Wicked Women in Places of Power

Zen Gardner

It’s been a while since we’ve had a good gallery of faces of evil, so let’s feature the freakish women who have been granted huge amounts of power in the corporate-industrial illuminist world. You’ll soon realize why. Just that top picture of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg-Vulture should be enough to close the deal. Search any of her pictures, they’re all just as inhumanly non-empathetic, frightening and chilling.

Thugs come in many forms, including the seemingly feminine.  

In this fascist male dominated hierarchy only certain female types are allowed to rise to power. Yes, allowed. It’s all part of the “brotherhood’s” psycho-spiritual warping, domination and social engineering of humanity and its resultant subjugation. We can add the demise of the divine feminine and a society built on love as well. Most react viscerally at the mere sight of these women, and for good reason. They don’t represent or emanate anything but darkness, greed and corruption in every respect, covered by slick words and a complicit media makeover.

And their deeds follow suit.

Let’s take a quick tour – see what you think.

Sonia Sotomayor

Sonia Sotomeyor – politically planted US Supreme Court “justice”. Take a guess if she’s owned. Check her associations.


Janet Yellen – newly “appointed” head of the FED. I feel so comforted. Just “happens” to be another Zionist plant. Surprised?


Hillary “Rottweiler” Clinton – you won’t meet anything much nastier or power crazed. Disgusting specimen.


Wicked to the bone Madeleine Albright – another mean, useful Zioidiot. “The price (of now millions) of dead Iraqi children is worth it.”  Monstrous.


And then there’s Nancy Pelosi, shrewd power freak amongst power freaks. Described as “mean as a snake” by fellow politicians. Just the tip of her iceberg.


“Angela” Merkel – really? Angel of what? Who is she?


Dianne Franken-Feinstein – out to shut our free speech down and much more. Oh, the love and concern she emanates.


Ah, Queen Lizzy herself. Lovely lady, and loves to share her wealth around, have you noticed? A ma dark shadow in plain sight.


He, she, errr…we don’t know, but it’s ugly and pissed. Probably the weirdest couple on earth – and they’re in power. Go figure.

French Economy Minister Christine Lagarde speaks during a news conference in Riyadh

Icy IMF chief appointee Christine Legarde telling us what she thinks. Charming.


Ah, the mother’s touch. Cold blooded eugenicist Kathleen Sebelius of Health and Human Services endorses selective depopulation. Nice warm face to go with it, no?


Another case in point. Former Australian PM Julian Gillard was calculated and cold as ….. you fill it in. Sordid past and present.


“Yup, I’m all for it!” Melinda Gates – power behind the throne of the Gates (of Hell Eugenics) Foundation? You might be surprised who’s who. Driven with the agenda.


Cristina Fernandez de Kirshner – toy puppet of she knows not what and current President of Argentina – another genre of budding appointed thugs.


Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan dutifully joining the boys’ club. Just another stooge, subjugated but feeling empowered. If she conforms.


Kate Middleton. Who is she?  Meet the upcoming class of dark, occult power drunk sycophants. Hollywood’s loaded with flaunting mimics of this force. They’ll pass like a bad wind, but do all the damage they can in the meantime. Just know who they are and and don’t pay them anything, especially your attention – which is your energy.


This is just a quick smattering of these types. We see them all over the news and even in daily life now that the role models are in place and the apparent “permission” has been granted to behave this way. Much like the brutal evolution of war and police powers – once conditioned, the authorities, and public, will not only follow these calculated precedents, but endorse and repeat them.

I just had to take a poke at these morons for hire after seeing some recent news stories. Such insipid specimens of humanity posing as “guardians of our sovereignty” and examples to live up to. What a travesty of justice, righteousness and any sense of care for humanity.

The insidious underlying spiritual aspect is how it subjugates the real feminine; the powerful, nurturing, mothering and caring aspect of the divine feminine. It so brashly yet cleverly subverts it into part of the current power grab and affirmation of the male hierarchical pyramid we’re being oppressed by. Yet another perfect example of social engineering at work, changing the face and rules of conduct for leadership, i.e. rulership, over an unsuspecting humanity.

Laugh at them, we know what we’re up against. Their shallow sorcery is powerful only to the unwary.

Here’s to the true women, mothers and the divine, loving feminine! They will rise to their true place once this hierarchy has crumbled and humanity will one day rejoice accordingly when it again finds balanced, conscious awareness, inward and outward.

Long live love!

Much love,




10 thoughts on “Wicked Women in Places of Power

  1. You cannot have a list of evil women without including Ceaușescu’s wife,she was head of the Romanian secret police,luckily she ended up with her back to the wall like her husband at same time to face AK-47 justice,seems she ordered more deaths then her husband.Luddite,was disappointed with club royals go to,was hoping for a sleazy rock n roll/metal bar,then would have thought not much different then many people,that place just seems a very weird ass circus.

  2. Thanks in advance kingskid for the nightmares of evil that I will surely endure tonight. j/k

    I hear Merkel is the daughter of Hitler. I’m too tired to click on the link to her profile. Perhaps tomorrow. I’ve seen that pic of Mooch with the crazy face before, is there a reference to it? That pic of justice Ginsberg is probably the most scarey face of all, it’s almost like looking at the face of hell itself, she looks like a demon!

    As for the rest of those evil elitist hags there is a special place for them. Even Miss I’m so sweet and innocent Kate. She knows what’s going on, they have an initiation process over there. Read up on her.

    As Zen says: “Laugh at them, we know what we’re up against. Their shallow sorcery is powerful only to the unwary.

    Here’s to the true women, mothers and the divine, loving feminine! They will rise to their true place once this hierarchy has crumbled and humanity will one day rejoice accordingly when it again finds balanced, conscious awareness, inward and outward.”

    True love always prevails. Real women are about love and nurturing, not about war and death.

    1. Initiation process for Kate?! Is this a ongoing process because if it is am more then willing to sacrifice time/effort to help out the monarchy in any way I can,Kate,feel free to give a call anytime(and I do mean any time!).

      1. James you are so naughty! Trust me, you want no part of that process. Yes she is very beautiful on the outside, but to meet criteria you must be evil on the inside.

        That is so not you James. And I have come to know you well enough that you would not sell your soul to the devil.

        Good night dear. 🙂

        1. Deb,think about it for a minute,perhaps I could save the princess from evil,just like a fairy tale,oh….,wait,tis why they call em fairy tales,they don’t really come true!

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