US takes over the Syrian revolution that we started through our al-Qaeda proxy forces, the US will gain a huge tactical advantage in the Middle East. The installation of short and medium range missile batteries in Syria will serve as a deterrent and a blocking mechanism for Russian ground troops ability to intervene in Iran.

If Russia allows the US to control Syria, Russiawill lose any chance of preventing a US/NATO takeover of Iran. Russia and China have heavily vested themselves in gold. If Iran is stopped from selling its oil for gold, China, Russia and India will have wasted a enormous amount of the respective GNP’s in acquiring gold.  And the acquisition of gold will be for naught if the US is above to re-establish the dominance of the Petrodollar as the world’s reserve currency through a successful invasion of Iran.

For awhile, it appeared as if Russia did not have the stomach for WWIII and they were going to let us topple Assad with so much as a whimper. I have been shocked as I watched Russia apparently acquiesce to an impending takeover of Syria by US led forces.  However, recent Russian events make it clear that WWIII is on the horizon.

The Game Changing Piece Now on the Chessboard

russia attacks america 5A now widely circulated report emanating by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) has written about a meeting which just concluded between Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and US Secretary of State John Kerry and the report is stating that President Putin has ordered Russianmilitary forces to “immediately move from Local War to Regional Warmilitary operational status and to be “fully prepared” to expand to Large-Scale War should either the United States or European Union enter into the Syria Civil War. I would also presume that this admonition also extends to US led NATO intervention as well.

A definition of terms is critical. A Regional War is clearly speaking about the entire Middle East.

russians invade mcdonaldsAccording to the Mission and Objectives of the Russian Armed Forces, a Large-Scale War denotes:

war between coalitions of countries or larger world powers. It can be precipitated by escalation of an armed conflict, local or regionalwar by way of a significant number of countries from different world regions being effectively involved. In a large-scale war, the warring sides would pursue radical militaryand political goals. It would require that participating countries mobilize all of their available material resources and moral courage.”

This is a Clear Declaration of War!

My military and intelligence sources were telling me last year that Alaska and Taiwan were at risk of a Russian invasion with regard to this conflict as is the North Pole if we intervened directly in either Syria or Iran. The North Pole?  The North Pole’s melting glaciers has exposed the world’s greatest oil supply as well as untold amounts of gold and other precious metals. This is another story for another time except to illustrate that the Russians are talking world war if we topple Assad and invade Iran.

russia attacks america1This means WWIII is near and this reality is evidenced  by the fact that the Russians are drawing a clear line in the sand and this is why Obama is not concerned about any thought of impeachment. The one thing that will distract the country from the five present “Watergates” will be the commencement of World War Three.

If anyone doubts the veracity of these claims just ask yourself if the forces of darkness behind the Federal Reserve are going to give up their wealth and dominance without so much as a fight? Is it worth risking WWIII? If you are a Federal Reserve Board Governor and your safety has been assured under by your escape into nether regions of Denver International Airport, when the proverbial poop hits the fan, would you proceed forward? Of course you would.  And if you were Obama and were facing impeachment as well as a lengthy prison term for your involvement in five Watergate type scandals, would you move forward with this agenda? Of course you would. Given the dramatic shift in the corporate controlled dinosaur media, Obama is clearly being blackmailed and his present options are narrowing with passing day.

Why Is the MSM Vilifying Obama After Worshiping Him?

patrick woodWho owns the MSM? Who owns the Federal Reserve system? Who owns the controlling interest in the defense industry? Who owns oil? Who owns the dollar? When one realizes it is the same small cabal of people that Patrick Wood wrote about over three decades ago in his book he coauthored with Anthony Sutton, Trilaterals Over Washington, you have your answer.  A war will benefit all of the above business interests as well as to preserve the status of the Petrodollar dominance. And Obama is being chastised by a former lap dog media because they are forcing his hand to act militarily in the Middle East. Obama does not want WWIII, but he is getting backed into a corner by the corporate controlled media and will act in accordance to his own selfish interests.

It is not very far-fetched to believe that Obama will also be thrown a bone as a reward for his compliance to the NWO. The bone? How about getting promoted from President to Permanent Dictator when martial law is declared?


Obama-destruction121Time is running out for the Petrodollar and Obama must be made to act now. Impeachment and imprisonment or WWIII? That is Obama’s choice. And of course how will Obama solidify his power just prior to commencing the next war to end all wars? He will mix in the mother of all false flag attacks and he will blame Syria and/or Iran, and then institute martial law. And what will America look like from that point on? The legislation, lying dormant for the moment, gives us an accurate accounting of what life will be like in a soon to be transformed America. Remember, Obama promised to fundamentally transform America.  He is very close to accomplishing this goal and this is why he is not worried about the five Watergate type scandals which are now exposed in the MSM and the alternative media.

Part three of this series will examine what life will soon be like in America given the scenario described in this article.

 Part One


5 thoughts on “Why Obama Will Survive the Equivalent of Five “Watergate Scandals”

  1. Henry,

    It seems I made a mistake. The links in this story are vague and I couldn’t find the report referencing the shift in Russian military capacity. When i looked further it seems that some of this is either directly taken from


    by sorcha faal, or is being used by faal.

    This article was well written enough to get me to send it in without checking the links.

    They are vague at best, my mistake on sending you possible disinfo.

  2. Not to worry Chris…about 5 years ago I did the same thing. Something about the Amero coming out. I had to write everyone I wrote to apologize after I found out. After researching Faal, whoever it is, it seems the articles they print are to get people use to what might happen…or something like that. After that day, when an important article comes out, I triple research the source. The fact that you did further research and caught yourself is your redemption…Good job.

  3. The same al-Qaeda the U.S. CIA created in Afghanistan to fight the USSR!
    How short is the collective memory!

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