Why The Revolution Worked.

Washington Enforces the Surrender at Yorktown 1786Militia News – by Mike Konrad

If there is one extremely deceptive aspect of the American Revolution, it is that the Founding Fathers made revolution look easy. Since that fateful day, over two centuries ago, revolutions have ruffled across the globe, many claiming to follow in the ideals of the American Founders, or claiming to take their principles to a higher level. Almost none of them succeeded. None succeeded as fully. Quite often the result was a tyranny darker than the one overthrown.

So why did the American Revolution succeed so wonderfully?  

Four things are necessary for a successful revolution:

1) The old order must be rotten

2) The revolutionary cause must offer improvement

3) Circumstances must be providential

4) The revolutionaries must be worthy

The first requirement is quite often easy to meet. As a general rule, governments are rotten. Some more than others; but it is the rare nation that is blessed with good government. The question is: Is the government rotten enough to merit a struggle, particularly an armed one?

In the case of the American Revolution, the British government was rotten and corrupt to the core. Our school books dumb down the cause to mere taxes, but it is more than that. British laws had put a stranglehold on the American economy, with the intent of making America nothing more than a dumping ground for British manufactures. Trade with the French or Spanish was forbidden.

To the untutored this may seem like nothing more than a protectionist policy; but in the seventeenth century this policy had reduced Scotland to poverty and Ireland to a slavish, starving state of penury; all by design. The rest of the Empire existed only to make London rich. On top of all of this, the colonists had no representation in the Parliament to correct the matter. Not that it would have mattered much with such a corrupt legislature.

Benjamin Franklin founding father

Benjamin Franklin, who had spent some time in the British Isles, had seen the devastation wrought by these policies.

Franklin toured Ireland in 1771 and was astounded and moved by the level of poverty he saw there. Ireland was under the trade regulations and laws of England, which affected the Irish economy, and Franklin feared that America could suffer the same plight if Britain’s exploitation of the colonies continued.

More than anything else, Franklin saw how London Bankers, through the Currency Act, forced American colonies to stop issuing their own currency; and required them to take loans at interest. This caused an immediate depression in the colonies.

Franklin saw corruption and influence peddling that sickened him. He knew that America was slated to become nothing more than England’s useful doormat. Franklin had gone to England in 1757 as a cheerleader for the British Empire. He would return to the colonies in 1775 as a revolutionary.

The American Revolution met the first requirement. The old order was rotten.

The second requirement is to offer improvement.

One would be surprised how many revolutions do not. Quite often governments can be overthrown merely to exchange power, not improve the situation. This or that tribe feels oppressed, and overthrows the ruling tribe; but no improvement is sought. The underclass and ruling class have merely exchanged places. This is quite typical in the Arab and African world. The present Syrian Civil War between Sunni and Shia is just such a struggle. No matter who wins, the object is to oppress the other side.

In other cases, governments can be overthrown to prevent improvement. This is quite common in Latin America where right or left wing groups have been known to overthrow governments rather than have them proceed with reform. In such cases, the maintenance of tyranny is sought.

In Europe, governments were overthrown to institute murderous totalitarian regimes far worse than the previous order; often in the name of class or ethnic struggle.

In all these cases, these countries would have been better without such revolutions, if only to prevent unnecessary bloodshed, and quite often to prevent a genuine horror.

The second requirement of improvement is rarely met. The Belgians met it in 1830, but just barely. The French Revolution met this requirement initially, but then descended into the Reign of Terror — perhaps as a reaction against foreign interference. But the French Revolution became a bloodbath. Its initially high principles were trashed.

In America, however, the colonists had a clear vision of liberty; and what it meant. They had enough experience with self-government to know that they could indeed run things better than the British. They had been schooled in the writings of Locke to know how a good government should be framed.

The third requirement is circumstance. There are many fine worthy peoples who have never achieved independence and liberty for lack of providential circumstance.

The Basque come to mind. They are an industrious people who greatly outperform Spain proper. Their per capita output is equal to Germany’s. In the Middle Ages, they had a wrested a degree of local autonomy from Spanish kings and ran their provinces like republics guided by the fueros (laws). Moreover, they were amazingly egalitarian with their women; always a sign of high civilization. Devoutly Christian, the Basque — mostly part of the forces fighting Franco — refused to embrace the communist atheism rampant in the Spanish Republican ranks; but remained proudly Catholic.

After Franco’s victory, it was the Basque country which regularly protested against his fascist rule. The General Strike of 1947 being a famous example.

Yet, this noble people is stuck between France and Spain. They will almost certainly never rise above autonomy, though they certainly deserve more. Likewise, can anyone doubt that if it were not the circumstance of adjacent geography, all of Ireland would be free of British rule by now?

Americans of the Revolution were blessed with natural wealth, a century and a half of practice in colonial self-government, and a history of self-reliance when Britain ignored them, as it did during their Cromwellian Civil War. Most of all, the three thousand miles between America and Britain was a game-changer.

America’s circumstances were providentially blessed.

The fourth, and most important requirement, is the quality of men. Most revolutions are run by thugs or benighted intellectuals. Mussolini, Stalin, the Assads of Syria, etc. Worse yet, they often depend on illiterate masses following them.

The Americans of the Revolution were the most unique people in world history. Literate, self-reliant, and moral at levels that is hard for us to conceive of today. They were probably the most biblically educated people in world history. Even the unbelieving Tom Paine would frame his pamphlet, Common Sense, arguing for revolution based on the Old Testament passages.

Contrary to popular belief, America was not one-third revolutionary, one-third neutral, and one-third Tory. In actuality, ninety percent of the population was in favor on Independence, to some degree or another. The American people were of a rare caliber of excellence, unity, and character.

When one looks at other revolutions in history, no one other people comes close.

Cromwell, who claimed to be setting up a Christian Commonwealth in 17th century Britain, dismissed the Parliament, and assumed the mantle of Lord Protector; which is a fancy name for dictator. A Protestant Ayatollah.

Washington, on the other hand refused a similar prospect when Army officers at Newburgh offered to deliver the new American government into his hands. He would not take the path of Caesar, Cromwell, or the subsequent Napoleon. The Europeans were so astounded by Washington’s character that he would be honored by all as a giant of history, even in his lifetime; even by the British. Upon news of his death, Napoleon had the French navy fire volleys in his honor.

The American Revolution succeeded because of a unique set of providential circumstances and righteous men. But let us not delude ourselves. The present day American people are not up to their mettle. Not in the least.

Written under the pen name of Mike Konrad


14 thoughts on “Why The Revolution Worked.

  1. To give reply to this article …
    1. The form of government that we have, works…
    The problem is, are the people in office.
    2. Any move, either by ballot or bullet, will bring
    about improvement, IF that improvement is the
    RESTORATION of the Bill of Rights and our Constitution.
    3. Providence, or the moving of GOD’S hand, occurs daily.
    It’s up to the Patriot to be in tune with GOD in order
    to recognize the opportunity.
    4. The Men and Women who would place their Sacred Honor, Lives,
    Fortunes, and Future, on the line. In order to RESTORE our
    Republic to it’s proper order. As our founders laid out.
    Would be worthy to follow to the gates of Hell it’s self.
    5 To remain silent, and do nothing. Said nation deserves what
    it gets.
    Men and women of this great Republic …
    Stand up and say, “NO MORE !”
    When the weasels come to your door, fight !
    When they come to your neighbors door, FIGHT !
    Prepare, Equip, and Train as Militia… for the fight is on the way.
    There’s NO stopping it.
    God Bless The Republic, Death To The New World Order,
    We’re On The March, The Enemy Is On The Run, We Shall Prevail !


  2. I know you like to post articles by Militia News, Paraclete, but I for one do not like that site: it promotes hatred of Muslims (hate Islam if you want, but cut out the trashing of Muslims! Not all Muslims are terrible, okay? Or would you rather shower love on Gentile-hating Talmudists???). It also regularly trashes the American people because the “muddle through” period where no one has quite figured out what to do (but individuals ARE figuring out what to do! Collectivists can rot in hell for all I care!) and because we aren’t all in militias I guess that means the American people love tyranny, right? Finally, Militia News NEVER, but NEVER offers INDIVIDUAL solutions.

    BEFORE any serious liberty can return to America, the American people MUST rally their forces as INDIVIDUALS ready to do individual/small group and likely clandestine acts that taken all together will bring about change; the American people MUST wake up to the traitorous attitude fostered by the neo-cons, neo-libs, dual-citizen Zionists and their supposedly “Christian” allies (such as CUFI and others, false prophets and strong delusioners to boot) and actually reach out to decent Muslims (yes they actually exist!) as well as Jews (I despise the Talmud but not all Jews are Talmudists and Gentile-haters) and other groups AS INDIVIDUALS, and any American who wants to stand up for liberty MUST STOP HATRED and practice love and other aspects of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    This tirade is not against you, Paraclete.

  3. This is why the Americans won (from the article):

    “The American Revolution succeeded because of a unique set of providential circumstances and righteous men. But let us not delude ourselves. The present day American people are not up to their mettle. Not in the least.”

    George Washington agreed that the war was won by Providence. When reading about the battles fought it is amazing to see how often a thick, soupy fog appeared out of nowhere hiding the Americans, or the current changed, stalling the British fleet, or the wind reversed direction halting the progress of the British.
    Most importantly, George Washington encouraged his men to seek righteous living, righteous behavior and that they attend church….that God could not bless them otherwise.
    Of course in church the fiery pastor in the pulpit took it from there as he railed against the King. “No King but Jesus” became the rallying cry of the American Revolution, along with “we follow God’s Laws,not man’s Laws.”
    No, the present day Americans are nowhere up to the mettle of our colonial American ancestors.


    1. “The American man is not up to the mettle “?
      You must be speaking for yourself , you should include that in your post , because you do not speak for me .

    2. evergreen,
      You are wrong. You make the mistake of judging the all through the observation of a handful. Those who are worthless are showboated front and center, and those who do have the mettle are occluded via the propaganda machine.
      We will not tolerate defeatism on this site as such shit feeds the lie. Maybe you are just mistaken but I suggest you figure it out. If you are already whipped, get the hell away from us, we don’t need you. We have a plenty with the mettle among our ranks.

      1. Providence is so unselfish that God sees fit to give the unjust breathe in their lungs as well as the just. there is great tribulation coming to our country now as God’s hedge of protection is slowly removed due to the unending debauchery of this country’s elect and the sheeple who move in ways that bring chaos to the populace(gay marriage/etc.) there are the righteous still here as we are , we are given breathe in our lungs and we are given one day a piece to make a stand and make a difference. when the day comes that all of us are no more and the morals and character which formed this country are no longer passed on, then and only then will it be a hopeless endeavor to fight against the wickedness. until that time, keep fighting the good fight!!!, good words from the poster above. thanks.

  4. We don’t have a great republic and we never did.The founding fathers were a mixture of freedom inspired individuals like Jefferson and Madison and tyrannical puppets of the English crown like Hamilton.Government is not great,never was and never will be.Individuals are great,always were and always will be.I’m still thinkin’ about that banana thing.Mewonders if Monsanto had something to do with it.

  5. I was reiterating the very last sentence of the posted article:

    “But let us not delude ourselves. The present day American people are not up to their mettle. Not in the least.”


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